Pampering his sinful wife: Young Master Gu, chasing his wife crematorium

Chapter 476 Don't Go Shopping With Your New Girlfriend?

Chapter 476 Don't Go Shopping With Your New Girlfriend?
With a beautiful face, another delicate girl came.

Ye Wan returned to the rented house in a daze. Ye Cheng was very happy to see her sister coming, so he ran to hug her, but seeing her complexion, he asked worriedly, "Sister, is someone bullying you again?" .”

"No, I bought you a present, do you like it?" Ye Wan calmed down and took out the things she bought for her younger brother.

"Sister, I have a lot of new clothes, don't spend any more money, buy them for yourself." Ye Cheng said unhappy.

"My sister bought a lot for me, these two bags are mine, you don't have to worry about my sister treating me badly." Ye Wan took out the things she bought for herself.

Ye Cheng took a look and found that they were all girls' favorite things, so he could feel at ease.

In order to make his sister happy, Ye Cheng deliberately tried on all the clothes she bought.

Ye Wan looked at her younger brother's handsome and cute face, and her heart softened all of a sudden. In fact, nothing had changed, but she had become greedy. Before, she only hoped that her younger brother's illness would recover, even if it took her life. Now her younger brother's illness Well, she can grow up healthy, but she still wants Gu Yunting's favorite?

No, Ye Wan, you must be sober, this is simply impossible.

Ye Wan packed up her things and planned to cook for her younger brother at noon today, so Aunt Zhang helped her.

Ye Wan's cell phone rang, she glanced at it was Gu Yunting's call, she didn't really want to answer it, and he didn't answer her call for several days before.

The phone quickly quieted down, and then he didn't call again.

After Ye Wan's hand-rolled noodles were ready, Aunt Zhang helped to bring them to the table, and Ye Wan took off her apron and came out to eat.

There was a knock on the door, and the surname Zhang went to open the door. When she saw that it was Gu Yunting, she let someone in. She really didn't dare to offend this master.

Ye Wan saw that he was a little surprised. He didn't go shopping with his new girlfriend anymore?
Ye Cheng was not very happy seeing Gu Yunting, he didn't like this big guy, he felt that he would rob his sister.

"Why are you here?" Ye Wan frowned at him.

"I'm hungry, come over to eat." Gu Yunting sat down after speaking, not looking outside at all.

"I didn't serve you, just three people." Ye Wan thought, why don't you accompany your girlfriend to a big meal, why don't you come to her house to join in the fun?
"I'm not hungry yet. I remembered. I have something to buy. I'll go out for a while." Aunt Zhang ran away while speaking.

Ye Wan wanted to stop her before it was too late.

Ye Wan, "..."

Now she doubts whether this Aunt Zhang was invited by Lin Zehan or Gu Yunting?

"It looks good." Gu Yunting started to mix the noodles for himself.

"How thick-skinned!" Ye Cheng glared at Gu Yunting angrily, sat down and quickly covered his bowl of noodles, he was afraid that this big man would not have enough to eat, so he would grab his own food.

This is the noodles that his sister made for him, and he couldn't eat enough for a bowl.

Ye Wan didn't worry about why he came to eat suddenly, she also sat down, took care of her younger brother to mix the noodles first, and then mixed it for herself.

Gu Yunting really likes to eat the noodles made by Ye Wan, and he eats them quickly. He is also hungry and hasn't eaten breakfast. Until now, can he not be hungry?
"Is there any more?" Gu Yunting finished his bowl and looked up at Ye Wan.

"No, you want to eat and go buy it." Ye Wan replied coldly, and continued to lower her head and slowly eat her own noodles.

(End of this chapter)

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