Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 719 A gift from the capital

Chapter 719 A gift from the capital
Gong Jiawen noticed the package in Gong Li's hand at this time, "What is this?"

"For you."

"He's from the capital." Gong Li remembered at this moment that she came here on business.

Something from the capital?Although Song Boyang also has some friends and classmates who are developing in the capital, they also have contacts in normal times, and there are also things like mailing parcels.

But in general, it is directly mailed to Song Boyang, not to her.

As for the package that can be sent from the capital, except for Liu Yi, he really doesn't think about it.

But the crux of the problem is, what will Liu Yi mail?This made Gong Jiawen so curious.

Don't say that Gong Jiawen is curious, even Gong Li is actually very curious.

He flipped out the scissors quickly and opened the package, and then it was obvious that the fabric had fallen out.

Gong Jiawen's first reaction was, should she make clothes for the children by mailing the fabric?
Although she is an embroiderer, cutting clothes is not her forte.

Even if you wear a padded jacket, it's not too thick, "I really put my heart into it."

When he started to pick it up, he pressed down a little, "It's a bit heavy."

But after thinking about it again, there is nothing wrong with it. Collecting waste products requires a lot of physical strength. In the past, the business was small, but after the business became bigger, can his small body support it?
That's right, the siblings of the Qi family are young, and although Qi Lan's younger brother is not very smart, he is really very strong. Otherwise, with Liu Yi's temperament, can he support them?

This made Liu Yi really look forward to it. For this small package, he is really not disappointed. It is good to be able to send things by mail.

"Anyway, they are not in the same place, so stay where you can, and ignore if you can't."

But whether it's Gong Li or Gong Jiawen, they all know that the people who have a good relationship with them now may definitely pounce on them unceremoniously when they lose power.

Such a son, even if he is his own son, Liu Yi dare not admit it. This kid is really like his uncle, he is just a Huo Huo, and his relatives will not recognize him for money.

This girl has a very stubborn temper. As long as she is unhappy, she will definitely make you unhappy too.

"And if you look at the size, it should be considered Ping An's size at the end of the year."

Gong Jiawen nodded, "I think it's good at the moment, but I really don't know how it is."

At this moment, she is really grateful to Gong Li for this idea, otherwise she really wouldn't have thought of it.

Sometimes he would think of this girl when she was a child. When he divorced Gong Jing and moved away from home, how old was that girl.

She said that he and Pang Yue would not be happy, and they would definitely suffer retribution.

"I don't ask too much, I just hope that Qi Lan can take care of Liu Yi." As long as you don't bother her and let her take care of Liu Yi, everything is really easy to talk about.

As for giving the other party's property, Gong Jiawen had no objection. The other party also worked hard and took good care of Liu Yi. There was really nothing wrong with taking the money away.

Liu Yi saw the package found by the post office staff, thinking that it was not big, and he didn't know what was mailed.

At their position, the people they see are all smiling, and it can be said that they think they are all good people, and there are no bad people.

As for the son who came day after day and night, let's not say whether it is really his son, the point is that he is not promising yet, he will not learn well at a young age, and become a gangster.

Thinking about that gift, Qi Lan should be very happy.

Oh, at that time she was still Liu Wen, a child of the Liu family, but now she has changed her name to Gong Jiawen, just because she didn't want to have anything to do with the Liu family.

Of course, it's even better now, and they're all locked up for further education.

"According to Liu Yi, the daughter-in-law married is from the north, maybe this should be the rule there?"

"And I won't argue about Liu Yi's things, and she doesn't have to make trouble with us."

What Gong Jiawen thought was, "Say, will Liu Yi tell her about Liu Bin?"

After unfolding the things, Gong Jiawen discovered that they were tiger-head hats and tiger-head shoes.

"The temperature here in Yangcheng is also taken into consideration." Generally, if you buy ready-made, you must consider the weather in the north.

Although Gong Jiawen is not very good at needlework, but because of work, she knows many colleagues in the north.

"In the future, the scrap yard will be dominated by the Qi family siblings, and Liu Yi will be the boss in name."

"Liu Bin was imprisoned for re-education."

With a sensible child by his side, and a wife who has endured hardships and made a big business together, unless Liu Yi is a fool, he would never do such a foolish thing.

It can be said that the work is really exquisite. What Gong Jiawen thought at first was, could this be bought?
But looking at this stitch, to be honest, she thinks it is unlikely to buy ready-made, "Couldn't this be made by Liu Yi's wife?"

It turned out that the small package was so heavy, Liu Yi became a little suspicious, "Isn't it mailing bricks?"

And he just suffered retribution and raised his daughter for someone, thinking that it would be good for him, but in the end it was calculated and used.

Although the weather in Yangcheng is below ten degrees in winter, it is really much warmer compared to the north.

"The point is, you forgot that Liu Yi is already in his fifties, and his wife is only in her 20s." Gong Li also admired Liu Yi for finding such a young wife.

"Or in other words, I will make the best choice for myself according to the situation."

"Yes, and I think this person is a smart person who can bring a younger brother who is not very smart and leave his hometown to live in the capital."

This made Gong Jiawen even more curious, even if she didn't care about her, she wouldn't do such a thing.

"Even if you know that Liu Yi is opening a waste station in the capital, and he runs to the capital like that, can Liu Yi talk to him?"

As for this, Gong Li is not sure, "I don't know, but it's the same whether he says it or not."

"This is charging according to the portion." In her opinion, there shouldn't be such a fool who would do such a thing unless he was out of his mind.

The postal staff couldn't help but roll their eyes when they heard Liu Yi muttering in a low voice, "How much hatred is there, and it's worth sending bricks from Yangcheng?"

"I don't know where Liu Yi is going. After he comes out, can he still find them?"

Touching the tiger cat in her hand, Gong Jiawen was a little looking forward to Qi Lan receiving the gift she mailed, probably she should be very happy.

And this fabric, you don't need to get used to it, you can know that the fabric is really bad.

Liu Yi didn't say anything more, but what he thought in his heart was that there really are such fools in this world, such as Gong Jiawen.

After having a child, he will definitely not make such a mistake again. Whether it is a daughter or a son, he must be well cultivated.

I don't expect this child to be very promising, but at least he should be a sensible and filial child.

Although Gong Jiawen is also his daughter, she also knows that she won't care about his life.

In the future, when he gets old, it should be the Qi family siblings and this child who will serve him and take care of him.

(End of this chapter)

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