Chapter 479
Ye Wan turned around and went to Jin Bao's small room. When Sun Ma saw it, she couldn't stop her. Xiao Jin Bao's room was empty, so Ye Wan turned to ask Sun Ma, "Where is Jin Bao?"


"What happened to it!" Ye Wan asked anxiously.

"I have a friend who likes it, so I gave it away." Gu Yunting came down from upstairs, and said in a cold voice.

Ye Wan was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and then anger welled up in her chest, and she asked coldly, "Who did you send it to?"

"It's a friend, but it's just a dog. You can just buy another one if you like." Gu Yunting said lightly.

"Get it back for me, go and get Jinbao back!" Ye Wan was in a hurry, and rushed over to stop Gu Yunting, staring at him with red eyes and demanding.

Jinbao belongs to her, so why should he give it away just as he said?

"Ye Wan, have you forgotten your identity?" Gu Yunting looked at her coldly.

"I haven't forgotten, it's my dog, you have no right to give it away, you can get it back now!" Ye Wan stared at him stubbornly, her eyes getting redder and redder.

Gu Yunting's cell phone rang, he glanced at it and picked it up, a girl's cry came from inside, "Brother Yunting, woo woo woo, the puppy is dead, it jumped out of the car and fell to its death, and was crushed It's gone, it died so badly!"

Ye Wan was very close to him, so she could hear clearly what the person said on the phone. At that moment, Ye Wan felt that the blood in her whole body froze, Xiao Jinbao died!It was also crushed into a meat paste!

Gu Yunting also frowned, and he said, "If you like it, I'll buy you another one."

"I want exactly the same." Yan Jiayi acted like a spoiled child, with a tear in her voice.

"En." Gu Yunting responded.

Ye Wan looked at the man in front of her, her eyes became colder and colder, she walked around him upstairs without saying a word.

Mama Sun watched this scene worriedly, and rubbed her hands anxiously, she knew how much Ye Wan liked Xiao Jinbao.

Gu Yunting turned to look at Ye Wan, and said coldly, "Stop."

Ye Wan ignored her and strode upstairs until she returned to the bedroom and went into the bathroom. She turned around and locked the door. She leaned against the door and slowly slid down. She slowly hugged her knees, hating her own incompetence. He couldn't even protect his own puppy.

Gu Yunting followed upstairs, he knocked on the bathroom door, Ye Wan took a shower, dried her hair, and tidied herself up before opening the door to come out.

She still ignored and did not look at Gu Yunting, he grabbed her and pulled her back in front of him, bowed his head and kissed her.

Ye Wan's eyes widened sharply, and she stretched out her hand to push him. She had never seen such a brazen person who killed her little Jinbao, yet he kissed herself as if nothing happened.

But to him, her strength was no different from tickling him. She didn't resist until she was kissed so weakly by him that she fell down limply. Gu Yunting hugged her back to the bed and pulled the quilt to cover her. superior.

Ye Wan pulled up the quilt to cover her head, and the moment she closed her eyes, tears still flowed out.

Gu Yunting pulled the quilt off her head, and Ye Wan immediately turned her back to him, not wanting him to see her crying.

The next day, after Ye Wan woke up, she went to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were swollen like walnuts. She had a nightmare last night, all of which were scenes of Xiao Jinbao's tragic death. When she got up, her pillow was wet. up.

The good mood of the winter vacation has all been wiped out because of Xiao Jinbao's death.

(End of this chapter)

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