Chapter 611
Although Tang Hai was driving, but hearing Gong Li's words, why did he feel that these words were a trap.

How can a mother not hope that her children will not get married and have children?

Although Liu Wen's children are also Gong Li's grandchildren, who wouldn't want the family members to prosper.

Let’s just look at Song Bohua, I’ve asked him countless times before, why Song Boyang hasn’t had a baby yet.

Knowing that Song Boyang already had two sons, it didn't prevent Song Bohua from hoping that Song Boyang could have a few more children.

But think about it again, if you don't remind me now, it doesn't mean that you won't remind me later. Tao Shan just broke up in love and can't remind her. That kid Tao Yu, Gong Li wants to remind her.

But the problem is that this kid is unusually busy. It seems that since he went to the capital, although he has come back, it can be said that he really came and went in a hurry.

A very busy person, usually with little vacation time, some time off to come back to visit parents, and then take a rest for a day or two, how can there be time for a blind date.

And a blind date is not just a blind date as you say, it only takes time for the other party to do it.

Even though an appointment has been made, Tao Yu's unit calls, and he will be in a hurry. There is no way to arrange a blind date.

Of course, there is another point, which Tang Hai thinks is the most important point, that is, people nowadays have become materialistic.

They all hope to find a rich man, a man who can make him live a good life, but Tao Yu's conditions.

In the past, of course it was very good, the kind that was very popular with young girls and elders, but if it is put in now, it really may not be popular.

The job of Tao Zeming and his wife is considered good, but the problem is that the job is good, and the salary may not be so good, let alone an elder sister-in-law who is in her 30s and is not married.

As for Tao Yu himself, although he is considered good-looking, in this day and age, is it good to be good-looking?
The income is not high, and the work is still busy, that is to say, once you marry him, you will either travel thousands of miles to join the army in other places, or the husband and wife will live apart and live under the eyes of your parents-in-law and sister-in-law. These days are not ordinary sad.

Tang Hai also asked Tao Yu about his salary, although they all know that Tao Yu is not the kind of person who lives on salary.

Tao Zeming and his wife are not people who live on wages. They don't have a lot of property under their names, but at least they can live on rent.

But whether it is Tao Yu or Tao Zeming and his wife, they are not the kind of people who will be jealous.

They kept a low profile and saved a lot of trouble, but the result was that the Tao Yu brothers' marriage was really not an ordinary troublesome one.

Forget it, don't think about it, why do you think so much, it's Tao Yu's private matter, and maybe there are women who really like his style, even if he has no money, it's the kind that chases after him.

Liu Wen is really curious about one thing, that is, counting the time, how come Tao Yu's right match hasn't appeared yet?
It seems that Tao Yu should probably be a father according to the time calculation, but in the end, not to mention becoming a father, even the daughter-in-law did not show up.

What's the situation? Is it because Tao Zeming and his wife moved to Yangcheng to live, and Tao Yu went to work in Beijing?

In her previous life, Tao Shan didn't come to work in Yangcheng, let alone Shenzhen City, and she didn't know if someone's job had changed so much, whether she could still be married to the official from her previous life.

If not, I don't know if I can find someone suitable for them.

If possible, Liu Wen hopes they can be happy.

"What are you thinking about?" Tang Hai noticed that Liu Wen was distracted again.

"I'm wondering if there are not enough parking spaces in today's community." Can Liu Wen say what she's thinking?

Of course not, I just picked up a topic at random, and she also believed that Tang Hai should pay attention to this topic.

"Parking space?" Tang Hai didn't understand why he had to consider the parking space when he was going to buy a house properly.

Things that Tang Hai couldn't even understand, let alone Tao Shan and the others, looked at Liu Wen in puzzlement.

"What I think is that there are not many people with private cars now, but won't there be many in the future?"

"At the beginning, the cars running on the road in Suocheng were either buses, trucks, or cars from the factory, in short, they were all cars from the unit."

"But when we left Sioux City, there were also privately bought cars. Of course, more cars were listed under the name of the unit."

"Here in Yangcheng, not to mention, there are more cars on the road. I remember when Brother Song and I came here, there were only a few cars on the road."

"And there are really a lot of cars on the road now."

"Some roads have already started to have traffic jams." It's really not an ordinary coincidence. When Liu Wen said this, the roads happened to be blocked.

"This is the point of work. Everyone has to go to work. There will definitely be traffic jams, especially since this is the main road." Is the traffic jam here strange?

Tang Hai really thought it was strange that there would be a traffic jam here, and there was nothing strange about it.

"Yes, this is the main road." Even though Liu Wen knew that there were not many roads in Yangcheng, she certainly knew that this road was in the downtown area.

"But when I came to Yangcheng for the first time, I also drove around and took Tuanzi with them."

Liu Wen really felt that she was big enough. In a strange city, relying on unfamiliar driving skills and a city map, she led the group and the others to explore Yangcheng.

"I was also a novice at that time, why did I dare to drive the dumpling and them on the road alone."

"It's not that there were not too many cars in Yangcheng at that time, even if I was a novice, I didn't have any fear."

"But if it is now..." Liu Wen shook her head and said, "I really don't have the guts."

"If you're not careful, what if you collide with another car?"

"It's only been more than two years, and it's already like this. If it continues, I don't know what will happen."

"If the road is not widened, let alone the main road, I think that as long as it is a road in Yangcheng, there will be many cars."

"And then there's a big traffic jam."

"How could it be?" Tang Hai wondered if Liu Wen was too pessimistic, "Do foreigners often get stuck in traffic? They are a country on wheels. No matter where they go, including commuting to and from get off work, they are far away from home and need a car."

"As for us, it's really not too far from our work place to our home, so we can ride a bike."

The beautiful country is a country on wheels, and so is ours, but they are the wheels of a car, and we are the wheels of a bicycle.

In short, no matter what, no matter what, it is also a means of transportation.

Do you have a car for commuting?This is the case in the beautiful country. As for the country, after another 20 years, maybe there is such a meaning.

But now, "Do you really think buying a car is for commuting?"

Tang Hai was dumbfounded. He drives now for convenience, and he can go wherever he wants.

He still remembers the scene of buying a car for the first time. Although the car he bought was not a good one, he still remembered the excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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