Even though he is a villain, can he be saved?

Chapter 1 Bad Girls and Monsters Part 1

Chapter 1 Bad Girls and Monsters Part [-]
(Well, this chapter is the Earth chapter. In the Earth chapter, you can see the following scenes:

The whole TM is a tribute!
Tsuburaya classic yin and yang weirdness
A lot of foreshadowing and the author's personal speculation

If you are enthusiastic about Ultraman saving the scene in time, you can directly shoot a story of a 52-episode domestic Ultraman series after you take it for filming.

And a series of plots interspersed in the Earth chapter, such as the legend of the big monster Super Galaxy, Dark Lopsero, Belia Galactic Empire, Killer Bit Star, Ultra Legend and the new generation guest appearances.

So, please--

—Wait, and hope! )

(Finally, I need to follow up on the recommended data. I will also write more manuscripts in the past few days. Please read more and give tickets, please!)
Thirty years after the First World War of the Ampera Stars, there has never been a large-scale monster riot on the earth since then, and people have gradually forgotten the crises of past life in their peaceful lives day after day.

As for the scattered monsters that woke up, after humans realized that they were also the original inhabitants of the earth, the defense force began to take measures to anesthetize them and send them to uninhabited islands in the Pacific Ocean or other uninhabited areas for conservation.

However, if the anesthesia does not work, or a monster is extremely threatening, the defense force will use the meteor technology of the previous generation of GUYS to kill and eliminate it.This is especially true for alien monsters from the universe.

After talking about monsters, in the past 30 years, the cosmic people have also begun to take the earth seriously, and no longer concentrate on invading and occupying the earth as usual.After realizing that the earth has no meaning to occupy, the people from the universe come to visit and live on the earth more, and the people on the earth gradually adapt to the situation that the people from the universe live on the earth.

It’s just that most of the cosmonauts usually appear in human form, so the earthlings are quite welcome to come to the earth for technical exchanges and daily experiences without worrying about being frightened.

However, in this peaceful and ordinary daily life, outside the atmosphere of the earth, a blue illusory big hand appeared from nowhere, and from the palm of the hand facing the earth emitted a little blue dust, and then disappeared without a trace. trace.

And as the dust drifted away, a red figure of resentment gradually appeared from the deserted desert for a moment.

"Hahaha! Hahahahaha!." (Classic intermittent laughter from Yabo people)


In 2037, the monsters stopped their large-scale activities and fell into a dormant No. 30 years.

One evening on May [-]th, a tall, flat-chested girl with short white hair was walking down the street with her arms around two girls, chatting and laughing with the two girls she hooked up with in a bar, While frowning, he took out the buzzing mobile phone from the phone:
"X, didn't you see that my mother is chatting with beautiful women? Who has no eyesight?!"

Just after cursing this sentence, the white-haired beauty finally took out her mobile phone, and then looked at the name displayed on the communication and gasped.

After thinking about it, the white-haired beauty hurriedly made a shush gesture to the two girls beside her, and then pressed the answer button:

"Ahaha, Dad, why did you call me suddenly? I'm just wandering outside now, what do you want me for?"

After a moment of silence, a melancholy and sad voice came from the other end of the phone:

"Ah... Is that so... Originally I was thinking of celebrating your 20th birthday, but if you don't have time, forget it..."

Hearing the resentful tone, the white-haired beauty was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't laugh or cry:

"Don't, if it doesn't work, I'll just go back now. You're doing it like this... Then what, you two beauties, are you going to my house to have fun? Not only will there be wine, but there will also be fun little animals waiting for you?"

Automatically ignoring the second half of the indecent words of the white-haired beauty, the other end of the phone is obviously much more cheerful:

"In that case, I'll wait for you to come back."

After hanging up the phone, the white-haired beauty suddenly remembered something and couldn't help grinding her teeth:
"Then what, I have something to say first, my father looks very fierce, but in fact he is a good person in his heart, you must not be too afraid of him... okay?"

