Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 479 You Are Rich

Chapter 479 You Are Rich

Tang Hai didn't know how many times he had taken the plane, and he was quite familiar with the airport in Yangcheng, but no matter how familiar he was, he had never taken an international flight.

"I'll see you off today first, and get acquainted with the situation a little bit. In a few days, when I fly over there, I won't ask questions."

Don't look at Tang Hai's expression, I've been on a plane, I know the whole process, don't worry about me having an accident.

In fact, he was really flustered in his heart. In the past, no matter what, he flew domestically. Even with a little local accent, the Mandarin he spoke was not very standard, but he could understand a thing or two in total.

But if you go abroad, all you speak are English, so how to communicate is a problem.

Especially when going through the customs, it seems that the customs in the beautiful country are really not very good at talking, even if Tang Hai is good at talking, but one speaks Chinese and the other speaks English, there is no way to communicate together.

If the other party thinks there is something wrong with him, that is the big problem. At this moment, Tang Hai really regrets why he didn't think about learning some English at the beginning.

As long as he had learned a little bit of English, he wouldn't have such troubles, troubles, really troubles.

Even if he can find an interpreter, he is willing to accompany him to go abroad, but it seems that when he goes through customs, it is one-on-one, and he still can't help.

For a moment, Tang Hai really regretted that he should actually go to the beautiful country with Song Boyang and the others.

What should I do if I encounter problems here in China? Don’t the subordinates I hired know how to work and don’t know what to do?

If you don't even know how to deal with this, you might as well resign and leave as soon as possible. He doesn't support useless people.

"It's okay, you are an invitation letter from my brother's company, it's a business event."

Song Bohua also said on the sidelines, "Don't worry, those customs are just dealing with the poor."

"You have enough strength, they will not target you."

"And you have enough asset guarantees, it is impossible to give up everything in the country and go to the beautiful country to become a second-class citizen."

Song Bohua looked at the anxious Tang Hai, and couldn't help but think of the worries they had before their family of four went to the beautiful country.

At that time, no one would give advice, so after getting off the plane, there was a lot of trouble at the customs.

At first, I thought that the customs staff had this attitude, but after getting to know more people, I knew the truth about it.

"And you have a visa." Generally, if you have a visa, the customs will not be too troublesome.

Well, Tang Hai also knew that with a visa, he didn't have to worry at all when he passed the customs, but he was still a little bit worried.

I squeezed my nose, forget it, I will ask about the situation after Lao Song gets there.

Now only Song Bohua has experience in customs at the scene. For him, it is very easy to go through customs.

"By the way, brother, are you naturalized?" Tang Hai remembered at this moment that he had forgotten to ask this question before.

Liu Wen and the others looked at Tang Hai differently. Do you still have to ask this question?
Song Bohua smiled slightly, "I'm naturalized."

It was probably at this time that Tang Hai realized that he actually asked a stupid question, "It wasn't the cooperation with the eldest brother, but the company."

That's right, he really didn't ask this question before, so he was curious.

"Okay, it's getting late, it doesn't mean you have to go in early, you have to check your luggage or something."

"Old..." Tang Hai just wanted to call Lao Song habitually, but he thought it was wrong, there was Song Bohua who was older than Song Boyang.

"Xiao Song, over there..." I want to say don't worry about spending too much money, and don't make fun of those Song family who look down on people.

All the members of the Song family went on vacation, and they all left the beautiful country. Liu Wen felt that they avoided it on purpose, let alone Song Boyang and the others.

It's just that whether to travel and where to travel are people's freedom, and Song Boyang and the others can only whisper in private.

"It's okay." Song Boyang said that it's okay for the clansmen to go out. For him, those people may not be as good as colleagues.

"I was worried at first. After this time, I will get along with them and what attitude I will take."

"Now that they have avoided it, it is a good thing, and I can rest assured."

Those clansmen didn't want to see their family, and Song Boyang wanted to say that he didn't want to see those people either.

From what Song Bohua revealed, he knew that those clansmen were not easy to get along with.

Even if Song Bohua meant to get in touch with those clansman more, it would make people angry, but he could really learn a lot.

But Song Boyang was really reluctant to let his children accept such beatings, so let's wait until they grow up.

"Yes, yes, they don't want to see us, and we don't want to see them either." Tang Hai took it for granted, "When they want to hug our big thick legs in the future, they won't take them."

Tuanzi kept nodding beside him, "Yes, yes, don't take them."

"Okay." Song Boyang glared at the dumpling, and they knew some things in their hearts.

Tuanzi smiled sarcastically, "Uncle, Dad, let's check in our luggage."

Although they have never been abroad, they have also been on a plane and know that the process is similar, that is, when they arrive there, the procedures they go through are a little different.

But Tuanzi said that what is really fearless is not just communicating with people.

Tang Hai looked at Tuanzi who was not afraid at all, and felt a little embarrassed. Even a child as young as Tuanzi was not afraid, so what should he worry about as an adult.

Turning around, I saw that even Liu Wen didn't have any fear, "Brothers and sisters, aren't you worried?"

"What are you worried about?"

"Are you worried about going through customs?" Liu Wen said, "There is nothing to be afraid of. If he makes things difficult for you, just remember one sentence."

Liu Wen said a word in English in a slow tone, "I won't answer any questions until my lawyer arrives."

"Is that so?" Tang Hai was stunned.

"That's right, we don't understand the language. If the customs insist on embarrassing us, we have no way to fight them at all."

"So let them know, you're someone with a lawyer, generally, unless they're sure you have a problem."

Song Bohua had heard Liu Wen speaking English before, but he was busy with other matters and didn't listen carefully. Only now did he realize that Liu Wen was actually saying this.

"That's a good idea."

"You just have to insist and see a lawyer."

"The customs side is also worried about causing trouble. You have completed all the formalities and there are no prohibited items in the suitcase. Don't worry at all."

Tang Hai understood, "Okay, so I'm sure." It's just a sentence of English, although it's a bit long and difficult, but Tang Hai thinks it's no problem to learn it.

"Bon Voyage."

"Call me when you arrive." Even though he knew it was safe to fly, Tang Hai was of course a little worried about flying so far this time.

Song Boyang hugged Tang Hai tightly again, "Be careful on the road."

"Take a break when it's time to rest. Don't be busy with work all the time." Even though he knew the things he had explained, once Tang Hai got busy, he would not take care of them at all, and Song Boyang would still explain them.

"You have to remember this too." He also told him not to be busy with work, and he didn't think about it, would Song Boyang take care of those things once he got busy?
"I'm much better now." Song Boyang said without hesitation, "Think about it for yourself, once something happens to you, who will be cheaper."

To make Tang Hai take care of this matter, Song Boyang knew how to speak.

In the past, Tang Hai would of course be in a hurry, but now, he is not in a hurry.

"Even if I have something to do, I won't let them take advantage of it." Tang Hai won't say anything about it.

(End of this chapter)

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