Chapter 305 I apologize to you on his behalf

Regardless of everyone's obstruction, Gu Yunting insisted on taking Ye Wan back after the infusion.

On the way, Ye Wan kept looking out the window without saying a word, and Gu Yunting also closed his eyes to rest, and returned to Gu's house without saying a word.

After returning, Ye Wan went back to her room, closed the door and called Fu Huaishen to ask him how he was doing.

"Ye Wan, my chest hurts, that guy Gu Yunting hurt me on purpose, he's really too bad!"

Fu Huaishen was not seriously injured, at least much lighter than Gu Yunting. Gu Yunting knew that it was Fu Huaishen who saved Ye Wan. Although he was upset, he treated Fu Qingqing very lightly.

"Then you must treat him well, I'm sorry, I apologize to you on his behalf." Ye Wan said nervously.

Fu Huaishen, "..."

Hearing Ye Wan's words, his chest didn't hurt at first, but now he suddenly felt very painful!

Obviously it was Gu Yunting who hurt her, but Ye Wan did not hesitate to apologize to herself on his behalf, what does this mean?This shows that she regards Gu Yunting as one of her own and herself as an outsider.

Fu Huaishen hung up the phone in a self-contained manner, not wanting to talk to her anymore.

Grandma Sun knocked on the door and came in, looked at Ye Wan in embarrassment, and said, "Ye Wan, go and call the young master to come down for dinner, the young master knocked down everyone who called him, and refused to come down to eat."

"Mum Sun, I'm very tired, I just want to sleep now." Ye Wan said indifferently.

Seeing that she seemed very tired, Mama Sun sighed helplessly and said, "Then wait for me, I'll get you a bowl of porridge, and you can drink it before going to bed."

Ye Wan didn't refuse, her younger brother's surgery was coming soon, she had to quickly recover her body to prepare for his younger brother's surgery, after eating a bowl of porridge, Ye Wan washed up briefly, went back to bed, took out the ointment and carefully whipped herself. The wound is covered with medicine.

Thinking of what happened last night, Ye Wan was still trembling with fear, the hand holding the cotton swab was shaking.

The bedroom door was pushed open, and Ye Wan didn't raise her head. The only person who could enter her room without knocking was Gu Yunting.

Gu Yunting silently walked to the side of the bed, picked up a cotton swab to apply medicine to her.

"No, I'll do it myself." Ye Wan resisted and moved inside.

Gu Yunting didn't seem to hear, took a tube of ointment, lifted her back and applied the medicine to the whip wound on her back.

Ye Wan took a deep breath trying not to get angry, lowered her head and continued to paint the whip wound on her leg.

After applying the medicine, Ye Wan was about to lie down, but Gu Yunting stopped her and handed her a set of silk pajamas, "Wear this."

"No, mine is fine." Ye Wan was wearing a set of pure cotton pajamas, which had been worn for a long time, and some places had pilled.

"You want me to change it for you?" Gu Yunting frowned at her.

Ye Wan, "..."

She took the silk pajamas and went to the bathroom. After changing into the silk pajamas, she was indeed much more comfortable. The previous clothes would wear down to the wound, but this set would not be comfortable at all.

Ye Wan felt uncomfortable, what did he mean?Slap a jujube to eat?What did he think of her?

Coming out of the bathroom, Gu Yunting didn't intend to leave, Ye Wan still didn't look at him, and walked to the other side of the bed to lie down.

There was a knock on the door, and then it was Sun Ma's voice calling Ye Wan. Ye Wan got up and went to open the door. Sun Ma put a bag of medicine into her hand and said, "This is the medicine from the young master, and Master Jiang sent someone to send it to you." , you must tell the young master to eat!"

(End of this chapter)

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