Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 613 I Was Out of My Mind Back then

Chapter 613 I Was Out of My Mind Back then

Tao Shan didn't know that the house she was looking at now had a lot of background.

Looking at the greenery in the community, she felt like she was going to faint.

"It's really not ordinary beauty."

"The greening is also very good, and there are children playing around below."

"It's not too far from the hospital where I will work in the future."

"Then it's not too far to go to Xiaowen's side."

"It's a bit far to go to my parents." Tao Shan just asked about the surrounding environment and the distance to several places.

"At that time, you can even buy a car." Tang Hai felt that Tao Shan didn't need to think about this issue at all.

You can even buy a house without thinking about it. Can you not buy a car by then?

"I promise it will work." Although she felt that the pressure would be great, Tang Hai said that she could turn motivation into pressure, and she would definitely work harder and harder.

"I haven't thought about buying a car." If Tao Shan is asked to buy a house, she will consider it, because having more houses can give her a full sense of security.

"As for the car, forget it." Tao Shan used to think that with a car, it would be convenient to go everywhere, but now forget it.

"If I had money, I would buy a house."

"The car is worth less, but the house is different." There is no way, even though she is an unmarried daughter.

But when you get older, you can't just tie yourself to your parents and younger brothers when you give gifts to and from relatives.

Then I want to buy a house for Liu Wen's children, and I have already bought things for Liu Wen's children. Once Tao Yu gets married and has children in the future, does her aunt say, I'm sorry, I didn't expect your father to get married and have you. Your aunt and I didn't have time to prepare.

Calculated in such a circle, even if there is no child to raise, it still needs to pay a lot of money. Not to mention the future retirement, more money is needed, there is really no way to spend less.

The more Tao Shan thought about it, the more she regretted it. She was definitely out of her mind at the beginning, and she would become like this for such a man.

"I really regret it. I just let Zhu Mingjun go. I don't even ask him for the money I spent on him."

"I'm really out of my mind. My family is not very rich, but if I can get the money back, I will..."

Although this time for business, I will still ask Liu Wen to borrow some money, but at least not so much.

Tao Shan gets angry when she thinks about it, and really wants to go back and ask Zhu Mingjun for money.

"Sister, forget it, really forget it."

Liu Wen grabbed Tao Shan, "Forget it, there's no need to find them."

"Now the Zhu family is really relying on the old man to live. Although Zhu Mingjun is still at work, it is really not ordinary hardship to go to work like this."

"He used to rely on his background and college degree, so he really looked down on this and that."

"Forget it, now his backer is gone, and before we left, didn't they already have a falling out."

Liu Wen knows that for some families, the existence of the eldest son and grandson is really not an ordinary high status.

Looking at the situation of Zhu Mingjun's family, he really doesn't feel like a rich man, but why does he have such a high status in the family.

It should be that he occupies a good position, and at least he is smart, not too stupid.

"He, that is, he has grandparents who help him." Liu Wen remembered that Zhu Mingjun's grandparents were all there, and she also liked this grandson in various ways, thinking that he was the one who made the Zhu family live a good life key person.

I have to say that the old man is really an old man, and his vision is not ordinary, but he really sees that Zhu Mingjun is the person who makes them live a good life.

But thinking about it again, this idea is actually very broad, and the Zhu family has poured so much resources and money into it.

In addition, Zhu Mingjun is not completely a fool, he was admitted to medical school and finally became a doctor. No matter how he looked at it, he knew that at least his future would not be too bad.

Of course, as for the so-called supporting relatives, it's really not that Liu Wen looked down on him.

It's that he has no outstanding talent, but he is pretentious. He always feels that he is so downcast now. It is because the school teacher wrote a bad review, which prevents him from entering a good hospital.

Later, I met unreasonable hospital leaders, especially the department head. Anyway, he was doing all kinds of dirty and messy things, and those things that were particularly easy to shine and achieve results were done by others.

Although Tao Shan followed Zhu Mingjun quite a bit, she still insisted on the principle on this point, even if she didn't help him, let alone help him with the transfer work.

"Sister, I remember you mentioned that they once hoped that you could help him transfer jobs, but did you decline?"

It's really not that Liu Wen has been pregnant for three years and is stupid, but wants to confirm one or two again.

Tao Shan didn't expect Liu Wen to ask such a question, so she hummed, "That's right, he asked me that."

"But I didn't agree."

"In that hospital, he was actually not very good. If he enters a good hospital, he will feel even more inferior."

The better the hospital, the better the level of doctors. Of course, it is also very hard to trample on people. Tao Shan really understands this very well.

She was an exchange doctor at the beginning, and she didn't have too many conflicts of interest with those doctors. It can be said that the relationship is really good.

But after they knew she was going to stay in the hospital, she found that many attitudes towards her had changed.

It can be said that if it is not for her high level, she can be regarded as a knife in the hospital, can she still get along with her work in the hospital?
"No matter where you are, strength is the most important brand name." Liu Wen said boldly.

Tao Shan couldn't help nodding, "Yes, I also know he is unhappy, so I told him not to think too much, always thinking about working in a big hospital, or learn a little bit more first to improve his level .”

"There is no problem with that." Liu Wen really thought that Tao Shan's suggestion was very good, but if Tao Shan could say it, it meant that someone should be very unhappy.

"Yeah, it's a person, no, but anyone with a little brain will think that my proposal is okay."

"But in this world, there are too many people without brains."

"Really don't say anything, I'm a college student."

"People, once you are unreasonable, it really has nothing to do with your education."

"All I can think about is, I'm so good, how can I be so blind."

"Forget it, don't mention it, if I go on, I'm really going to die of anger."

"Forget it, in the future, let other people worry about such things."

"Xiaowen, let me tell you, you can persuade someone you have a good relationship with, but if the other party doesn't listen, you, don't be stupid, insist on persuading the other party again and again."

It can be said that Tao Shan seldom thinks so much about others, but the result is that no matter how much she thinks about others, no one thinks she is good.

Liu Wen kept nodding her head, indicating that she understood. If it wasn't for their good relationship, Tao Shan wouldn't have such troubles.

(End of this chapter)

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