Chapter 448 Take It Seriously
Xiao Ningsi didn't come today due to business, Ouyang Jiarui temporarily acted as the cashier.

Now, whenever a diner puts fish into his mouth, his hands on the table will curl up involuntarily, and his breathing will temporarily stop.

Yunsu couldn't stand it anymore, walked to Ouyang Jiarui and said, "Go to the back kitchen and stay."

Ouyang Jiarui's eyes were still looking forward, and he didn't notice Yunsu's existence at all.

Yunsu frowned, "Ouyang Jiarui."

In the end, Ouyang Jiarui still ignored him.

Taking a deep breath, Yunsu stretched out a finger, raised his arm, and flicked Ouyang Jiarui's forehead hard.

As a result, Ouyang Jiarui didn't seem to feel pain, and his eyes were still looking forward.

Yunsu's lips were pressed together, and now he didn't want to say a word, but suddenly wanted to expel Ouyang Jiarui from the school.

After a few seconds, Ouyang Jiarui came back to his senses: "Ah? Master, what did you just say?"

Yunsu closed his eyes and took a deep breath, parted the corners of his mouth, his tone was speechless and disgusted, "It's okay."

Ouyang Jiarui: "Oh, yes."

Yunsu was speechless, can you give her back the smart apprentice, now this apprentice seems to lack brainstem.

In the end, Yunsu still couldn't hold back, "You go to the back kitchen to prepare the staff meals. When you are done, the diners will almost leave."

Ouyang Jiarui looked at Yunsu pleadingly, "Master, can I prepare it later?" He wanted to hear the comments of the diners.

Yunsu: "No."

Ouyang Jiarui lowered his head, his tone was full of disappointment, "Okay."

Yunsu was speechless, she asked him to prepare staff meals for his own good.

He doesn't even know how strange he is now, and if he continues like this, it is very likely that he will suffer from physical problems due to being too nervous.

Although she dislikes him very much now, he is her only apprentice after all.

Yunsu nodded, "Well, let's go."

In Ouyang Jiarui's current position, he only needs to walk three steps to the back kitchen, a distance that can be completed in a few seconds, but he has taken a very long way.

With every movement, he looks at the diners.

After walking like this for 2 minutes, the curtain close at hand was lifted.

Yunsu raised one hand to support his forehead, the child was hopeless.

In the back kitchen, Ouyang Jiarui pricked up his ears, and his hands moved much faster than before.

When he finished the staff meal and came out, there was no one else in the restaurant except Yunsu.

Ouyang Jiarui, who was carrying the dishes, was stunned, "Master, where are the others?"

Yunsu lowered his head and moved the abacus, "Let's go."

This abacus was made by her. It is more convenient to pay now, and the specific income can be seen on the mobile phone, but she still likes the abacus.

The abacus in the Huaxia Dynasty was made of pure gold, and the beads on it were made of gemstones. The gemstones were very hard, and it was not easy to drill holes in them.

Her current goal is not only to pay off the loan, but also to build a plan like before.

Ouyang Jiarui's eyes widened, his voice suddenly raised, "Going away?"

Yunsu narrowed his eyes and frowned at Ouyang Jiarui.

Ouyang Jiarui shook his body and said with a flattering smile, "Master, did the diners say anything before they left?"

Yunsu moved aside, "Look at the surveillance for yourself."

Ouyang Jiarui: "Okay."

Constantly adjusting the time, I finally found the time when the first diner left.

He clicked play, and heard a familiar voice coming from the screen.

It was his master's voice, and he only heard the master say to the diners in front of him: "Hello, how is the fish hot pot today, are you satisfied?"

Diner: "The taste is the same as the one I ate before, very satisfied."

Ouyang Jiarui had a big smile on the corner of his mouth, turned his head to look at Yunsu for a while, and then continued to play the next video.

Next, Master would say the same thing when each diner was paying the bill.

After watching all the monitoring, Ouyang Jiarui's face was already wet.

He wiped his face casually, then lay down on the table and began to cry.

Yunsu turned his head and looked at Ouyang Jiarui, who kept shaking his body and crying loudly, and was stunned.

Uh, what's the situation?
This is... Not satisfied with the reviews of diners?
Still feel... the diners were bribed by her, these are all fake reviews? you feel guilty because you didn't do well today?
Uh, forgive her for encountering such a situation for the first time, she really couldn't figure out what the apprentice was thinking.

After a long silence, Yunsu patted Ouyang Jiarui's shoulder, "Apprentice, are you... all right?"

Ouyang Jiarui raised his head, besides tears, there was also some slightly viscous liquid on his face.

Yunsu, who originally wanted to ask him what's wrong, immediately took two steps back, "You...Go and wash your face first."

Ouyang Jiarui twitched twice, and responded in a low voice: "Oh."

He went to the bathroom, his vision was very blurry because of the tears in his eyes.

He wiped his eyes casually, and when he got to the bathroom and saw the mirror in front of him, he took a step back.

Scary, who is this dirty man in the mirror? !This is too ugly!
No wonder the master asked him to wash his face just now, this face is so real, he himself despises it.

After washing his face, Ouyang Jiarui walked to the cash register, fingering the corners of his clothes, "Master..."

Looking at his clean face, Yunsu said, "Why were you crying just now?"

Ouyang Jiarui: "In terms of cooking skills, this is the first time that I have been recognized by so many people."

"I was a little touched for a while, but I couldn't hold back."

Yunsu: "Uh, okay."

"Let me make an analogy, if you are praised by thousands of diners in the future, what kind of things will you do?"

Ouyang Jiarui: "I was more excited the first time, but I think it's nothing after that."

Yunsu nodded, "Okay."

"I won't ask the diners for you in the future. When you ask the diners yourself, I hope you can be as calm as you are now."

Ouyang Jiarui nodded emphatically, "Master, I will."

Yunsu: "It's true that the diners are all praising it, but don't be proud, the soup base tastes really good, but..."

Ouyang Jiarui held his breath, "But what..."

Yunsu: "The knife skill is still not enough. Normal fish fillets for hot pot fish are translucent after being cut. You cut it a bit thick. Also, the cut is not good. It may be that you are too nervous and your hands are shaking. The part is curved, but under normal circumstances it should be relatively flat and smooth."

Ouyang Jiarui nodded, "Good Master, I'll take note."

Yunsu: "Well, it's fine to change it next time, let's eat now."

Walking to the dining table and looking at the plate of fish in front of him, Yunsu suddenly lost his appetite for food.

She crossed her arms and looked at Ouyang Jiarui indifferently, "This is the fish you cut?!"

Ouyang Jiarui swallowed, "Yes."

 Thank you all for your votes


(End of this chapter)

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