Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 500 Derivatives

Also, men's biggest idea of ​​flowers is that giving them to their girlfriend/daughter-in-law can make them happy.

As for more aspects, don't expect it. Liu Wen already thinks it's pretty good to be able to walk around with her, so the requirements should not be too high.

"Today, Lao Hei said that the flowers in the garden, in addition to having a regular flower shop to buy, are neighbors who come to buy some to take home."

Of course Song Boyang knew this. When they visited, they saw neighbors coming in to buy a bouquet or a few bouquets.

"Yes, but the garden is so big, relying on these flower shops and the surrounding neighbors to purchase one or two, there are still many flowers that cannot be found."

Well, Song Boyang wanted to say, daughter-in-law, are you sure that Song Rui doesn't want to sell all the flowers, and the garden is bare, which makes people feel ugly?
"Old Hei mentioned that every few days, some flowers will be picked and sent to a special company. They will purify and make rose essential oil or something."

As for how the other party uses it, Lao Hei doesn't know very well. The only thing that is certain is that Rose is really a small income-generating expert.

Liu Wen can imagine that once a rose garden is really built, it will be really beautiful, and then it can make money.

Thinking of this, Liu Wen felt happy when she thought about it, "Unfortunately, I don't understand these things."

"Otherwise, we can develop more things."

"That's right, we can develop rose sachets, and we can also make limited edition rose ice cream."

"rose Tea."

"In short, roses are really useful."

"There are really too many places to make money." Liu Wen really became more and more excited as she talked.

If it wasn't for the fact that I still had some scruples, I really wanted to dance around.

Although she restrained herself one or two times, Song Boyang and the others felt Liu Wen's happiness.

Song Boyang thinks that Liu Wen's happy appearance is really great, although he doesn't know if he can really make so much money.

But these are not problems in front of Liu Wen's smile, as long as the daughter-in-law is happy, this is enough.

Song Bohua took a breath helplessly, although he was avoiding Zhao Qian's eyes, although he was really a little slow about many things.

But it's not that he really doesn't understand, it's just that he didn't think of it.

Maybe the problem wasn't too big, but Song Boyang couldn't stand being so active. In Zhao Qian's eyes, he didn't perform well enough.

What to do?Could it be that he also expressed his opinion in front of his daughter-in-law, and also set up a rose garden for her?
There is no need to speak up, because if you speak up, you will be boring yourself, which is to fall behind others.

Song Bohua sighed helplessly, forget it, and think about how to surprise his wife.

I remembered that a partner mentioned last time that he wanted to give his wife a horse farm.

But it's not right to think about it again. The other party's daughter-in-law likes to ride horses, and she used to participate in equestrian competitions, so if you give her a horse farm, of course it's what she likes.

Song Bohua took Zhao Qian to ride a horse, it's not that he doesn't know how to ride a horse, but he doesn't have much interest.

If you send it to the racecourse, the effect may not be very good, so he directly rejected this idea.

Zhao Qian thought about it in her heart, after Song Rui's matter was resolved this time, she would follow Song Bohua back to China.

Her parents are getting old, and she is here in the beautiful country. Although she can often make phone calls, no matter how many calls she makes, it is better to visit her parents.

After she returns to China, although she should live in Yangcheng for a long time, the city where her parents live has planes, so she can often fly back to visit her.

If possible, I can also stay with my parents in Yangcheng for a few days.

And after she returned to China, she really hoped to have her own business.

Although she doesn't want to worry about having no money to spend, what she wants is not having no money to spend, but to have a share to pass the time and prove her career.

As for Liu Wen's idea of ​​how to take care of the rose garden, Zhao Qian thought it was really good, and her eyes lit up.

Although she is not serious about engaging in related industries, she usually helps Song Rui here, so she knows a thing or two.

Although she is not very knowledgeable, she said that she can learn. The only problem is whether Liu Wen will agree.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhao Qian felt that it would be better to simply bring it up.

"Xiaowen, do you think you need a partner?"

Ah, Liu Wen was stunned for a moment, is this planning to join the group?Don't look at what she said is a logical one, but she really doesn't know whether it is successful or not.

The most important thing is that what can be done here in the beautiful country may not be really feasible in China.

In addition, she is just talking non-stop, maybe she is not even a theoretical school.

In fact, she also had no idea, but she also wanted to try a thing or two, but she didn't expect that someone would join the gang after what she said.

Seeing that Liu Wen hadn't made a sound for a long time, Zhao Qian couldn't help but twitched her mouth, is it still okay?
To be able to take the initiative to propose it just now has really mustered up the courage, and I no longer know how to sell myself.

If Liu Wen is still unwilling to partner with her, won't her face and reputation be completely lost?
At this time, Liu Wen shyly said, "Sister-in-law, are you really willing to partner with me?"

"Don't look at what I'm saying. I really don't have any experience."

"If I have a little bit of experience, I can only say that after visiting the garden today, I heard what Old Hei said, so I got the idea."

"But this is a beautiful country, many things have been systemized, just follow the process."

"In China, there is no experience in this field, and the probability of success is not too high."

"I think the worst case scenario is that it's a garden and then it becomes a play area."

Liu Wen talked about the situation of Tanghai Farm, "Maybe it's just his appendage."

"It's the people who go to the resort to go for a walk or two."

"No problem." Zhao Qian understood. It wasn't that Liu Wen didn't want to partner with her, but that she really didn't have any confidence in her success.

Even if you don't know how much the investment will be, even if the current domestic prices cannot be compared with domestic prices, it is not a small number.

In particular, there will be a lot of money to be invested in the follow-up. Now they are relatives, so-called relatives, but once they start a business together and fail.

Zhao Qian knows that many people have good friends or relatives who have overturned their cars because of money, and those who never get along with each other are old and dead.

But she was able to open her mouth to propose a partnership, of course she had thought about this possibility.

"I know, I really don't care."

"Like you said, the biggest failure is a pretty garden."

"We go to have a look from time to time, it's not bad to receive friends inside."

"And do you think I'm short of money?" Zhao Qian felt that working with Liu Wen should be a really good choice.

Zhao Qian knew that Liu Wen and Liu Shuhui not only jointly opened an embroidery workshop in Sucheng, but also opened a new store in Yangcheng. If she is a stingy person, does she need to cooperate with others?

She has skills, connections, and money, but just working with Liu Shuhui shows that she is really a good person.

Even if the cooperation is really unpleasant, Zhao Qian said that she can quit, after all, the money is not big money.

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