Chapter 699

In this way, Gong Jiawen started confinement days, and the dumplings and meat buns were also very happy.

What they are doing now is just holding a camera and taking pictures every day, and the amount of film used is going up gradually.

Originally, a box of film can be used for a long time at least, but now it feels like a box of film is not enough for a week or two.

"Fortunately, there is a dark room for printing photos at home." Song Boyang looked at the two brothers who kept taking pictures of Ping An, really helpless.

"Dad, don't worry, Roubao and I will pay for this money." Tuanzi happened to be afraid of Roubao and Ping An's photo.

After going home safely for a few days, I can already open my eyes, and then the little girl is a quiet child.

Except for uncomfortable diapers and hunger, she never cried again, which made Gong Jiawen so happy.

This surprised Song Boyang and Gong Li. They were worried about whether Ping An would make a fuss before, but they didn't expect it to be a quiet child.

"It's a sensible child. When you gave birth to her, you didn't waste your energy." Gong Li looked at Ping An who was resting quietly beside her.

Gong Jiawen was drinking fruit tea. Although she was still a little disgusted, she still wanted to drink hot fruit tea at this time.

But after drinking it for a few days, I have gotten used to it, or so far, the food I have eaten has no taste, and fruit tea is better, with a bit of sweetness.

"By the way, should my sister's children come back?" Gong Jiawen suddenly remembered something.

In fact, on the day when she was born safely, the child was going home, but something happened temporarily, and the procedure was delayed.

Gong Li hummed, "Yes, your sister is going back to Yangcheng after get off work today, so she can just rest for two days and get acquainted with the two children."

Gong Jiawen knew that Tao Shan had arranged everything, so she said, "By the way, have the rooms been arranged?"

Because Gong Li took care of her here, everyone discussed it and the two children also lived here.

"It's in the room next to me." Gong Li knew that she didn't need to be humble with Song Boyang and his wife, so the room next to her was empty, so she arranged it a little simpler.

"Then come back tomorrow." Gong Jiawen looked at Song Boyang excitedly, "What shift do you have tomorrow?"

"Day shift." Song Boyang has been working on day shift recently, so that he can help Gong Jiawen at night.

During the day, the nanny and Gong Jiawen will take care of Ping An. At night, Gong Jiawen will let the nanny go to rest. After all, the nanny has to take care of Ping An during the day, so she can continue to rest.

If Song Boyang rests at night, he can help take care of the children together, and thanks to Ping An being a good boy, he doesn't cry too much at night.

But occasionally Song Boyang will work overtime, and Gong Jiawen wants to know when he will be home tomorrow.

"Tomorrow, I will be in school in the afternoon, and the operation will be in the morning."

Gong Jiawen understood, that is, Song Boyang should be able to commute to get off work smoothly tomorrow.

"Then come back after get off work tomorrow."

"Then we had a party for the two kids to celebrate the addition of three little ones to the family."

Although it was to celebrate Tao Shan's adoption of two children, I was worried that the older one would be more sensitive.

The best way is of course to celebrate together, "By the way, I don't know what the other party likes to eat?"

At this time, Gong Jiawen forgot to ask, and looked up at Gong Li, because in the next few days, the two children will live with Gong Li, so she went to look at it in advance to cultivate their relationship.

Gong Li really asked, "Don't worry, I'll make arrangements tomorrow, and ask the old man not to work overtime tomorrow."

Since the two children were to be welcomed to the house, Tao Zeming, as a grandfather, had to be present.

"I also want my brother to come back earlier." Song Boyang made a quick decision.

When Song Bohua received the notification at night, he was stunned, "What, you said that two children came to the house, and you still asked me to rush back?"

Of course he knew that Tao Shan didn't want to get married and chose to adopt two children directly. Song Bohua could only admire her choice.

There are many people who adopt children abroad, some are unable to have children, some have their own children and then adopt them.

But in China, unless it is impossible to have children, they will not consider adopting children.

And even if it is to adopt a child, it is to adopt a child without any memory. I think such a child can be more caring, and will not abandon them when they grow up.

Unexpectedly, Tao Shan didn't plan to get married, but planned to adopt a child directly.

What was even more unexpected was that Tao Zeming and his wife would agree.

After thinking for a while, Song Bohua said there was no problem, "Are you going to let the two children grow up with Ping An?"

Song Boyang hummed, "It's impossible for Ping An to grow up alone, there must be her little friends."

"Although there are many children in the alley, I don't know if they will have fun with Ping An."

"The most important thing is whether it will bring bad dumplings."

"Instead of all kinds of worries, it's better to help Ping An choose a good partner first."

After Song Bohua heard Song Boyang's idea, he thought it was right, "Yes, this idea is okay."

"A relatively safe age, and there are no relatives who are about the same age as her. Even if there is, I don't know what will happen."

It's not that the huge Song family can't find children who are about the same age as Ping'an, but they are either in the beautiful country, or their character is unknown.

"Those from the Song family..." Song Boyang had met several members of the Song family, and he could clearly see his contempt for their family.

"Forget it, don't be with them." Song Bohua really didn't feel the way some members of the Song family were educating their children.

"Tomorrow, what should I prepare?" Song Bohua didn't know what Song Boyang had prepared.

"Then a big cake?" Song Boyang didn't know what to prepare, hesitated for a while, and proposed such an idea.

Song Bohua hummed, "Okay, I see."

The two began to discuss business, which was their current priority.

Tao Shan was the first to look at Ping An when she entered the room, "Auntie's little Ping An."

Staring at it for a long time, "I have heard from my mother that Ping An is a beautiful child."

"It really has the advantages of you and your brother-in-law."

In Tao Shan's heart, peace is really good everywhere, "I think in the future, you husband and wife should worry, there is a very beautiful girl at home, there will really be no shortage of suitors by then."

When Gong Jiawen heard Tao Shan say this, "Okay, okay, don't say that in front of your brother-in-law."

"Otherwise, he doesn't know how to go crazy." Song Boyang is fine when there are other people around. If there is no other person, he really keeps mumbling about how to scare the girl who is looking for peace. child.

If Tao Shan still said that in front of her, I was really worried that he would go crazy even more.

Tao Shan smiled unceremoniously, "Don't worry, I certainly wouldn't say that in front of him."

"Anyway, when our family grows up safely, he can worry about it."

"But it's okay. There are five older brothers and one older sister. They will be the support of peace."

(End of this chapter)

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