Pampering his sinful wife: Young Master Gu, chasing his wife crematorium

Chapter 431 Is it For the Better or For the Worse?

Chapter 431 Is it For the Better or For the Worse?
Zheng Zier said hers, Ye Wan didn't raise her head, she read the book by herself, once again immersed in her own world, she actually likes design, but her score was a little low in the college entrance examination, so she didn't dare to apply for this major, so she chose a Insurance major in English.

Zheng Zi'er saw that no matter how much she provoked Ye Wan, she didn't respond at all, her face turned green, and the people around her were also very embarrassed, and they didn't respond when they were ridiculed like this. What was this person thinking?

When the teacher came in, the students were very excited, because the new teacher was very handsome and had an extraordinary temperament. Ye Wan also looked at the man who came in. When she saw the man coming in, she frowned slightly. It turned out to be Jun Li. Chen.

Today's Jun Lichen is very different from the previous one. If it wasn't for the fact that his face was still exactly the same as before, Ye Wan wouldn't dare to recognize him.

In the past, Jun Lichen had a persistent energy in his greenness, but today his demeanor has completely changed, mature and elegant, giving people a relaxed and comfortable feeling, like a spring breeze blowing.

When the students saw how excellent the new teacher was, some of them uttered oh and applauded to welcome the new teacher.

"Hi everyone, let me introduce myself first. My surname is Gu, Gu Lichen, and I will be teaching here for a while. Please give me your advice." Jun Lichen introduced himself with a smile, which drew another burst of applause.

Ye Wan remembered that Jin Lan had told herself that Jun Lichen was Gu Yunting's half-brother. This is because he recognized his ancestor and returned to his clan, so he changed his surname?
Why does he want to get close to himself?The answer is self-evident, I want to use myself to stimulate Gu Yunting.

But he seems to think too highly of himself, Gu Yunting has a lot of women, even if he is angry, it is impossible for him to do something out of the ordinary.

Ye Wan had no interest in Jun Lichen, since she knew he had bad intentions, she would naturally not get close to him again.

Jun Lichen started class, and Ye Wan listened carefully, only treating him as a tool teacher, without any emotion.

"Student Ye Wan, please answer this question." Jun Lichen named Ye Wan.

Ye Wan stood up without raising her head, and answered his question seriously, Jun Lichen smiled and asked her to sit down.

Jun Lichen only asked one person to answer questions in this class, and that was Ye Wan. This made the students feel a little subtle, and the jealous ones hated Ye Wan even more.

Jiang Yan was dizzy from listening to the lectures, and was weak during lunch, and was still reciting things. Ye Wan said, "Eat well while eating."

"Now I can't wait to turn one day into two days. How can time go by so quickly." Jiang Yan sighed helplessly. She felt guilty for wasting so much time before.

"It's no use worrying, take your time," Ye Wan advised her.

When the two of them were eating, one of them sat down beside Jiang Yan with a plate. Ye Wan looked up at the person, her expression unchanged.

Jiang Yan was very happy to see him, "Senior! Why did you come to school?"

"I'm here to be a teacher." Jun Lichen explained with a smile.

"Really, what are you teaching? Hey, senior, I found out that you have changed!" Jiang Yan was completely unaware of what he had done to Ye Wan before, and her expression was very excited.

"Oh? Is it getting better or worse?" Jun Lichen asked very interestedly.

"Of course it has become better and more handsome, isn't it Ye Wan?" Jiang Yan looked at the girl opposite.

(End of this chapter)

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