Chapter 303 She Is So Longing For Her Death?
When Jiang Yan woke up, she looked at this strange room in a daze. Suddenly, what happened last night came into her mind. Yesterday she went to Ye Wan to discuss abortion with her, but on the way Was dragged into a room by that bastard Jin Lan to...

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan was so angry that she wanted to kill someone. She quickly got dressed and was about to go out. The door of the bedroom was suddenly pushed open. Jin Lan looked at the girl who was about to come out with a solemn expression.

"The surname is Jin!" Jiang Yan rolled up her sleeves and wanted to fight Jin Lan desperately.

"Chu Yu had a car accident, it's serious! Come with me!" Jin Lan came over and pulled Jiang Yan and walked out.

Jiang Yan's mind was a little dazed, she didn't seem to hear clearly, and asked, "You...what did you say?"

"Chu Yu was hit by a car yesterday. My sister said it was serious." Jin Lan pulled her out of the house and into the elevator.

Jiang Yan's legs went limp and she almost fell, Jin Lan hurriedly supported her, "Are you okay?"

With a sound of "pa", Jiang Yan slapped Jin Lan hard on the face, "It's all you! It's because of you, Chu Yu, that the car accident happened. Why are you so lingering? Why didn't the car accident happen?" you!"

Jiang Yan yelled at him excitedly, Jin Lan looked at her expressionlessly, only feeling like a knife was twisting her heart, she was just looking forward to her death?

inside the hospital.

Chu Yu was out of danger, but this car accident also caused some damage to his body. He was lying on a hospital bed with an oxygen mask on his face.

Chu's mother looks very haggard now, Chu's father can't come back from abroad, and she didn't dare to tell him the news of the child's accident. She carried everything down by herself.

When Jin Lan and Jiang Yan arrived, Jiang Yan rushed to the edge of the hospital bed, trembling and looking at the man on the bed, tears fell like beads with a broken thread.

"Sister, I'm sorry, I'm late." Jin Lan held her sister's hand guiltily.

"Xiao Yu is fine. The doctor said he is out of danger. Ah Lan, I was really scared to death yesterday." Mother Chu's eyes were red, but she didn't let herself cry again.

"It's going to be okay, it's definitely going to be okay." Jin Lan comforted her sister.

Mother Chu looked at Jiang Yan, frowned and asked, "Who is she?"

"She..." Jin Lan didn't know how to introduce Jiang Yan to her sister.

"Auntie, my name is Jiang Yan, and I'm Chu Yu's girlfriend." Jiang Yan looked at the woman beside her with tears in her eyes.

Chu's mother frowned and said, "I haven't heard Chu Yu say that he has any girlfriend... Wait, you said your name is Jiang Yan?"

"Yes, my name is Jiang Yan. Chu Yu must have mentioned it to you, right? is he now?" Jiang Yan wiped away her tears vigorously, trying not to cry.

"My son is fine, you don't have to cry... Jiang Yan from the Jiang family has indeed been engaged to our Jin family, not my son, but my younger brother." Mother Chu looked at her younger brother.

Jin Lan also remembered that his sister had recently mentioned to him that he had ordered a baby marriage, but he didn't care about this kind of thing at all, and he didn't even hear the woman's name. Could it be that it was Jiang Yan by such a coincidence?
"Ah? Auntie, the person I like is Chu Yu! I'm his girlfriend now." Jiang Yan immediately expressed her attitude.

"Why is it so chaotic!" Chu's mother was obviously very dissatisfied with the chaotic relationship.

"Mom... Yanyan..." Chu Yu's weak voice sounded.

The three of them all looked over and saw that Chu Yu had woken up. Mother Chu rushed over quickly and pushed Jiang Yan aside, causing her to almost fall. Jin Lan hurried over to help her.

(End of this chapter)

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