Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 679 The Xiao Family's Intentions

Chapter 679 The Xiao Family's Intentions

"Okay." Song Bohua once again felt worthless for his two nephews.

What they discussed before was the possibility of solving the problem with the knife that Tuanzi and the others brought to Liu Bin.

"If Tuanzi and the others are still alive, it is expected that Xiao's family will rush back from the west when they know the news of their injuries."

"Then aggressively demand that the murderer be severely punished, especially after knowing who the murderer is, they will definitely whisper something in your ear, in Tuanzi's ear."

"Speaking of this accident, it has nothing to do with Xiaowen."

Song Boyang hummed, but, "It's not like they don't know how Xiaowen treats Tuanzi and the others, and they shouldn't be so stupid."

"And the relationship between Xiaowen and Liu Bin, Tuanzi and the others also know how it has deteriorated."

"He's a smart person, so he wouldn't think like that." Song Boyang never considered that Tuanzi and the others would have any dissatisfaction with Xiaowen.

"Yes, people with brains don't think so."

"But if someone keeps nagging in Tuanzi's ears for a long time, saying that after Xiaowen has a child, she will definitely favor her own child."

"After the child is born, you will like the younger son even more, and you will not care about the two sons above."

"Then in order not to let them get in the way, I proposed to let them go abroad, to a beautiful country."

"Then, in order to supervise them, Xiao Wen specially arranged for their nephews to accompany them to the beautiful country."

"It's obviously to take care of them, but it's actually to supervise them."

"Impossible." Song Boyang retorted, "Tuanzi and the two brothers have a very good relationship."

"Actually, the proposal to study abroad was also proposed by Tuanzi."

"Later Xiaowen also suggested that it would be good to go abroad to have a look. After all, the conditions on my sister's side are better now, so I can send them abroad."

"Of course the most important thing is that they have already earned the cost of studying abroad."

"We know this, but do outsiders know?"

"Will the Xiao family know?" Song Bohua asked back.

Song Boyang understood now, and couldn't help laughing, "The Xiao family is really..."

"I knew that they stayed here in Yangcheng for so long, just to inquire about their own situation."

"But are they stupid? How much of the situation at home has been leaked?"

"Everyone knows that I took my health and they went abroad. How many people know that they made a lot of money going abroad?"

"They knew that Xiaowen opened an embroidery workshop, and they didn't even think about it. This embroidery workshop is a collaboration between Xiaowen and her sister."

"I don't even know that their mother is healthy, but she is actually a very good embroiderer, and her salary is not low."

Now Liu Shuhui really doesn't have many opportunities to sell, basically one or two embroidery pieces a year, and more is used to train newcomers and look after the store.

But with just one or two chances to make a move, the money earned is very good.

There is no problem in supporting the affluent life of a family of four, let alone rent and other income.

"It will definitely not be worse than theirs." Song Boyang said lightly, although he doesn't know how much the Xiao family has, the previous Xiao family should be richer.

But the problem is that when there are no successors, the speed at which these people spend money is leveraged, which is all kinds of money.

Thinking of this, "It is absolutely impossible for them to get money from me through Liu Bin's move, or to immediately establish the relationship between Xiaowen and Tuanzi."

"Let's investigate this matter again, if it's really the case." Song Boyang's face was drawn very long, "They really have too many good days."

"Don't they like to plot people, then let them fight."

"Why count outsiders' money all day long? If you want to count, of course you have to count the money in the hands of the old man."

Song Boyang had this idea before, but it wasn't because he was busy with work that he didn't care.

But the result is that the Xiao family is really trying to die in all kinds of ways. Since they all dislike living long enough, then their conditions are met.

Song Bohua shook his head from the sidelines, "Even if they didn't make the move, according to you, they would plot against Tuanzi and them."

"Since they are so scheming, why do they need evidence?" Song Bohua said, "You said it yourself, you can't let Liu Bin go lightly."

"Then why let the Xiao family go?"

Well, Song Boyang looked at Song Bohua, who was already a little angry, and said, "Brother, I won't let them go."

Song Boyang couldn't help wiping off his sweat, "Well, let's investigate first."

"If this person..." Song Boyang nodded the inconspicuous name, "If it is really related to him, then go and find out why he helped the Xiao family."

Song Boyang simply didn't believe that a friend who didn't have much contact would accuse him of doing such an outrageous thing for him.

This is not dealing with ordinary people. Maybe everyone will only think of family disputes. How could they think of such a possibility.

It can be said that if Song Bohua hadn't made such a character picture, he would not have discovered it.

"If there is a relationship, you can't let him go easily." For Song Boyang, his family is his weakness.

Song Bohua hummed, "Don't worry, I will let the people below watch."

We all know that Song Boyang has been busy training rural doctors recently, so he may not have time to focus on these.

Anyway, a result will be given at that time. As for how to deal with it, let Song Boyang deal with it.

"Brother, I will come here every day to ask about the progress." Song Boyang expressed his meaning.

Ah, Song Bohua looked at him in surprise, "Aren't you very busy?"

"I'm busy, but it doesn't mean I can't care about these things."

"That's right." Song Bohua thought about it, and felt that this was normal. If it were him, he would probably do the same.

"But you should also pay attention to rest." Song Bohua was worried about his younger brother. Once he gets busy, he won't care about anything and won't know how to rest.

"I know, I will pay attention to rest." Song Boyang looked up at Song Bohua, and found that the dark circles under his eyes were getting bigger and bigger.

"By the way, sister-in-law hasn't come back yet?" Song Boyang remembered that Zhao Qian had been back for a long time.

"Yes, her father's health is very bad." Song Bohua said in a low voice, "Old man, it's estimated to be half a year."

"For the sake of the rest of the children, I'm torturing your sister-in-law." Song Bohua was also speechless to the old man. He was very kind to them, but if it involved the rest of the children, it would be sacrificing Zhao Qian's interests.

"Didn't let you go back?" Song Boyang also knew that after Mr. Zhao got older, his heart softened, and he only wanted to let the children with good conditions help the children with poor conditions.

Helping people once or twice is also necessary, but they can't help endlessly, and then they don't work hard in various ways.

"When we get old, we can't do this." Song Bohua also sighed deeply, "When people get old, they just live their lives well. As for their children, that's their business."

"Don't stare at them all the time, thinking about who is helping whom." Song Boyang agrees with this point, "Duanzi meat buns, and little padded jackets, how they live is the result of their hard work."

"We have already laid the foundation for them. If life is not good, I can't help it."

(End of this chapter)

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