Chapter 481 Why I Let You Have a Child
Huarong took Ye Wan to a racecourse, she said with a smile, "Ting and Ms. Yan are here, you can figure it out, but I can advise you in advance, Ting really cares about Ms. Miss Yan, he will definitely be angry."

"There's no need for you to pretend in front of me, isn't this what you want to see?" Ye Wan looked at her with contempt, she was such a hypocritical woman, she obviously hated herself and hated the woman surnamed Yan, but she pretended A look of good for you.

Huarong was stabbed by her words, but her expression didn't change. Instead, she smiled, "By the way, I heard that Ting wants you to have a baby for him."

Ye Wan looked at her vigilantly, "It's none of your business."

"It's none of my business, but don't you want to know why Gu Yunting asked you to have a baby for him?" Huarong smiled brighter, and looked at her with a sympathetic expression.

"Do you know the reason?" Ye Wan also wanted to know the real reason, so she was led away by Hua Rong unconsciously.

"I know and I won't tell you. I just sympathize with you and your future child. It's really too tragic to die at birth." Huarong smiled and left.

After hearing this, Ye Wan could only feel her blood churning. She tried her best not to be affected by Huarong's words. She is not a good person, and what she said may not be true.

But why did Gu Yunting let herself have a baby?What is his purpose in doing this?
When signing the agreement, she only wanted to save her brother, and she didn't think too much about it. She never thought about whether Gu Yunting would hurt her child.

But now she really wants to know why?
Ye Wan saw the woman surnamed Yan. She was picking horses. When Ye Wan walked over, Yan Jiayi smiled when she saw her, "Hey, sister Ye Wan, are you coming to the racecourse too?"

Ye Wan didn't expect this woman to know her. She killed Xiao Jinbao, but she could still greet her with a smile?

Ye Wan walked towards her directly, and when she got in front of Yan Jiayi, she raised her hand and slapped her across the face.

Yan Jiayi's face was turned to one side, and five finger prints immediately appeared on her fair face, which looked shocking.

"I slapped Jinbao for this slap!" Ye Wan still couldn't calm down when thinking of Xiao Jinbao's tragic death.

Yan Jiayi covered her slapped face, tears streaming down her face, "Sister, why did you hit me? I didn't do anything wrong. Why did you hit me? What's wrong with me?"

"Stop pretending, I know you killed Jinbao on purpose." Ye Wan felt disgusted looking at the weak woman in front of her.

"Sister, I really don't know what you're talking about." Yan Jiayi covered her face with a look of being wronged.

"Are you still pretending? Jinbao is my dog, but you took him away and killed him." It was really the first time Ye Wan saw a girl who could pretend so much.

"I didn't, I'm not...that dog, it jumped out of the car by itself, it's really none of my business."

"What are you doing?" Gu Yunting's voice sounded behind Ye Wan, her body froze, and before she moved, the woman in front of her had already quickly ran towards the man.

"Brother Yunting, I really didn't kill that puppy. You know I like it very much, but sister Ye Wan beat me when she came, saying that I killed the dog. I'm so sad." Yan Jiayi burst into tears.

(End of this chapter)

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