Pampering his sinful wife: Young Master Gu, chasing his wife crematorium

Chapter 443 Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings

Chapter 443 Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings

Someone stood up and said, "Little girl, why do you say there is a need to call the police? You just apologize to Manager Zhao and the matter is over. It's such a big deal, why put your future on the line?"

Ye Wan stood still and didn't speak, with an attitude that it was impossible to apologize, and her colleagues felt a little disdainful, thinking that the little girl now is really shameless, she has done something wrong, and she still looks like she would be beaten to death. They didn't recognize it, and they even started to comfort Manager Zhao that he was too unlucky.

Some people started talking about Ye Wan again, and Ye Wan just stood there ignoring them, but these people kept talking more and more, Ye Wan figured it out, these people wanted to please Manager Zhao, so they deliberately bullied herself.

"Miss Ye, what are you doing!" The secretary went back to pick up a document after receiving the call, saw this scene when she came back, and immediately walked over with a sullen face.

"Secretary Yang, why don't you come to the HR department when you are free? What's the matter?" Seeing that it was the president's business, Manager Zhao greeted him immediately with a smile on his face.

Secretary Yang ignored him, and looked at Ye Wan standing there with some chills in her heart. She just heard these people accuse her, and this is the president's man, so they really dared.

"Miss Ye, are you okay? Did something happen just now?" Secretary Yang spoke to Ye Wan very respectfully, even with a hint of flattery.

Everyone gasped, and Manager Zhao was also dumbfounded. They all watched this scene nervously. Secretary Yang, as the secretary of the president's office, walked sideways everywhere, unexpectedly following a little girl so cautiously. Talk, what does this mean?
Everyone looked at Manager Zhao in the wrong way, and quickly recalled what they said just now to offend the little girl.

"It's not very good. When I was walking here, this manager Zhao insisted on dragging me to the office, saying that as long as I was willing to pay something, he could get me to the president's office and become Brother Ting's secretary." Ye Wan carefully explained the matter.

Secretary Yang's face changed drastically when she heard this, and she still couldn't understand what she couldn't understand. This was because Manager Zhao was relying on his own identity to unwittingly discipline Ye Wan. He was treating Ye Wan as a newcomer applying for the job.

Secretary Yang was breaking out in a cold sweat. If his protective CEO knew about it, let alone Manager Zhao, he would be finished too!

However, what to be afraid of.

"What's going on!" Gu Yunting's voice came, and when everyone turned their eyes over, they were so frightened that their souls flew out of their wits. Big...why did the big president come to the personnel department?

Seeing Gu Yunting, Ye Wan immediately walked over to him. At this moment, the police also came and asked who called the police.

When Manager Zhao saw Ye Wan take the initiative to take Gu Yunting's arm, his face was pale, his whole body was weak, his body wobbled a few times and almost fell, and the people beside him didn't dare to help him anymore, and now they couldn't protect themselves.

What did they say about this little girl just now?The more I think about it, the more I feel like I'm going to die.

The police wanted to give Gu Yunting some face. Manager Zhao hurried over, his legs softened, and he knelt on the ground with a plop, explaining, "Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding!"

"It's not a misunderstanding, it's because he wanted to rule me out! Brother Ting, this person is a worm in the company. He uses his position to sell his position!" Ye Wan complained to Gu Yunting.

Gu Yunting glanced at the man in front of him who was too scared to speak. He wanted to quibble, but facing the coercion of the president, he couldn't say a word.

(End of this chapter)

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