Chapter 446 Do You Want Me To Stay With You?
Gu Yin's expression changed, his hands clenched tightly into fists, it was that scourge again.

"How is your injury? Is it okay to use the medicine I gave you? You need to rest for a while, your body is important." Huarong deliberately mentioned Gu Yin's injury.

Sure enough, Gu Yin's expression turned even worse. He felt that he was punished all because of Ye Wan, that broomstick. If it wasn't for her, why would the young master punish him so severely.

"I'm much better. The medicine given by Miss Hua is very effective. Don't be sad, Miss Hua. Ye Wan is just a plaything of the young master. How can she compare to you! One day the young master will understand that only you are the most suitable." His people." Gu Yin comforted her in a low voice.

Huarong smiled and did not speak again.

Gu Ye walked over and saw the two people who were talking, he frowned quickly, and returned to his expressionless expression.

"Gu Ye, you're here, don't go in now, Ting is eating with Miss Ye." Hua Rong said with a smile.

"Well, thank you for reminding me." Gu Ye replied with a paralyzed face.

Gu Yin frowned. After Hua Rong left, he said dissatisfiedly, "Miss Hua kindly reminded you, why don't you seem to appreciate it?"

"Huh? What kind of appreciation? I didn't intend to go in at all!" Gu Ye went to rest first after he finished speaking speechlessly. He felt that Gu Yin was like being humiliated by a woman surnamed Hua. He said nothing to her. Believe me, I even forgot what I was doing!

What is the most important thing about a bodyguard?It is loyalty and protection!But now he has started to be loyal to another woman and dare to interfere with his master's affairs. This is committing suicide.

He reminded Gu Ye before that it was for the sake of the love between the two who have been born and died together for so many years, but now it seems that no one can stop a person who wants to die, and Gu Ye is too lazy to say more, but in order not to get involved Everyone, he has to take good care of this Gu Yin, don't let him bring everyone to die together.

Gu Ye felt a bit of a headache, as expected, he was not afraid of opponents who were like gods, but teammates who were like pigs.


Ye Wan told Gu Yunting that she would go to a nursing home to do volunteer work this weekend, but Gu Yunting didn't object and told her to be safe, Ye Wan was a little happy.

After eating, Ye Wan asked him if he wasn't going home tonight?

"Well, I'm going to be busy until late tonight, and I'm staying at the company." Gu Yunting frowned slightly as he thought of what he had to deal with.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" Ye Wan thought for a while and asked boldly, but felt a little embarrassed after asking.

Gu Yunting's mind moved slightly, and he agreed without hesitation, "Yes."

"Won't it disturb your work?" Ye Wan's long eyelashes trembled a few times.

"Do you want to stay or not?" Gu Yunting looked at her speechlessly.

Ye Wan didn't know what she was thinking, she wanted to stay with him a little bit, more she didn't want to stay, she wanted to go back, but looking at his eyes, she could only respond, "Stay."

Only then was Gu Yunting satisfied.

"Then I'll go back to my room and finish my homework. You'll be busy first."

Ye Wan got up to leave, but Gu Yunting pulled her back and kissed her lips. Ye Wan blinked, feeling his enthusiasm, and his face slowly turned red.

Back in the room, Ye Wan still felt blushing and her heart beating violently, thinking of the man domineeringly encircling her, with strong and powerful arms, it was obviously the same person, the same kiss, but something seemed different from before.

(End of this chapter)

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