Chapter 415 What Should A Good Wife Do?

The Hua family is the family of the world's top psychotherapists and hypnotists. Her family has a very important weight in the field of psychology. Before Gu Yunting fell ill, he spent a lot of money to find the Hua family. At first, it was Hua Rong's grandfather who treated him After half a year, the task of treatment was handed over to Huarong, the most outstanding grandson.

Therefore, Gu Yunting and Huarong have known each other for more than three years. Her treatment methods are really superb, and the two have been cooperating. A while ago, Huarong did not stay with Gu Yunting because the old man of the Hua family died of a sudden illness. I went back to deal with grandpa's funeral and other matters.

Now that the Hua family's property has been divided, Huarong's family is the biggest winner, and Gu Yunting has contributed to this, otherwise, in this battle for family property, it is not certain who will win.

Huarong looked at the charming man in front of her, and the corners of her mouth twitched. She was definitely going to get this man!

As for that weak little girl in Beijing, how could she be her opponent?

Ye Wan has been practicing singing at home for the past few days. Her throat has not completely healed from inflammation before, so when she sings, she has a slight hoarseness. Coupled with her sweet and moving voice, it sounds like an ultimate enjoyment.

In the blink of an eye, it was New Year's Day, and the news that Ye Wan was going to perform on stage had spread, and the students in the school were all looking forward to it. After all, Ye Wan was a well-deserved school belle of Beijing University, and her appearance was really amazing, but this The classmates are usually too mysterious, and have hardly participated in any activities and clubs organized by the school except in class.

This counts as her first public appearance at school!
Even so, Ye Wan is still the number one goddess in the hearts of most boys in the school, so after lunch at noon, many students have already occupied the front row, just to see the goddess' demeanor up close.

The school was on holiday today, Ye Wan slept until noon, got up and had lunch before leaving for school.

After recuperating for the past few days, her body has completely recovered, Ye Cheng's body is also recovering, and everything is developing in a good direction.

There was also a smile on Ye Wan's little face. Sitting in the car, she saw three bags on the back seat. She took them over and saw that they were a dress, a small white fur coat, and a pair of high heels.

"Uncle, who prepared this for me?" Ye Wan asked aloud.

"It was the butler who let it go. It should be the young master's order." The driver didn't know very well, but he felt that it must be the young master's order.

Ye Wan thought for a while and realized that what the driver uncle said was right. Gu Yunting should know about his affairs. He knew that he would have a performance at night, so he asked the housekeeper to prepare a performance dress for him.

Ye Wan touched the small white fur and suddenly felt a little complicated. For the first time, she began to face up to the fact that she was really married to Gu Yunting and wanted to give birth to him.

She was really his legitimate wife.

Ye Wan bit her lip, because she suffered too much when she was a child, she vowed to be a good wife and mother in the future, and she must love her future husband and baby well.

Without any preparation, she was married, whether she wanted it or not, she also became a woman with a husband, could she really be a good wife?
What does a good wife do?
She took out her mobile phone and sent Gu Yunting a message, "Remember to eat on time and take care of your body."

(End of this chapter)

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