Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 503 A Good Embroidery Girl Is Rare

Song Bohua once heard Liu Wen mention it, saying that there was a time when their embroidery workshop really almost didn't last.

He also said that if Tang Hai hadn't helped introduce clients, and he had helped sell overseas, what would happen now is unknown.

Song Bohua thought that there were too many embroiderers in Sucheng and the competition was fierce, but he didn't expect that the other party directly launched a price war.

Of course, Song Bohua is very familiar with price wars. If this is used well, it is of course very good. It can bring in a lot of business and quickly spread its reputation.

But once it is not used well enough, it will become a fool in the mouth of others. When the price is low, some people will come to buy things. Once the price recovers, there will be no customers immediately.

After a few times, the reputation is gone, and the customers will wait for the discounts to take care of them. The usual purchases will be controlled, or they will purchase from another place, that is the rush.

"Then you made it through, and they didn't fall into a good position?" It's true, once the embroidery works are low-priced and good-level embroiderers, a few will be willing to stay.

Who doesn't want to make more money with the same work.

"That's right." Liu Wen actually doesn't pay too much attention to those colleagues, that is, she knows a little bit occasionally.

Rather than focusing on those people, Liu Wen thought it would be better to improve her own level.

As long as your own level has improved, don't care about those people's petty thoughts at all.

No matter how careful they are, it is not as important as their strength.

Liu Shuhui and his wife couldn't swallow this breath, and they would occasionally inquire about it.

"How could the skilled embroiderers who attracted them in the past be willing to lower the price? They didn't receive an order."

A good embroiderer has more or less regular customers, but the business is not very stable.

The reason why I am attached to the embroidery workshop is that I hope to get more orders, but the price should not be too cheap.

The embroiderers who cooperated with Liu Wen's embroidery workshop, Liu Wen also knew that they would actually cooperate with other embroidery workshops.

What Liu Wen can do is to hope that they can complete the work seriously before releasing the task.

"There are still too few good embroiderers." Liu Wen couldn't help sighing, "Even if I have already asked my sister to start training embroiderers."

"Everyone knows that once you learn it, you will earn a lot more, but it is really difficult to become a high-level embroiderer."

It is really not bad to be able to become a teacher within ten years.

"Learning the craft is not easy." Song Bohua did not learn to embroider, but Liu Wen mentioned how she learned how to embroider in the first place, and she knew the hardships involved.

Liu Wen hummed, "And now that there is only one child, everyone's life is getting easier. Many people think that no matter how hard life is, they just can't make it hard for their children."

"As a result, many children are becoming more and more squeamish."

Liu Wen remembered what Liu Shuhui said about those little girls who learn embroidery now, not only why they wanted to learn embroidery in the first place, but because they were interested in it, or because their parents wanted them to learn it.

But there are really not many children who can persevere. After many children go home and cry for a while, the parents are reluctant to bear it. When they hear their children say that they don’t want to learn, they immediately agree.

"If you look at it now, you will find that there are many children who persist, and there is not only one child in the family."

Especially those girls who have stepmothers and stepfathers, they learn more seriously and work hard.

"In the future, everyone's life will be better, and there will be fewer people who learn to embroider mothers." Song Bohua thinks that the possibility of this is really great.

Hey, Liu Wen sighed helplessly, "Yes."

In the previous life, there were fewer and fewer embroidered mothers, "unless the children like it very much and are willing to endure hardship."

"The other thing is that the parents are willing." Liu Wen remembered what Liu Shuhui once said, saying that she met a child who wanted to continue learning embroidery, but the child's parents were reluctant to let the girl learn.

"It's not like that kind of embroidery machine is available now." Liu Wen knows this thing, and it can be said that many embroiderers with poor skills are really unemployed immediately.

The embroidery works produced by the machine, although due to the relationship between the equipment, the embroidery is not very good, and it feels a bit rigid.

But it must be admitted that the embroidery works produced by the machine are really cheap.

Compared with low-level embroiderers who don't know how long it takes to embroider the embroidery picture, the machine can be said to be done very quickly.

Absolutely a small expert in efficiency, and the work efficiency is very good.

Now the technology is not developed enough, so the works produced are not so good-looking, but the times are developing and technology is improving.

The level of embroidery machines is also improving, and the resulting works are really beautiful.

Thanks to the rich, they look down on this kind of popular machine embroidery works in various ways.

Are they poor people?What they want is something they wear, which is so special and conspicuous.

You can bump into shirts, but you can’t bump them too much. That way people feel that clothes, jewelry and other things should be cheap, otherwise, it would be like Chinese cabbage, so many people would wear them.

"But machine embroidery, I've seen it before, and it's really average." Song Bohua was very nervous when he knew that such a machine came out.

Because if the works produced by this thing are so good, how can he compete with them.

The speed is not as fast as others, and the works are similar to others. The most important thing is the price of machine embroidery, but it is much more expensive than handmade embroidery works.

"Yeah, it's average now, but the machine will be upgraded, and I don't know how much the level will be improved by then."

"Then what do you mean?" Song Bohua knew that the machine would definitely be upgraded and improved.

Can the processed products catch up with labor?If this is the case, is there still need for manual embroidery?

Song Bohua knows very well that since the invention of the machine and the entry into the machine age, many industries that were previously popular and sought-after have disappeared.

Aren't they a craft?But with the progress of the times, it will inevitably disappear.

Song Bohua really didn't dare to imagine, what if the embroiderer's work was replaced by machines?
About this question?Liu Wen didn't think about it, but if Song Bohua insisted on asking, she thought about it for a while.

"Although the machine is good, it will only go according to the steps you set, and the finished product is actually known a long time ago."

"But if it's artificial, no one knows whether there will be accidents in the middle, and it depends on how Xiuniang turns decay into magic."

"It's like opening a blind box, giving people more expectations."

"So even if it is possible, the job of embroidering mother will disappear just like that, but I don't think it should be so fast."

"Perhaps in my lifetime, Xiu Niang should exist."

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