Chapter 28 Preparations
In the claustrophobic dark space, Chen Fan picked and picked among a lot of things, and picked up a gleaming armor made of gold. The cross-shaped pupils lighted up slightly, and he threw it behind him like trash:
"Tsk, it's another useless thing. It's not easy for me to take this kind of thing with me."

After rummaging around, Chen Fan, who still couldn't find anything that satisfied him, sat on the high pile of garbage piled up with treasures, frowning, wiped his sweat with his sleeves, and continued to scan the existing things below.

While Chen Fan was looking around, a black figure in the shape of a human appeared quietly behind him, stepped on a pile of treasures and walked silently behind Chen Fan, then raised his hands and dropped them——

——Picking up the golden armor that Chen Fan had just disliked for a long time, he began to look at it.

After the identical cross-shaped pupils lighted up slightly, the black shadow nodded in satisfaction, and forced the golden armor into his body.

As the golden armor came into contact with Sombra's body, a circle of ripples began to spread from the point of contact, and soon spread to Sombra's body, while the golden armor was like a stone falling into a swamp, bit by bit It sank down, and finally completely immersed in Sombra's body.

After absorbing the golden armor, the black shadow turned his head to look at Chen Fan who was still thinking about what to choose, and then suddenly a big slit opened on his face like a smile.

Next, the black shadow stood on tiptoe and walked cautiously towards Chen Fan's back step by step, for fear that his words would disturb Chen Fan and make him notice him.

Step by step is the pace of the devil.

Silently walking behind Chen Fan, the black shadow just picked up the short-handled hammer engraved with runes on the side and wanted to hit Chen Fan, when he was stunned by a word that was neither salty nor bland:

"If you dare to hit me with Mjolnir (Mjolnir, the name of Thor's Hammer), I will use the sky-opening ax left by Pangu to chop your brains out."

Throwing away Thor's Hammer boredly with a sip, a hypocritical smile suddenly appeared on the dark face of the black figure with only pupils:

"Look at what you said, we are all one existence, why bother to hurt each other?"

With his back to the shadow, Chen Fan didn't even bother to pay attention to him, he just jumped down and continued to pick among a pile of dazzling treasures:
"What are you talking about with a thousand-year-old fox? And what are you doing covering your face? Which of us has a different face? If you really don't like your face, just like that guy in Fengdu, just peel off your face." .”

The black shadow who was ridiculed by Chen Fan was not angry, but just rolled his eyes and looked curiously at Chen Fan below:
"Speaking of which, why did you come back here? And you are still choosing the second awakening ability? I remember that you have unilaterally severed the connection with the main body since you were born?"

After waiting for a while, he realized that Chen Fan hadn't paid him any attention at all, and Soi Ying just shook his head regretfully and sighed:
"Tsk tsk tsk, obviously you are the only one who hasn't returned for such a long time after awakening, except for the guy who was sealed and suppressed. I didn't expect to come back to get things now. It's really sad~
But ~ sad ~. "

Chen Fan, who was constantly harassed by the black shadows, finally raised his head from the pile of treasures, and looked at him with annoyed expression:

"So? Say what you have to say and fart, you are not the kind of guy who is so boring that you have time to deliberately disgust me."

Seeing that Chen Fan wasn't fooled at all, Sombra became even more boring:
"Okay, okay, boring guy, I was thinking that our world would have a common language after the end of the world... Now that you said that, let me just say it——

You don't really like this kind of house-playing game, do you?I think you don't even have an ambiguous partner? "

"The last sentence is completely redundant!" Chen Fan was furious at the black shadow's teasing, and subconsciously raised a long sword at hand to aim at the high shadow.

Seeing that Chen Fan was furious, Soi Ying quickly waved his hand: "Okay, okay, I'm wrong, okay?"

Facing Soi Ying's luck for a long time, Chen Fan put down the long sword in his hand after snorting, and answered Soi Ying's question angrily:

"I'm happy to live like this, can you control you? And what's wrong with having an affair? The woman over there is the reason why you came here. If you don't want a good solution, it will be over sooner or later."

What Chen Fan didn't expect was that Sombra just shrugged his counterattack:

"I don't care, anyway, I'm just living a life of drinking and playing games. When I get bored and get tired of playing, I will kill her, besides——"

As he said that, Hei Ying's black mist face with only one pair of eyes gradually opened a big mouth with an evil smile:

"Even if I fail, or she is killed by me, then she will return to death, which is me.

So why should I worry?Hee hee hee. "

Staring at the black figure on the top of the garbage dump that exposed his real face, Chen Fan silently put down the long sword in his hand, clenched his fist with one hand, and then made a world-class friendly gesture.

Amid the loud laughter, the black shadows disappeared into the darkness one by one, like black spots erased by an eraser in a drawing tool on a computer, leaving only the last echoing words:
"The guy who has nothing, and the guy who has given up everything, what an interesting combination."

After staring at the place where the black shadow disappeared for a long time, Chen Fan continued to look down for what he wanted.

It seems that the influence of Sombra's last words on Chen Fan is not as easy as it appears.



After searching for a long time in the dazzling pile of treasures, and throwing away countless artifacts that would make even famous heroes and villains stop and think twice, Chen Fan finally found what he wanted.

This thing has different manifestations in different worlds.

Sometimes it's someone's eyes.

Sometimes it's an ability of a person.

Sometimes it's a treasure someone has acquired through long practice.

But its essence is all the same.

That is--



When Chen Fan opened his eyes again, his first feeling was that something was dragging him away by the collar of his clothes.

At first, Chen Fan thought it was Ye Yi who was leading him, but when he saw Ye Yi who was reluctant to follow him in the distance, Chen Fan dismissed this idea.