Some looked at each other blindly, and the girl with short hair asked cautiously:
"Then... what exactly does it look like?"

Moving her towering nose, the white-haired beauty thought for a while and felt that she should tell the truth, so she sighed helplessly:

"Ha——Before I was five years old, I always felt that everyone had a different understanding of his appearance, but after five years old, everyone saw him as a man with long hair, black and white, two scars at the corners of his mouth, and the whites of his eyes may be dyed. It may also be a man who was born black and about 1.8 meters tall."


Cursing and returning to the small villa alone, the white-haired beauty glanced at the maverick golden villa in front of her, and once again sighed helplessly:

"The aesthetics and color matching are nothing... Dad, you really need to see a psychiatrist when you have time."

After all, the white-haired beauty still took out the key from the pocket of her shorts, and clicked open the door that was gold-plated according to the father himself:

"I'm back! Dad, what did you prepare for my birthday?"

Hearing this sentence, the weird man sitting on the large sofa and reading the newspaper looked up, and then pointed to the big gold and silver cake on the dining table:
"Birthday cake, this is specially ordered by me. I don't know if the three of you can eat it... Huh? There are two more people? Where are you?"

Grinding her teeth and staring at the cake on the dining table, the white-haired beauty hesitated for a moment before stretching out her hand to try its taste, but immediately began to eat it.After hearing the man's question, the white-haired beauty shrugged sadly and helplessly:

"I told them about your appearance, but the two of them were too scared to come... So it's not for nothing that I usually bring people to the hotel, father."

With a muffled grunt, the man began to read the newspaper again:
"Dad, daddy... you call me old like this, okay? Why don't you just call me by my name? It's much more inconvenient? I'm right, An Nuoqi."

Stretching out her hand to wipe the cream on her lips, An Nuoqi silently rolled her eyes at her father's words.

I don't want to call you that weird name, besides, who on Earth has nothing to do to name himself the name of Pluto in ancient Greek mythology? (Hades)
Simply insane.



Three days later, on May [-] of the same year.

On this memorable day, the Earth Defense Force announced at its headquarters in New York that the meteor technology inherited from the previous defense force GUYS has made new breakthroughs and can achieve greater achievements in actual combat and scientific research .

The new technology is named Full Moon Technology.It can not only enhance the intensity of light used by the Defense Force as a weapon, but also prolong the activity time of man-made monsters, directly increasing the activity time limit from 1 minute to 5 minutes.

Also because of this unprecedented breakthrough, the Defense Forces high-level decided to hold a press conference on August [-]th to publicize the achievements of the Earth Defense Force.

As for the heavy duty of security around the test site, it falls on the current Earth Defense Force.

Upon hearing the news that she was going to work overtime again, the blond, blue-eyed, tall but unambitious British female team member Mordred was very reluctant, lying on the table and complaining uncomfortably: "What are these high-level people doing? The monsters have been dormant for thirty years, and they are still so cautious, I really don't understand."

(Short hair, abdominal muscles, wheat-colored skin, standard tomboy image)
"Well, don't say that. After all, apart from monsters, we also have to beware of people with ulterior motives sneaking into the laboratory to steal the full moon technology on the day of the press conference. Once this thing falls into the hands of those violent terrorists, it may cause serious damage. What a devastation!" An American woman with a ponytail comforted Mordred, telling her to calm down.

"Captain Smith, if you say so, we don't need five 'people' to fly the plane to patrol together?" A French man stretched out his hand to express his disapproval, which immediately made Smith's face darken.

"Alan, don't make things difficult for the captain. She is also following orders, okay?" The German guy sitting behind Alan patted him on the shoulder, signaling him not to talk so much.

"Hank! You bastard!" After being persuaded by Hank, Alan became even more upset: "Don't you have any idea about this mission?"

