Chapter 665
What?Liu Bin didn't come here with him?Liu Yi looked at Pang Yue puzzled.

After confirming again and again, and after thinking about it, why do you think he is cowardly?Even if Liu Bin really came here, he has nothing to be afraid of.

This is the capital city, not Yangcheng, so it is impossible for him to bring his younger brothers here, even if he does bring those younger brothers here, he has no money anyway.

If it really got serious, he would call the police directly, hmph, he is already an adult, if he made such a mistake, of course he should pay back.

When Liu Yi arrived, the breakfast time had already come to an end, and there were not many things behind. After receiving a few guests quickly, Pang Yue sat down on the side.

"Let's eat." Pang Yue made some big buns with the remaining ingredients just now.

Liu Yi looked at the big steamed stuffed bun that was handed over just now, "I didn't order it."

"And I don't have any money." Now he knows that besides pretending to be poor, he must not let Pang Yue know his background.

Liu Yi was worried that Pang Yue would betray him again after taking his background into account. If he had to choose someone from among his family members, tell him about his current situation.

No need to think about it, just choose Liu Wen directly, because I know she will never betray him.

"I know you have no money." Pang Yue glanced at the cart next to him and the old goods on it, "You are in Yangcheng, at least you are still in the vegetable business."

"I didn't expect that you would be doing second-hand goods business here." Pang Yue curled her lips, really, this person is really a waste material.

I thought it was vulgar enough for him to do vegetable wholesale business, but I didn't expect it to be even lower.

Is this a business of looking down on second-hand goods?Liu Yi lowered his head to eat, and Pang Yue looked down on him, so he looked down on him.

When he was young, he would be angry, thinking that Pang Yue had no right to look down on him, but now, it doesn't matter at all whether he looks down on him or not.

Face is really not important, money is more important, "I can't help it, I'm a foreigner."

"At the beginning, I was penniless for Liu Bin. When I came to the capital, I spent about the same amount of money."

"I want to do vegetable business, not because I need capital."

"But for the junk business, you can pick up the trash first and start slowly."

Liu Yiyue didn't think he lived through ordinary hardships, "There is no way, the capital is expensive here, and I am used to collecting second-hand goods."

"By the way, how is your business?" Liu Yi didn't want Pang Yue's topic to always revolve around him.

After a long time, it is really easy to have an accident, of course we need to change the subject quickly.

"My business," Pang Yue didn't expect the topic to come back to her.

Can't help but smile awkwardly, "That means I can make ends meet."

"After all, people here eat a lot of dumplings, and the dumplings I make are good."

"Then I have to rent a house here, and then the business is not very good, and I just dawdle."

"Then why don't you go to the south?" Liu Yi really didn't want Pang Yue to stay in the capital.

The capital is not too small, but they unexpectedly met by chance. Thanks to his desolate appearance, Pang Yue didn't notice the problem.

But if she found out how beautiful he was, what would she think?

Even if you don't contact Liu Bin, it's easy to contact Liu's family.

For Liu Yi, whether it is Liu Bin or the Liu family, it is really not the person he wants to see. If possible, he really hopes that he will not meet for the rest of his life.

"South," Pang Yue sighed, "if the old family members go out to work, they will all go south."

For the good fortune of Gong Jun and their husband and wife, everyone felt that there were more opportunities in Yangcheng, and that they could make a lot of money going there.

Of course, not all of them will go to Yangcheng, maybe they will go to other southern cities, "Once they find out, tell my mother and them?"

Liu Yi thought of Pang Yuema. Ever since her brother passed out, the old lady had sold off a lot of property for her son.

Don't look at the old lady's ruthless mouth, saying that she will not trouble Pang Yue's daughter in the future.

But knowing that she made a lot of money here in Yangcheng, she insisted on paying for it.

He also said that if he didn't give the money, he would go to Yangcheng to find her, and he had no choice but to pay.

And the old lady of the Pang family's appetite is getting bigger and bigger, "I have no choice, Liu Bin needs a lot of money."

"If you don't learn well, you will live with the gangsters."

"If I discipline you a little bit, just hit me directly."

"It's the same with my mother. She kept asking for money, saying that I made a lot of money in Yangcheng, so what should I do with some money for my brother?"

Remembering the phone call she received from home before she was about to leave, Pang Yue let out a deep breath, "You opened your mouth and asked me to pay [-]."

fifty thousand?Liu Yi was stunned. He was doing business in Yangcheng. When he was a big business, he had never seen [-] yuan. But it was a one-month business, and then he had to pay for vegetables. The money left in his hands was not much. .

In the end, I didn't expect that the former mother-in-law was really not ordinary, and she just asked for so much money.

"Is she crazy to ask for so much money?" It was because they had worked hard in Yangcheng that they knew how hard it was to earn the [-] yuan.

"Why does she want so much money?" Song Boyang really didn't understand why the old lady asked for so much money.

In fact, in his opinion, if he hasn't woken up for so many years, he is already a waste, a hopeless person, which means he is better than Liu Bin.

A comatose man will not make all kinds of troubles, but if possible, he can be allowed to leave quietly.

"My mother said that she is old, and I have no time, and it is impossible to take good care of her good son."

"I just thought about marrying a daughter-in-law if possible." Pang Yue didn't know how to take care of her younger brother.

But what she didn't expect was that the old lady would rather believe an outsider, "and said that after she left, everything about the house would be left to that woman."

Ah, there is such an operation?Liu Yi was really stunned, "You. Mom is really old."

"I used to be a shrewd person, but now?"

"You can't even take care of your own sister, how can you trust a stranger to take good care of your brother?"

"He even planned to leave the house and everything to that woman."

"Don't let her just walk away, that daughter, don't do anything, just don't give him food and drink, don't wipe his body, how long can her precious son live."

"By the way, if she asked for [-], it was for that woman?" Liu Yi suddenly remembered the [-] that Pang Yue said before.

Pang Yue nodded lightly, "Yes, that's it."

Let me go, Liu Yi really couldn't help but want to curse, "I really don't know how to say it."

"If she insists on marrying a daughter-in-law, that's her business. If she has money, how she wants to spend it is her business."

"But what?"

"You are really the same as me." Liu Yi couldn't help sighing, "It's because parents and brothers can't count on you, but they count on you instead."

"Look for someone, it's also an unreliable one."

"As for the children born, each one is even more unreliable. Don't say they will be filial, if they don't cheat you, they are already secretly having fun."

Liu Yi didn't think he said that at all, and by the way, he was pitting himself into it.

Pang Yue hummed helplessly, "Yes, we are all hard-working people."

(End of this chapter)

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