Chapter 451 Will something happen?
"I can only have one, and I want to raise this yellow one." Jiang Yan picked up the fattest yellow puppy and kissed it. The little guy responded with a cry, as if he wanted to be adopted.

"I'll ask Gu Yunting and take the remaining three to Gu's house to raise." Ye Wan took off her wet clothes and wrapped herself in a blanket to keep warm.

"I really envy you that you can raise three dogs, I can only raise one now... I used to like dogs, and I wanted to raise one, but my mother said that my sister is allergic to dog hair, so my mother would not allow me to have one! My mother seems to love my sister and brother more since she was a child, and she will let them do everything." Jiang Yan now feels uncomfortable when she thinks of her mother's partiality.

In fact, she saw her sister touching other people's dogs later, and nothing happened. She told her mother, but her mother not only didn't believe it, but also scolded her for not knowing how to love her sister.

Now that her sister is not here, the house is rented by herself, and she can finally raise a cute little one.

"Don't think about those unhappy things, you have a little cutie now." Ye Wan comforted her.

Jiang Yan hugged her little dog in circles, turning the little guy's head dizzy. He lay on his belly in the arms of his new owner and looked at her crookedly.

Because the rain was too heavy, the students almost didn't have dinner, and they just waited for the rain to lighten tomorrow before they could go back to the city.

"The phone has no signal." Ye Wan wanted to send a message to Gu Yunting, but there was no signal on the phone, so there was no way to send a message.

"Why do I feel that it's raining so evilly? There must be nothing wrong." Jiang Yan shrank back into the quilt with some fear.

"Don't scare yourself, nothing will happen." Ye Wan also put down the phone and wrapped the quilt tightly.

The two of them talked again and then fell asleep. Ye Wan was awakened by a bang. She opened her eyes and felt a tremor. "Jiang Yan, Jiang Yan!"

"There's an earthquake, let's go!" Jiang Yan jumped up and pulled Ye Wan and ran outside.

When the two of them were about to escape, Jiang Yan heard the whining of the little milk dog. Ye Wan pulled her and wanted to go out, but Jiang Yan suddenly pushed Ye Wan, "You go out first! dog!"

Ye Wan was caught off guard by her being pushed out of the door, staggered a few steps and fell to the ground, and then she watched the house behind her collapse and finally turned into ruins...

"Jiang Yan, Jiang Yan!" Ye Wan rushed back like crazy and wanted to rescue Jiang Yan, but there were only ruins in front of her, and there was nothing. The feeling continues to be scratched.

The nursing home is already in chaos. The heavy rain caused mudslides, flash floods, and earthquakes. Most of the houses in the nursing home collapsed.

Some students escaped, and some students may not escape, crying and shouting together.


In Beijing City.

Gu Yunting has been trying to contact Ye Wan, but her mobile phone still shows that it cannot be connected. He looked at the heavy rain outside the window with some worry, his heartbeat suddenly became out of rhythm, and for a moment, he felt a pain in his heart.

Jin Lan, who rushed over to help him, was also a little absent-minded at the moment. For no reason, she always felt a little restless.

Anxiously, he took out his mobile phone to watch the news. When he saw the news of mudslides, flash floods, and earthquakes caused by heavy rain in the suburban mountain area, he stood up abruptly.

"Brother, something happened." Jin Lan showed Gu Yunting the phone.

Gu Yunting's face changed slightly when he saw the news on his mobile phone. He immediately told Gu Ye to prepare a helicopter, and he was going to the Love Nursing Home where Ye Wan went.

(End of this chapter)

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