Chapter 419 So Obedient and Beautiful
Jiang Yan was the only one left in the RV, and she couldn't get out of the car to listen to Ye Wan's singing, even if it was something she had been looking forward to for a long time.

Just now, Jiang Jingxiu told her that Jin Lan not only used up all her property, but also borrowed a lot from him and Gu Yunting in order to get these letters of understanding for her father. He is now a poor doctor , Moreover, several companies also made special requests to him, and he agreed to them all.

A child of a victim was ill, and he had to bear all the medical expenses of the child until he recovered.

The children of the other two victims were only a few years old, and he was responsible for raising them until they graduated from college.

Jiang Yan was almost out of breath when she heard this, tears blurred her vision, she owed Jin Lan too much.

After Jiang Jingxiu finished talking to Jiang Yan, he curled his lips in success. Alas, he is really a little angel who does good deeds without leaving his name. Next, Jin Lan will wait for the beauty to throw himself into his arms!

In front of Ye Wan is Zheng Zier's show. She chose a song and dance song by a popular Korean actress. The style is sexy and hot. She has good dancing skills. Every show is very popular among students. She deliberately makes people Arranging her show ahead of Ye Wan's show, she believed that she would be able to beat Ye Wan on the show!

She just wants to let all the students know that she is better than Ye Wan!

Zheng Zi'er glanced at Ye Wan who was queuing up behind her, and snorted coldly in her heart, just wait, I'll make you cry next!
After taking the stage, Zheng Zier sang and danced with all her strength. I have to say that her stage skills are indeed very strong and stable, and the audience cheered.

When the light swept to the first row below, Zheng Zier glanced casually, and she saw a person she dreamed of seeing. At that moment, she even forgot that she was still performing, and froze there. The dance was completely messed up, and she managed to find the right rhythm again. This time she twisted harder.

The man who attracted her under the stage didn't even raise his head, he was just looking at his mobile phone, on which there was a quiet WeChat message, "Remember to eat on time and pay attention to your body."

Gu Yunting was very surprised that she actually sent such a text message to herself. Does she have anything to ask of herself?

After Zheng Zier's show ended, a row of girls bowed to the audience and left the stage. The students still applauded and talked about the episode where she made a mistake.

When Zheng Zi'er returned to the backstage, she glanced at Ye Wan proudly. She was sure to win this time, and she wanted to beat her singing and dancing just by singing a solo. It's a dream!

Ye Wan didn't even look at her, Jin Lan gave her a cheering gesture, and she took the stage with her skirt up.

After Ye Wan left, Jin Lan turned around and sneered, "You want to be a school belle even though you're so ugly? Don't you have a mirror in your house? Not only is your face ugly, but your heart is even more ugly! I think you'll spit out your dinner with this face!"

Zheng Zi'er's face turned green when she heard these words. The students behind her wanted to laugh, but felt that it was impolite and could only hold back. I didn't expect the handsome guy to have such a poisonous mouth.

Zheng Zier's companion was very embarrassed, seeing the girl who was crying with anger, she didn't know how to comfort her.


After Ye Wan took the stage, she stood in front of the microphone and bowed to the audience, and then stood up obediently. That obedient appearance instantly won everyone's favor!
Aww, the school belle is so beautiful and obedient!
(End of this chapter)

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