Chapter 121
Time flies, after a few rains, the road construction in Yujiawa Village is coming to an end, as long as the asphalt is laid, it will be considered a success.

"Old man, does this asphalt have to be transported by car?" A villager watched Yu Lao San get off the asphalt truck and said, "This is the first time I have seen this steaming asphalt."

Like this villager, it was the first time for people in Yujiawa Village to see unpaved asphalt steaming in a large pot on the car.

"Have you no experience?" Guangfa laughed and said, "When I was in the army, I helped build roads in the local area, but I have seen it before. If the asphalt does not steam, it will harden."

Yu Lao San got out of the car and saw that the villagers who had been working hard for half a year, including himself, had lost a lot of weight, and the seaside people who were already exposed to the wind and sun were even darker.

"Big guy, get to work!" Yu Laosan waved his hand and said, "This is the last thing, be careful when you work! Don't be burned by the asphalt!"

So the villagers took turns in groups of two and two to level the asphalt dumped directly on the road by the car, which felt like a decisive battle.

"Everyone give way! Make way for this cart." Lao Hai shouted from the side.

A car with a large iron pillar across the front drove in, attracting people from Yujiawa Village to watch.

"What kind of machine is this?" Wang Qin asked, standing next to Yu Guangfa with a shovel in his hand, "Did you see it when you were in the army?"

"That's natural. We don't have one in the whole town, only in the city." Guangfa looked smug, as if he had driven it himself, and said: "This machine is like a road roller. As long as the front roller rolls asphalt, it can Flatten the road, as strong as it needs to be, ah, if the town finds this thing, it will give the village a big face."

"It's still training people for the army." Xu Qin said with emotion, it was the first time she saw this thing, and the novelty came up for a while, and she wanted to get closer.

"What are you doing? Come back quickly." Guangfa pulled Xu Qin back, and said, "Are you stunned? You are too close, and if you are crushed by this thing, your bones will be crushed."

Xu Qin rolled her eyes, and simply stood by and watched obediently.


The road roller drove in slowly, and the asphalt truck also moved forward slowly in front of the road roller, while resting on the asphalt.The villagers in the middle are still leveling the steaming asphalt in groups of two.

"Be careful! Get out as soon as you finish leveling!"

Yu Lao San stared at the villagers between the two cars on the construction site, for fear of any accidents. After all, curiosity hurts people. Tripping, the accident can happen in an instant.

"Don't look at me!" Yu Laosan smiled and said to the villagers on the road: "I'm not lazy and not working, I'm afraid that something will happen to you, so I'm watching you."

Boom, boom—

The machine dumping asphalt in front stopped suddenly, and the driver jumped out of the car and walked towards Yu Laosan.

"What's the matter? Comrade." Yu Laosan also walked over to meet him, and asked in bewilderment.

"I don't think the asphalt paved in your village is good." The driver said, "It's too thick, one-third thicker than the asphalt paved by the contractors in the city."

"Comrade, our roads will not be repaired for several years." Yu Laosan handed the driver a cigarette and said, "Thicker, stronger."

The driver smiled awkwardly, put the cigarette away from his ears, then returned to the car, and started the machine again.

"Third brother, the city is thinner than ours." Yu Jianshan said, "It's the first time we build this kind of road, so let's follow the city?"

"You didn't hear what Guangcheng said when he came back last time." Yu Laosan said seriously: "The roads in the city are often refurbished. Let's pave them thicker and feel at ease!"

"It's more reliable if it's thicker?" Yu Jianshan was still puzzled, and said, "I heard that people have special experts to arrange it."

Yu Lao San knew very well that experts were all used as a cover, and the reasons for this cannot be said.

"The old secretary was still alive before, and he told me that people are alive, there are one or two winds." Yu Laosan sighed: "Eighth of it is conscience, and two is fate. People, you should have more conscience."

"That's not true." Although Yu Jianshan didn't understand what Yu Laosan meant, he could clearly hear the last sentence of conscience.

Yu Lao San was smoking, still staring at the villagers between the two cars.

"Third Uncle, Third Uncle!" Yu Jun ran over from the village and said, "There is a call from your city!"

"Telephone?" Yu Lao San was puzzled, not knowing who he knew in the city, so he asked, "Did you say who it was?"

"No, I just said I was looking for you." Yu Jun scratched his head and said, "I forgot to ask, the phone number is written down in the book next to the phone."

"Okay, I'll go and have a look." Yu Laosan set off to the village committee, before leaving, he said, "You and Uncle Jianshan keep an eye here, don't let them get too close to the machines at the front and back!"

After all, Yu Laosan walked quickly to the village committee office.

"Hello?" Yu Laosan dialed the number on the notebook.

"Brother Jianguo, it's me." Guangcheng's voice came from the other end.

"Ah, Guangcheng, who am I?" Yu Laosan immediately laughed and said, "What's the matter?"

"How is the road repair in the village?" Guangcheng started to care about the affairs of the village when his life got better recently, and said again: "Let me know when it's repaired, so I can find a truck to transport seafood to the village."

Because of Hu Dahai, Guangcheng has been valued by Lu Bin recently. Regardless of whether Lu Bin's intentions are good or bad, Guangcheng has benefited a lot recently. He went out with Lu Bin to talk about things a few days ago, and because of this, he met some big friends. The shop's purchasing staff, Guangcheng also talked about the seafood in Yujiawa Village during the chat, and there was a market for a while.

"Soon, the asphalt is being laid." Yu Laosan said, "In half a month, it will be opened!"

"Then I can get in touch with you to see the seafood in the village." Guangcheng said again: "You and the people in the village should make good preparations, and make it more upright. If someone collects seafood, you won't have to worry about running out of money. "

"Okay, okay!" Yu Laosan repeatedly applauded, saying: "When the time comes, you will come back with me to see the roads built in our village, great!"

"Brother Jianguo, I'll take a look when the time comes, and I'll go back when I'm free." Guangcheng said, "I've been busy recently, okay, I have to go to work again, let's talk about it in a few days."

Before Guangcheng could speak to the third child, he hung up the phone in a hurry.


Listening to the sound of hanging up on the phone, Yu Laosan also put down the phone in his hand.

"That's great." Yu Lao San couldn't help sighing: "Good things happen again and again! Guangcheng's stay in the city is not in vain."

(End of this chapter)

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