Pampering his sinful wife: Young Master Gu, chasing his wife crematorium

Chapter 426 Although I Didn't Wrap It, But I Cooked It!

Chapter 426 Although I Didn't Wrap It, But I Cooked It!
Jiang Yan actually doesn’t know how to do anything. Most of the time when she cooks for her mother at home, she just boils them and then adds an egg. After tidying up for a long time, she simply stopped doing it. She felt that she definitely didn't have the talent to cook.

She planned to cook some dumplings for Jin Lan today and take them there. Of course, she couldn't make them herself. The dumplings were frozen dumplings she bought in the supermarket.

After cooking the dumplings, Jiang Yan left the house with the thermos, took a taxi to the downstairs of Jin Lan's house, went upstairs and knocked on the door, but no one responded.

She took out her mobile phone and called Jin Lan.

Jin Lan will be in the hospital, picked up the phone and asked, "Who is there?"

"It's me, are you working?" Jiang Yan's voice sounded soft.

Jin Lan almost dropped the case in his hand, he immediately handed it over to a colleague, and turned to answer the phone, "What's the matter?"

" is New Year's Day, I'll bring you some dumplings." Jiang Yan explained.

"I'm on duty today, and I may go back later. Put your things down and go back," Jin Lan said.

"Okay." Jiang Yan answered and hung up the phone, not wanting to disturb his work anymore.

Turning her head to look at the elevator room, Jin Lan's house has one household on each floor, so no one else will come, so she just sat on the floor mat, put the thermos bucket aside, and took out her mobile phone to listen to some words.

She doesn't like the English major very much. She took this major with low grades at the beginning, so she didn't take it seriously. Now her professional level is not 01:30 points worse than Ye Wan's. Now her family can be regarded as a poor family. After studying hard, I have to find a part-time job to earn money to support my family.

After Jin Lan put down her phone, she laughed at herself. She wished she could get rid of her relationship, and she must be going back now.

After eleven o'clock, Jin Lan got off the night shift and drove home. The house he bought was very close to the hospital, two streets away, and he arrived home in less than 10 minutes.

When the elevator doors opened and the lights came on, he saw the girl who was sleeping against the door.

His heart twitched slightly, why didn't she leave?

"Wake up." Jin Lan pushed Jiang Yan.

"Ah,'re back." Jiang Yan woke up after seeing Jin Lan's face in confusion, but she was still a little dazed.

"Why are you sleeping here?" Jin Lan frowned. There is no heating here, and it must be frozen in such a cold day.

"Uh, I didn't pay attention. I fell asleep listening to the words. I brought you dumplings." Jiang Yan immediately lifted up the thermos bucket on the side to show him.

Jin Lan responded, got up and opened the door, the door opened and a gust of hot air rushed out, Jiang Yan felt that it was too cold outside.

"Can you still move?" Jin Lan is a doctor, and he knows that a person's legs will go numb if they stay in one position for a long time.

Jiang Yan shook her head in embarrassment, Jin Lan bent down and picked her up into the apartment, stretched her long legs and kicked the door shut.

He put the person on the sofa, and Jiang Yan gasped, her legs... were so uncomfortable, Jin Lan seemed to know it, and quickly gave her a massage.

"Thank you." Jiang Yan looked at him with some embarrassment. She originally brought him dumplings, but in the end it became his trouble.

"You're welcome, you're my mistress, and it counts." Jin Lan looked up at her and said.

Jiang Yan's face turned red immediately, "I...I...I know, I haven't forgotten, and I don't want to blame it!"

Jin Lan saw that her legs should no longer be numb, looked at the thermos next to her, and asked, "Did you wrap it?"

Jiang Yan blushed even more when she heard this question, but she said unconvinced, "Although I didn't make it, I cooked it!"

(End of this chapter)

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