Chapter 102
Day and night went back and forth, and another three days passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, the sky was cloudy, and there was a drizzle from time to time, and the construction site in Yujiawa Village stopped working.

Yu Laosan remembered that Yu Jun said that he was going to Dongshan Village to ask for a net cage, so he happened to be free today and walked to the east of the village.

At this moment, Yu Jun is helping his mother clean the house, while Yu Er is still lying in the house, trying to keep himself clean.

Yu Laosan took big strides and pushed his bicycle into the yard.

"Second brother!" Yu Laosan called Yu Laoer as soon as he entered the door.

Yu Lao Er, who was lying on the bed, heard a cry, and immediately sat up, put on his shoes and was about to go outside the house.

"Jun'er, who's here?" Yu Laoer went out and asked Yu Jun outside, "Is it your third uncle?"

Yu Laosan put down the car, changed his strides to small steps, and walked into the house while looking at the guys in the yard of Yu Laoer's house.

"The third uncle is here." Yu Jun didn't answer the second brother, but just went out to meet the third brother, and said, "It's early in the morning, third uncle, where did you go by bike?"

Yu Laosan smiled, followed Yu Jun's greeting, and entered the house, holding an umbrella with rusty ribs in his hand.

"Second brother, sister-in-law, and Jun'er are all at home." After the third child entered the house, he greeted each of them, then looked at Yu Jun and said, "You forgot, I told you to go to Lao Tian's house to ask for a net cage a few days ago." .”

Of course Yu Jun remembered, but he really didn't want Yu Laosan to follow him. He felt like he was being watched by Yu Laosan.

"Remember." Yu Jun smiled wryly, "Third Uncle, are you taking me to get the cage?"

Yu Laosan's idea is also very simple, he is afraid that Yu Jun will not speculate with Tian Sheng, and will make trouble again, this is for Tian Liang's face, and on the other hand, it is to prevent the two families from falling into a stalemate again.And the most important aspect.But Dongshan Village has helped a lot in building roads in the village now. If Yu Jun makes a fuss again, the name Baiyanlang will be added to the name of Yujiawa Village by Dongshan Village. How can he come and go from Dongshan Village in the future?

"Just because I'm free today, and the rain isn't too heavy, I'll take you there." Yu Lao San touched his shoulder, and said, "Look, I didn't open this umbrella all the way here. Not even wet."

"Third Uncle, I just wanted to go by myself, so I don't bother you." Yu Jun still wanted to go by himself, and said: "It's not a big deal, I..."

"Just let your third uncle follow you." Yu Laosan interrupted Yu Jun and said, "You still can't trust your third uncle? Your mother and I don't worry if he follows me, in case it rains heavily. "

Yu Jun was displeased. As his father, he usually didn't say a word, and always held him back at critical moments.

"Father, why are you..." Yu Jun frowned and said, "I told you to come with me. If you don't go, you have to trouble my third uncle now."

"What's the trouble? Your father doesn't want to go. It's okay for me, my third uncle, to go with me." Yu Laosan rushed in front of his second son and said, "It just so happens that I haven't chatted with your Uncle Tian in Dongshan Village for a long time. Go with you, and I happen to talk to him too."

Yu Jun knew that it was a certainty to let Yu Laosan go with him today, so he had no choice but to agree.

"Then... third uncle, shall we go now?" Yu Jun said, "Go early and return early."

"Okay, let's go!"

Just as Yu Laosan was about to take out his cigarette to light it, when he heard what Yu Jun said, he put the shredded tobacco back into the cloth bag, turned around, pushed the cart, and followed Yu Jun out the door.

"Father, you say you don't do anything!" Yu Jun's mother watched Yu Jun walk away from the third child, and said to the second child.

"You're here again, aren't you? That's my own brother and my own son." Yu Laoer became impatient.

Yu Jun and Yu Laosan left the village and walked towards Dongshan Village. They passed the construction site and checked whether the plaster cover was tight, for fear that it would be useless if it was exposed to rain.

"Uncle San, I'll take you with me on a bicycle later." Yu Jun said pushing Yu Lao San's bicycle.

Yu Jun went out with his third uncle, and such things as pushing the cart and carrying things were naturally what he, a junior, should do.

Yu Lao San nodded slightly, but he didn't look outside, and sat in the back seat on his own, when Yu Jun saw this.Also got on the car and pedaled.

Before noon, the two arrived at Dongshan Village.

Like the previous few times, Yu Lao San walked to the gate of Lao Tian's house with his hands behind his back.

Boom boom boom!
Boom boom boom!

It was Tian Liang who opened the door. He was covering the motorcycle in the yard, when he heard someone knocking on the door, he opened the door.

"Third brother! What wind brought you here."

Tian Liang first saw Yu Laosan, and then looked at Yu Jun who was following him. He knew Yu Jun, and it was Yu Jun who asked Tian Sheng to marry him wearing a white cloth.

"Bringing this child here, are you looking for Tian Sheng?" Tian Liang said again: "Unfortunately, I'm afraid it will rain heavily, Tian Sheng just followed his mother to the beach to check the boat."

"Brother Tian Liang, you're not looking for Sheng'er." Yu Lao San said, "It's this kid's house, that's my second brother's house. They lost a net cage. I heard you picked one up. Come and identify it."

Tian Liang suddenly realized, and remembered a set of net cages picked up at the seaside a while ago, and it turned out to be this matter.

"Yes, I really picked up a set of net cages." Tian Liang patted his head and said, "Go into the house, what do you say, let me see if it is right?"

So after the three of them entered the house, Yu Jun described the characteristics and marks of his cage.After Tian Liang listened, he took out the cage from the corner of the wall and checked it in front of Yu Laosan and Yu Jun. It really belonged to Yu Jun's family.

"Third brother, I just looked at you in front of the two of you just now, and it really is exactly the same as what this kid said." Tian Liang said with a smile: "Don't blame me for being supercilious, after all, I am also afraid of admitting my mistake, and others will come to the door in the future Come."

"It should be, even if you don't check it, I have to check it too." Yu Laosan also smiled and said: "It's not from our family, so we can't take it."

"Haha, that's fine, take it away when you go back later!" Tian Liang greeted the two of them, and said, "Go, the cage can't be lost here, let's go into the house to drink some water, and have some lunch here at noon!"

Ling'er, who was in the other room, had heard movement in the yard just now, so she peeked through the cracks in the curtains and saw Yu Jun in the yard, so she didn't go out at all.

"Net cage? Yu Jun?" Ling'er thought to herself: "Could it be that you borrow the net cage again? Are you so poor? You have to borrow the net cage?"

Linger looked down on Yu Jun from the bottom of her heart, and the more she thought about it now, the more something was wrong, so when Tian Liang took Yu Laosan and Yu Jun back to the house, Linger went out secretly, and Linger insisted on holding such a heavy cage. Surreptitiously dragged and dragged, and put it behind the house.

(End of this chapter)

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