Chapter 668 Hiring
"And most importantly, don't worry, we will snatch your customers away."

A person who can expand the scrap purchase business must not just buy scraps through the streets and alleys, but must have a few big customers in hand, and then go to the other factory to collect things.

In this way, anyone would be nervous. What if the hired helper finds out who to contact when the time comes and poachs Liu Yi's client away after working for a few days?
From the moment Qi Lan started to speak, Liu Yi had a feeling that this girl was really not ordinary when she spoke.

But I also have to admit that what this guy said is really reasonable. There are people who help in the store and help with housework. It is really very happy.

However, Liu Yi didn't show his joy on his face. After all, the price was not discussed, and he didn't know what the other party's asking price was.

If the asking price is within a reasonable range, it is not unacceptable.

"Can I have food and lodging included?" Although Qi Lan wanted to talk about salary, she couldn't bear it and started to protest a long time ago, and she couldn't help it.

I just thought about whether to bear it or not, and after discussing the work, we will discuss the issue of board and lodging.

Only in this way can she have a good rest with peace of mind.

"You don't have a place to live?" It's not that there is no place to live, but how to say that, it's actually a bit inconvenient.

"Yes, we are from other places." Qi Lan was a little nervous, worried that Liu Yi would continue to ask, if she asked again, how should she answer.

Fortunately, Liu Yi just stared at her for a long time, "You said you can cook for me, do I have to provide three meals a day?"

Originally, Liu Yi was still thinking about using one person's salary in exchange for two laborers, and someone to clean the house and so on.

As a result, he only now knew that the co-authorship pit was waiting for him here, and he really didn't know what to say.

"Yes, but don't worry, I'm good at cooking, and I used to work as an assistant in a restaurant."

"I also help those who do wedding receptions as the second in the kitchen."

"Although the food made isn't very tasty, it's okay." Qi Lan couldn't help feeling worried.

After all, this is both food and housing, even if it is to pay one person's salary, it is a bit of a loss for the boss.

But just leaving like this, Qi Lan didn't want to, if she just missed this time, she didn't know where she needed to recruit, and she didn't know if she would be willing to recruit her.

To be honest, he was really not willing to recruit just because of so many demands. Although he didn't know when the next worker would show up, it was better than making such a trouble.

But look at the pitiful appearance of the other party, and Qi Lan who can obviously leave his idiot brother behind and live without starvation.

At this moment, Liu Yi's heart could not help but soften. Of course, he would not admit it. He said that after all, one person's salary is enough to do so much work.

More importantly, if they lived here, wouldn't they be able to work overtime?
Waking up means going to work, and going to rest when tired means leaving get off work. Thinking of this, Liu Yi immediately felt better.

"Success, I have no objection, but what I want to tell you is." There is one thing Liu Yi thinks he still needs to talk to Qi Lan and the others.

Qi Lan didn't expect the surprise to come so quickly, and was just about to agree, when Liu Yi had something to say.

Qi Lan couldn't help but raise her heart, thinking about it, she didn't know what Liu Yi would say, whether she wanted her to give up Qi Jun.

"I'm divorced. I rent the house here by myself and collect second-hand goods for a living."

"Then the yard was messier."

"In terms of houses, there are several, but some of them pile up valuable things for me." This must be guaranteed. If some things are placed in the open air, they really cannot be sold at a price.

When Qi Lan heard this, his first reaction was, could it be him?If this is the case, she will never give in and would rather leave.

"You and your brother will live in the room by the door."

"It just so happens that you tidy up one or two today."

"By the way, he can also be regarded as a gatekeeper."

"Of course that room is not big, but it's okay to have a bunk bed."

Liu Yi knew that what he said just now should be misunderstood by the little girl, so he said what he wanted to say quickly.

That's right, when Qi Lan heard this, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, "Yes, yes."

He's a nice person, so if the two of them live at the door, there may be less gossip.

"It just so happened to me that I received a bunk bed the other day, and when the time comes I wipe it down and I assemble it."

"Sister, I'm hungry." Qi Jun didn't want to say it at first, but there was really nothing he could do. His stomach kept growling, and he was really uncomfortable.

Liu Yi originally wanted to continue talking, but he didn't expect to hear Qi Jun say that.

It's still a little time before lunch, so they shouldn't be hungry, unless they didn't eat breakfast.

Liu Yi took out ten yuan from his pocket, "Go and buy some food, and then according to your appetite, buy some meat buns."

Eating steamed buns alone is not enough, you must eat meat buns, so as to fight hunger.

Qi Lan just wanted to say that there is no need to pay this much money, but when she heard that they were asked to buy meat buns, she wanted to say, just eat steamed buns.

"We are full, and we have to go to the factory to receive the goods. It is expected to be around twelve o'clock when we get home."

"You will come to buy vegetables on the way, remember to buy meat." People who do manual labor should not be stingy when it comes to food, especially oil and water.

"After we come at noon, we will have lunch and then take a short rest, and we will continue to go out."

Although there are not many customers on hand, the business is really good if you can't stand it. In short, buying a tricycle is on the agenda.

In this way, more things can be loaded, people can be more relaxed, and they can run a few more times.

Qi Lan murmured for a long time, originally wanted to take Qi Jun out, but after thinking about it, letting Qi Jun stay here would also make it easier to work.

Qi Jun saw that Qi Lan was about to go out, of course he was anxious and wanted to follow, but Qi Lan stopped him, and after a few words, Qi Jun also stayed.

This also made Liu Yi breathe a sigh of relief. After all, Qi Jun is not smart, so what if he insists on making noises and following Qi Lan?

They were about to go out to collect things and do some work, and suddenly this kid was crying for Qi Lan, what should he do?

Does it make people think whether he is abducting someone?But now that he can get acquainted in advance, Liu Yi thinks it is very good.

Soon Liu Yi felt that it would not be a disadvantage to invite the two siblings. Although Qi Jun's brain is not very good, he is obedient, and then he can do whatever he is asked to do.

This made Liu Yi envious, thinking that it should be all thanks to him, his mother and his sister, who were able to raise this child so well, which shows that he really didn't treat him badly.

Qi Lan knows that Qi Jun is a sensible child, and under normal circumstances, he really doesn't make a fuss, but sometimes it's really just in case.

Qi Lan quickly bought the things, and then rushed home, she kept praying in her heart, she didn't ask too much, and hoped that Qi Jun didn't lose his temper,

Otherwise, if there is such a mess, the work will be absolutely useless. If things are damaged, they will still need to pay for it.

Fortunately, when she rushed back, she saw the two of them packing up their things, and she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Seeing how they got along, they should get along well, so they shouldn't have any problems when they go out to collect second-hand goods.

(End of this chapter)

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