Chapter 435 Only the stars in the sky match it

Even if he threatened her to sign the agreement before he was willing to donate bone marrow to save Ye Cheng, she was still very grateful to him for his willingness to lend a helping hand, and she would not ignore the fact that he saved her brother.

Looking at her sincere eyes, Gu Yunting suddenly felt that he was despicable. He designed her to come back to him, and someone else even donated the bone marrow... If one day she knew the truth, would she hate herself?
"Did I say something wrong?" Ye Wan looked at him nervously.

Gu Yunting looked at her innocent expression with some irritability, took out a small box from his pocket and handed it over.

Ye Wan looked at the noble dark blue box and asked, "For me?"

"Yeah." Gu Yunting stuffed the box into her hand.

Ye Wan opened the box, and inside was a necklace, the color of rose gold, with a small diamond hanging below it, very simple and classic style.

"Why did you give him a gift all of a sudden?" Ye Wan looked at him in confusion, it's not a holiday, why would she suddenly give herself a necklace as a gift?

"I bought it by the way when I was on a business trip." Gu Yunting looked at her intently, and there seemed to be suppressed madness in his eyes. Now he is more sure that it is absolutely impossible for him to let her leave him.

"Thank you, please help me put it on." Ye Wan subconsciously wanted to refuse, but she thought about it carefully, as a wife, she must be happy to see how her lover would react when she saw her lover bring back a gift.

Gu Yunting took out the necklace, and raised his hand to help her put it on around her neck. In order to help her fasten the buckle, he and her rubbed each other's hands, and finally fastened the necklace.

Gu Yunting backed away reluctantly, and stretched out his hand to straighten the diamond. He looked at it intently. The brilliant diamond was shining between her white collarbone. It was beautiful, but he still felt that the necklace was not worthy of her at all.

Only the stars in the sky can match it, and he suddenly had such an absurd idea.

Gu Yunting's cell phone rang, he glanced at it and picked it up, it was Huarong calling, asking if he was free tomorrow.

"Okay." Gu Yunting immediately agreed, and after hanging up the phone, he looked at the girl beside him, and saw that she was staring at his phone in a daze.

"what happened?"

Ye Wan regained consciousness and shook her head, "It's okay."

Gu Yunting stretched out his hand to hug her on his lap, looked at her intently, "Aren't you telling the truth?"

Ye Wan continued to shake her head, "It's really fine."

"If you don't say anything, I'll kiss until you say it." Gu Yunting stared at her tender little mouth, her Adam's apple rolling up and down.

"Do you know Zheng Zi'er from our school?" Ye Wan suddenly thought of what her classmates said today, and she looked at him curiously.

"Who?" Gu Yunting frowned, not knowing which one she was talking about.

"It's the girl you talked to at school on New Year's Day, do you like her?" Ye Wan asked curiously when she thought of the rumors in school.

"Who do I like? I don't know her." Gu Yunting's face darkened, and there was a coolness in his eyes.

"Ah? I don't know, so why..." Ye Wan thought it was too strange, if Gu Yunting didn't know Zheng Zier, why would she look like she had an unusual relationship with Gu Yunting.

"What the hell happened?"

"It's rumored in school that you are Zheng Zi'er's boyfriend." Ye Wan watched him tell the story with some trepidation.

(End of this chapter)

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