Chapter 464 Strong Tea Antidote
"Are you a starving ghost reincarnated? Eat so much." Jiang Jingxiu gave her a disgusted look, took a cigarette and lit it.

"Yes, it's not like you don't know that when I was in Jiang's house, I was often starved." What Jiang Mi said inadvertently stunned both of them.

"Sorry." Jiang Mi knew that she shouldn't bring up the Jiang family's affairs again.


Jiang Jingxiu was in a good mood at first, but when she mentioned the past, he was in a bad mood. He sneered, "If you really feel sorry, you should pay for Zuo Fei's life."

"I'm sorry." Jiang Mi lowered her head even more. It's not that she never thought about dying, jumping into the river, cutting her wrists, but then she found out that she was pregnant, so she couldn't bear to die.

Because she knows that she will never be alone in this world again, and there will be someone who is related to her blood to accompany her.

"Take the medicine, get out!" Jiang Jingxiu was in a bad mood when he remembered what happened back then, if Jiang Mi hadn't climbed into his bed privately, Zuo Fei wouldn't have run out and died in a car accident because of being stimulated.

It was an indelible pain in his life.

Jiang Mi took the medicine with trembling hands and swallowed it, then stood up and ran out without looking back.

Sure enough, Zuo Fei was the deepest taboo in his heart, and no one could mention it, and he, the chief culprit who 'killed' Zuo Fei, would naturally only disgust him!
Jiang Mi didn't leave after running out of the hotel, but took out a water glass and unscrewed the water glass to drink up the water in one gulp. After drinking, she sat in the corner without moving, and didn't get up until half an hour later to leave.

Jiang Jingxiu was very irritable, and his subordinates came in to report, "Miss Jiang did not behave abnormally, she just ran out to drink a glass of water."

"Water?" Jiang Jingxiu frowned and squeezed the cigarette in his hand.

"Yes, I just drank a glass of water and did nothing."

"Okay, you can go down, you don't have to stare." Jiang Jingxiu said coldly, so that the woman didn't dare to play tricks in front of him.

What he didn't know was that what Jiang Mi drank was a cup of strong tea that she had prepared. She wanted to induce vomiting, but she knew that Jiang Jingxiu had sent someone to watch her. If she dared to induce vomiting, he would definitely find out.

Finally, she thought of this method. They said that strong tea was the antidote. Her cup of tea had a very high concentration. She drank the whole cup, and she felt that the contraceptive pill must have been taken.

Jiang Mi is not stupid, usually she would not go to Jiang Jingxiu to let him sleep, she only showed up at a good time, today is her ovulation period, the chance of pregnancy is very high.

She believed that she was prone to pregnancy, after all, that year, she and him were only pregnant once with Mianmian.

Jiang Mi thinks that she must burn incense and worship Buddha when she returns home this time, and ask Guanyin to bless her, so she must give her another baby!

She is willing to live ten years less in exchange!

After Ye Wan and Jiang Yan ate in the cafeteria, Jiang Yan packed the food and prepared to go home to deliver to her mother. Ye Wan also went to accompany her younger brother, taking a nap with him at noon.

When the two were about to leave, a girl from the design department suddenly said loudly, "I think some people are broom stars. When someone didn't go to a nursing home before, there was never any accident. When someone went to the nursing home for the first time, he was killed. People, what is a broom star?"

Jiang Yan was almost blown away when she heard this, even a fool could tell that the words were aimed at Ye Wan, and she immediately wanted to tear the mouth of the girl who spoke.

Ye Wan reached out and grabbed her arm, signaling her not to be impulsive.

(End of this chapter)

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