Chapter 422 How Can He Be So Gentle To Himself?
"It's ugly, don't read it." Ye Wan was a little annoyed, a little ashamed, and more embarrassing.

"Does it hurt?" Gu Yunting turned his gaze away to her face, looking at her beautiful eyes, hands and face are now two extremes.

But the more this happened, the more distressed he felt.

"It doesn't hurt anymore. I turned on the heating at home recently, and it's very warm every day, but it's a little itchy." Ye Wan said truthfully, "I'll go back and wash your clothes for you."

"No, it's just a piece of clothing, you don't have to be so nervous." Gu Yunting said indifferently.


"Oh." Ye Wan replied, a little disappointed, she raised her head to look at him and asked, "Aren't we husband and wife? It's normal for me to help you do the laundry."

"What did you say?" Gu Yunting looked at her in disbelief, wondering if he heard it wrong.

"I didn't say anything." Ye Wan quickly denied, thinking he was angry, she took off her coat and said, "It's hot, I'm sweating."

The heater in the car was turned on very high, and she was so hot that she was sweating.

Gu Yunting looked at her for a while, and didn't pursue what she said just now. His originally gloomy mood bloomed like a flower and became beautiful.

When they arrived at Gu's house, Gu Yunting got out of the car with Ye Wan in his arms. The cold air outside made Ye Wan shiver. She was really frightened by the cold a while ago, but now she is especially afraid of the cold, and the man's hand holding her was tight. He tightened his grip and quickly entered the villa.

The villa was as warm as spring, Ye Wan insisted on coming down and leaving by herself, but Gu Yunting didn't force her anymore, the housekeeper and Sun Ma came over to say hello, the housekeeper got the news that the young master was going on a business trip for more than half a month, and he came back in just over a week?Has the time spent on business affairs been reduced so much?

"Master, do you want dinner now?" The butler came over and took Gu Yunting's coat and asked respectfully.

"Well, prepare, make it richer." Gu Yunting ordered.

Ye Wan wanted to go back to her small room, but Gu Yunting grabbed her wrist and ordered, "Move Ye Wan's things to my room."

Mama Sun responded immediately and happily went to work.

Ye Wan looked at him in surprise, and was relieved when she thought of the agreement between the two of them. She still had to give birth to him, so it would be convenient to move in together.

The contraceptive ring in her body hasn't been taken out yet, she plans to take it out at the very end, since she promised to give birth to him, she won't refuse.

Gu Yunting took Ye Wan upstairs to his room. He said he wanted to take a bath with her. Ye Wan blushed and wanted to refuse. Although the two of them had bathed together before, it was almost always when she was not sober. , she felt too shy to wash with him in a sober state.

"Isn't it normal for couples to take a shower together? There's nothing to be shy about." Gu Yunting deliberately mentioned their relationship as husband and wife.

Ye Wan thought of what she had just said, and immediately had nothing to say, and was finally pulled in by Gu Yunting to take a bath together. He was heartbroken seeing her frozen hands and feet, and Ye Wan was afraid that he would dislike her, so he kissed her directly, without any dislike. That ugly look.

She wanted to take it back and was held tightly by him, and the tenderness of kissing her hands and feet lightly. After that, he was not so gentle, and he could be described as cruel.

If it wasn't for thinking that today is New Year's Day, a rare festival, it would be better to have a reunion dinner together, he would not have let her go.


Ye Wan changed into fluffy pajamas, plush socks and slippers, and was carried to the restaurant by Gu Yunting.

Being hugged so tenderly by him, Ye Wan felt a little dazed, wondering if she was dreaming, how could he be so gentle to herself?

(End of this chapter)

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