After watching coldly for a while, the muscular man sitting next to the command seat couldn't help but yelled at them: "Alan, Hank, if you have any problems, go to the ring in the fitness room to solve them. If you are dissatisfied with the order, You can come and vent to me!"

Hearing the burly man's words, Alan and Hank immediately shook hands and reconciled: "What's the matter, Vice Captain Tosferski, we have always had a good relationship, right Hank?"

"Well! Of course!"

After nodding to express his thanks to Tosfraski, Smith frowned and looked at the vacant seat on the left of the command post: "That fellow Qiongqi, you still don't want to come?"

Mordred, who was lying on the table, smacked his lips speechlessly when he heard this: "Tsk, the monster girl is invisible all day long, if you can see the captain, there will be no problem!"

Hearing Mordred's complaint, Smith also shook his head helplessly: "Hey! This is also something that can't be helped. Who would have thought that monsters in ancient legends 1 years ago really existed and have lived until modern times?
But soon, Smith calmed down, and clapped his hands to signal everyone to look at her: "Stop talking about this! Listen to me, everyone, this mission is very important. It has a bearing on the face of our Earth Defense Force, and there must be no mistakes. ,understand?"

Although the team members did not understand the high-level decision, they still expressed their support: "Understood, captain!"


On August [-]th.

Looking at the dense crowd of reporters under the podium, the spokesman, Colonel Steve, couldn't help but took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat off his face: "Then, I announce that the press conference for the unveiling of the full moon technology has officially begun!"

Following Steve's proclamation, the cameras in the audience flickered one after another, and a bunch of guns and cannons were raised high one after another, hoping to insert them directly into Steve's mouth:
"Colonel Steve, why do you want to study full moon technology? Isn't your Earth Defense Force wasting enough money every year?"

"Colonel Steve, I heard that the Earth Defense Force's budget is going to be drastically cut, so I have to use the only results I have as a demonstration. Is this true?"

"Colonel Steve, obviously most of the cosmonauts have signed a treaty of friendship with the earth, and have come to the earth to live peacefully, so is the existence of the Earth Defense Force necessary?!"

"Colonel Steve!"

"Colonel Steve!"

Faced with a variety of questions that were all negative, Colonel Steve was also a little dizzy. He subconsciously clicked on a female reporter who was the farthest away from him and seemed the calmest: "This reporter, ask questions first!"

Following Colonel Steve's nomination, a group of reporters gathered around reluctantly retreated, waiting for the question from the lucky one who was casually picked by Colonel Steve who was dazed.

The female reporter who was nominated by Colonel Steve in a panic still looked elegant and calm. After opening the booklet on her lap, she asked calmly: "Colonel Steve, what are you doing?" Well, I am Romiya, a reporter from Pravda, and our Pravda is not interested in rumors, but just wants to know the truth."

When Colonel Steve heard the name of this media company, he couldn't help but took out his handkerchief and wiped more sweat stains on his face.

You know, this Pravda is famous for being able to get some extremely insider and timely news. There are countless politicians and companies that have been destroyed through this media. I met the final boss right after I just left Novice Village!

Sure enough, this Miss Romia broke the news as soon as she opened her mouth: "We have received reliable information that the development of the full moon technology is mainly because there are quite a few monsters on the Hawaiian Islands that are used to captive monsters. Fighting emotions, this is the accelerated development. Is this true?"

After Romia finished speaking her question, the entire press conference was silent.

Then, there was a group of reporters gasping for air.


The leading Sun newspaper reporter had been at odds with Pravda, and couldn't help but sneered at his old media opponent: "Miss Romiya, what you said is too scary, if what you said is true, then how can you tell the truth?" Isn’t it the days when monster disasters happen again? Am I right, Colonel Steve?”

However, to the surprise of the male Sun reporter, Colonel Steve actually nodded, affirming the breaking news that Romia said: "You got the right news, Miss Romia."

(End of this chapter)

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