Chapter 429 Arrange a blind date
"No, it's Auntie who is cooking. She just left for something." Jin Lan lied.

Chu Yu frowned, feeling a little irritated, would there be a scent on the cooking aunt?In the past, when he came to his uncle's house, the room was full of the smell of disinfectant, but today there was a smell.

Thinking that Jiang Yan was breaking up with him recently, his hands clenched into fists, and his gaze swept under the far table, and he saw a foot that hadn't come and was withdrawn.

Jiang Yan!

Are the two of them impatient to live together?
Chu Yu only felt a strong surge in his chest, Jin Lan pulled him to the living room and sat down, and asked, "Are you here?"

"It's okay, I'm tired of hearing my mother nagging, I just want to stay with you for two days, you also know that my mother wants to arrange a blind date for me, but I have a girlfriend, and I love her very much, how can I accept a blind date?" Chu Yu looked at his uncle seriously.

Hearing this, Jin Lan was even more irritable. Thinking that he couldn't control himself when he saw Jiang Yan, and rolled around all night yesterday, he said, "You really shouldn't accept a blind date when you have a girlfriend."

"Uncle, I knew you were on my side, please help me persuade my mother." Chu Yu said.

"If you have a good relationship with your girlfriend, I don't need to persuade you, and your mother can't separate you."

"But my girlfriend doesn't know what's wrong. She said she wants to break up with me. I know she probably doesn't want to hurt me, but I'm really not afraid of getting hurt by her. Uncle, I really love her." Chu Yu looked sad. with uncle.

Jin Lan frowned, "How do you know that she wants to break up with you because she doesn't want to hurt you? Maybe she just wants to break up with you."

"Impossible uncle, you don't understand the love between me and Jiang Yan. We have known each other since we were in high school. It was each other's first love. I have a crush on her, and she also has a crush on me. After returning to China, I expressed my heart, and she also told me Speaking of the love you had for me in high school, Uncle, do you think that first so easy to let go?" The moment Chu Yu lowered his head, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes.

Jin Lan's heart tightened slightly. The campus crush, or first love, is indeed beautiful and unforgettable.

"Then you can ask her for clarification. I'm a little tired, and I want to rest quietly at home alone. You can go." Jin Lan was in an irritable mood, with emotions on her face.

"Uncle, you are too heartless, you don't care about your nephew, did you find me a little aunt?" Chu Yu asked with a smile on purpose.

"Nothing." Jin Lan immediately denied it.

"That's right, why did I forget that my uncle also has a first love, and you have been waiting for my little aunt."

Jin Lan's complexion immediately darkened, he reached out and grabbed Chu Yu and pushed it away, "Hurry up and go back to your mother, one thing about relationships is one, and the other is two, don't worry about it, you are not young!"

Chu Yu was pushed out by him, and turned around against the door that was about to close, "Uncle, I love Jiang Yan, and she loves me too. I will not give up on her. The only person who can give her happiness is me! I will definitely Got it with my mom."

Jin Lan pushed him out expressionlessly and closed the door.

He immediately turned and went to the dining room to look at Jiang Yan, but saw that the girl was sitting there hugging her knees with tears streaming down her face, she was biting her fingers so as not to make a sound.

"Don't bite!" Jin Lan quickly went to break her mouth, trying to make her let go of her fingers.

Jiang Yan suddenly pushed him away forcefully, got up and stumbled towards the bathroom, the bathroom door was closed with a bang, and the sound of water came from inside.

(End of this chapter)

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