Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 717 Gems Are Not Better

Chapter 717 Gems Are Not Better
Song Boyang thought of that famous toy, including matching items, and seemed to have a boyfriend.

"No way, they won't be planning to buy a full set." Song Boyang couldn't help but gasped.

Although it seems that that brand of toys is quite expensive, and there are many types, if you buy them all, you may spend a lot of money.

But to Tuanzi and the others, the money probably wasn't a lot of money, and they could earn it back in minutes.

Song Boyang was really worried that they would mail things back directly because they were abroad.

At that time, even if Gong Jiawen is angry and wants to find someone to reprimand her, she will also know who is the most unlucky person, and who else but him.

Song Boyang took a deep breath, if he could, he really wanted to turn around and go back to the airport, and beat them up hard.

They must know that even if their wings are stiff now, they are still his sons, and they must be in awe of their parents.

But even if he drives back to the airport now, there is no way to find them, because he didn't bring his passport.

But it doesn't matter, let them go for now, once they find out that they really tricked him, I'm sorry, after they return to China, they will definitely educate them well and severely.

He also has some gems in his hand, but no matter in terms of quantity or quality, there are really not too many.

Although I don't have any ideas yet, it doesn't matter. You can prepare gems first. Of course, the more gems you prepare, the better. Once there is a need, you won't be in a hurry.

Song Bohua probably wouldn't give a second gift, and according to Song Bohua's taste, he would never give such a tacky thing.

Not to mention such a big gift, Tang Hai was not at ease to let other people attend.

After Song Boyang knew that she was a daughter, he began to make preparations in an orderly manner.

Duanzi and Roubao like Ping An, so they shouldn’t be jealous of the gems prepared for Ping An, but they are going to get married anyway, so don’t they prepare some gems for their future daughter-in-law? Of course, how to design them is their business, Song Boyang I won't worry about these.

When Song Boyang heard that it was him, "Where are they?" He happened to ask something along the way.

But Song Boyang remembered that Song Bohua had mentioned that the gift for Ping An was still under construction and would be delivered a little later.

Yangcheng can be regarded as Tang Hai's base camp, and if he hasn't come back for a while, there will always be someone below who will make a move.

It turned out that the gift was delivered, and the person who said he wanted to see Song Boyang, Gong Jiawen knew that the other party must have something to say to him.

When he entered the room, he saw Gong Jiawen's shocked expression, "What's wrong?"

"But has he come back?" Originally, Tang Hai was going to come back, but it seems that a big client from Russia came to discuss big business, which seems to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Just about to ask her why she was so surprised, but when he followed Gong Jiawen's line of sight, he couldn't help but swear.

Among other things, since Tang Hai often ran north and south, some people began to feel restless. If Tang Hai hadn't been relatively strong, and he had made some arrangements, he might have been caught off guard.

Ready for gems?Gong Jiawen looked at Song Boyang's back, really a little dumbfounded.

It's prepared for Ping An, so why not prepare it for his daughter-in-law Gong Jiawen?Otherwise, this girl will be very unhappy.

Could it be that something happened to Ping An?But looking again, I found that Ping An was sleeping soundly in her little bed, and it was obvious that this girl was sleeping soundly.

She really didn't know what to say. She thought she was a smart person and wanted to save gold nuggets as a dowry for Ping An.

Although they can usually talk on the phone, there are some things that cannot be clearly expressed on the phone.

Just like that, Song Boyang drove back home with a worried heart.

Song Boyang hummed, and looked at Ping An gently again. Of course, when he got up, he looked at those big gold bricks with contempt.

In this way, rare and valuable things such as collected gems are indispensable.

Because he went to a public place and was sweating, Song Boyang went to take a shower first, and then he was going to check on his safety.

In this case, after some elimination, "Is it sent by Mr. Tang Haitang?"

"This is, who is this gift from?" Just for such a large amount of money, except for a few people, no one else thinks about giving such a gift.

Of course, many people like gold, but the greater possibility is to give some more luxurious jewelry?Or send emeralds?

Of course, he also told Gong Jiawen his guess by the way. Since he knew that these bastards might cheat him, he had no reason to cover up for them.

"When Ping'an grows up, can the designer make some unique jewelry?"

"It's his personal assistant." Tang Hai has no way to show up in person, and can show his importance, so he usually arranges for this assistant to be there.

Those things will not give the gold in front of you a higher value, and they will not be so high-profile, so they should appear relatively low-key.

The best way to avoid collisions is, of course, to let well-known designers design unique jewelry.

What he needs to worry about is how to design interesting and good-looking jewelry for Ping An and Gong Jiawen, and most importantly, jewelry that can immediately suppress everyone.

Tang Hai also stayed there. For such a big business, the boss behind the other party personally stepped in. How could Tang Hai come back and let his assistant negotiate.

"Waiting for you in the study." Gong Jiawen thought that after the other party put down the gift and conveyed Tang Hai's blessing, he should be able to deal with the matter.

Although some big brands also have jewelry, but most of them are produced on the assembly line, and it is common to hit styles.

"This is the mysterious gift he said?" Song Boyang recalled that before, Tang Hai, who was far in the northeast, expressed in a very mysterious way that he would send a special gift.

"Really, the big gold brick is good, but if it's difficult, why don't you give some emeralds and gems?"

Seeing the gift now, Song Boyang's first thought was that Tang Hai rushed back from the northeast.

Now that Tang Hai's personal assistant came back, Song Boyang wanted to talk to him, and he also felt that Tang Hai should also explain something to the assistant.

In the end, they even forgot that gemstones are actually more popular than so-called gold bricks.

Of course it is a big gemstone, the one with even better quality, otherwise, the value is the same.

Gong Jiawen couldn't help sighing, she really didn't know what to say, sometimes, her eyesight was still a bit off.

But it doesn't matter, she still has a man to rely on, so it can be said that this feeling is really good.

(End of this chapter)

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