Chapter 474 Don't Touch Me
"I was really naive at that time, and I didn't know how to help you. If I had known that I would have dumped you a [-] card like you are today, I wouldn't be in such a miserable situation now." Jiang Yan really regretted it Yes, if she had lent Ye Wan more money when she was rich, she wouldn't have to worry about running out of money now.

Ye Wan felt that Jiang Yan had never suffered from having no money since she was born, so it was normal for her not to be able to empathize with the concept of poverty.


Ye Wan went back to Gu's house anyway, since she had signed an agreement with Gu Yunting, she would abide by it until she gave birth to a child according to the agreement and the agreement was terminated.

Gu Yunting still didn't come back. The housekeeper and Sun Ma saw Ye Wan's unhappiness, and they were cautious when talking to her, and they took care of her meticulously.

Ye Wan only ate a little for dinner, and after eating, she went to play with Xiao Jinbao. Xiao Jinbao is now the family pet of Gu Zhai. During the day, she goes to play with Lao Bai. Zimeng overwhelms everyone, and everyone is very tolerant of it.

Ye Wan hugged Jin Bao and sat in the garden talking to it. Little Jin Bao was so sleepy that he fell asleep while lying on his belly in her arms. Ye Wan couldn't laugh or cry, and carried the little guy back to the nest.

Back in the bedroom, Ye Wan went to take a shower first. While she was taking a shower, the bathroom door was pushed open. Ye Wan was taken aback and quickly turned off the shower. Turning around, she saw the man whom she hadn't seen for a few days Walked in from the outside.

After Gu Yunting came in, he began to take off his clothes. Ye Wan quickly took the bathrobe on the side to wrap herself around, and asked with a frown, "What are you doing?"

"Take a bath." Gu Yunting seemed to be very light, he took off his pants and threw them into the dirty clothes rail beside him, striding towards Ye Wan.

"Then you wash first." Ye Wan held back her breath and walked away. The foam on her body was not rinsed off, but since he wanted to wash, let him wash.

Gu Yunting grabbed her, hugged her and put her on the washstand, clasped the back of her head with his big palm, and kissed her hard.

Ye Wan's eyes widened and she pushed him vigorously, suddenly a surge of anger rushed to the top of her head, why is this man?He left as soon as he said, and came back as soon as he said, did he really treat himself as a toy?If he sees herself as a toy, she lets him know she's a prickly toy!

Ye Wan bit his lip hard, and the smell of blood spread in their mouths. Gu Yunting paused for a moment, but this didn't stop him from completing what he wanted to do.

When Ye Wan was carried out by him, she felt pain in her lower abdomen. Enduring the pain, she got up and took out a pack of medicine from the drawer, opened it, put it in her mouth, and took it with water.

"What are you eating?" Gu Yunting asked with a frown.

"Medicine." After Ye Wan finished eating, she wrapped her bathrobe tightly around her body and got up, staggering towards the cloakroom.

Gu Yunting looked at her unsteady steps, and saw that the bathrobe on her body was stained with blood.

"Wait, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Wan kept walking, took the clothes from the cloakroom and went straight to the bathroom.

Gu Yunting strode over and reached out to grab her and pressed her against the wall, asking, "What's the matter?"

"I took out the contraceptive ring during the operation two days ago, and I have been bleeding in the past few days. The doctor said that I need to take medicine for a while." Ye Wan didn't want to look at him. See your own weakness.

Gu Yunting frowned after hearing this, and wanted to come over and hug her, but Ye Wan seemed to be frightened, and pushed him away fiercely, "Don't touch me!"

(End of this chapter)

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