However, according to the height of the force, it doesn't look like someone is helping to drag him away?Is it dragging clothes with hooks or something?

With doubts in mind, Chen Fan barely moved his sore neck and looked back.

Then, the cross-shaped white pupils met with a pair of blue eyes.

So, Chen Fan instantly understood why Ye Yi hid so far away, and why he felt so low.


A husky with two ruts on its body let go of Chen Fan's collar, which couldn't move, and cheerfully called out to him when he woke up.

After staring at a husky for a long time, Chen Fan probably couldn't get back to his thoughts for a while.

This can't be blamed on Chen Fan, after all, anyone who wakes up in the heavily guarded management office and finds himself being dragged around by a husky will probably lose his mind.

After being blinded for a while, Chen Fan suddenly noticed that the husky was getting closer excitedly, sticking out his pink tongue, not knowing what to do.

Although he has kept cats since he was a child, and this cat has recently turned into a human, Chen Fan was also a person who often watched the animal world when he was a child. How can he not know that this husky wants to lick his face when he wakes up? ?

After a ghost scream, Chen Fan barely moved his almost paralyzed body to turn over. After avoiding the husky's licking, he desperately drove himself with only one arm that could move, and crawled towards Yeyi like a zombie just out of the cage:

"Miss Yeyi! Don't just watch! Hurry up and save me!"

Hearing Chen Fan's call for help, Ye Yi, who was squatting on the window sill, shook his head and just wanted to do something, when he saw the husky running towards Chen Fan cheerfully, shaking his hala, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​going up to help:

"Boy, it's not that I won't help you, it's that Huskies are so disgusting, you can ask for more blessings."

"Miss Yeyi?!"

Chen Fan, who was tragically betrayed, looked up in astonishment, but only saw Ye Yi's disgusted eyes and his slowly retreating figure.

Seeing that Chen Fan was about to suffer from the husky's poisonous tongue, a slender and beautiful leg suddenly stretched out from the slant, tripped the joyous and galloping husky, and fell heavily to the ground and rowed far away.

Dumbly looking at the husky that slid out, Chen Fan turned to look at Hu Weijiu who saved him:

"I said Miss Jiu, it's not a big deal for the administration to have a dog, but raising a husky that can tear down houses and drag unconscious employees around is a bit of a problem, right?"

Glancing at the husky who was flung out and stood up like a dog, Hu Weijiu, whose whole leg was trembling slightly, just shrugged at Chen Fan's complaint:

"It also kindly wants to help you, and wants to bring you to the outpatient clinic... or the dormitory?"

Having said that, Hu Weijiu innocently spread her palms:

"I don't quite understand Husky's thinking, but Chen Fan, you have to know that a dog is man's best friend, and generally speaking, it won't harm you."

After listening to Hu Weijiu's explanation, Chen Fan looked up at Ye Yi who was tickling himself on the window sill, and suddenly said:
"What about the cat?"

Following Chen Fan's gaze, Hu Weijiu showed a rather complicated expression to Ye Yi:

"Probably...maybe...should think that human beings are their good slaves?"



After a moment of silence, Hu Weijiu coughed lightly, then raised her finger and pointed at the husky who ran over and rubbed his trousers: "Forget it, let's not talk about so much, let's get to know your teammates. Just Husky."

"...No, wait a minute???" Chen Fan pointed at the husky with a mentally handicapped face in surprise, unable to accept it for a while:
"I don't even know where to start complaining... Should I talk about why a husky is named Husky, or start with why a dog is my teammate?!"

Stretching out her hand to gently caress Husky's ears, Hu Weijiu is already used to the surprise Chen Fan showed at this time:
"Ah, I really miss it. It's been two or three years since this kind of thing happened? Forget it, let me tell you, Xiao Chen, this dog is actually a floating spirit...don't ask me why the dog became a floating spirit. Spirit, in essence, any creature with a soul can become a floating spirit. Then its spirit deed is the same as yours, and as for the ability..."

Touching and touching, Hu Weijiu finally noticed the two ruts on Husky's body, so she sighed helplessly:
"In terms of ability, it is the head iron."


Looking at Chen Fan with a puzzled face, Hu Wei Jiuxin said that it is better for me to explain in detail to the newcomers:

"Ahem, it's actually a copper head and an iron arm. Husky's current body strength is no less than the highest hardness alloy, and because it is a living creature, its toughness and extensibility are much stronger than the hardest alloy. You can basically think of it as a low-end version of Monkey King in Journey to the West."

After finishing speaking, Hu Weijiu noticed that Chen Fan was frowning and staring at the rut marks on Husky's body, so she added:
"Then can't expect to be normal. It's just that this hobby is very special-after it awakens its ability, its favorite thing to do is to run to the gate and lie in the sun in the blind spot of the vehicle's vision. It also makes the guy feel good to run over."

However, after hearing Hu Weijiu's explanation, Chen Fan not only did not relax his brows, but even tightened them up a bit:
"Then Xiaojiu, you are not afraid that it will be crushed one day? The body hardness can compete with the strongest alloy, but the resistance may not be the same?"

Hu Weijiu just shrugged her shoulders: "Well, don't worry about it, we have tested it, even if a tank drives past it, this guy is still fine."

Now, the pressure came to Chen Fan's side.

With a helpless sigh, Chen Fan, who had regained some of his mobility, put his hands on the ground, ready to end this unnutritious conversation:
"Okay, Miss Jiu, you came to me just because of a husky, right? Just tell me if you have anything to say."

Seeing Chen Fan slowly getting up from the ground, Hu Weijiu's pupils shrank slightly.

Isn't this guy's resilience too strong?
Hu Weijiu is a third-level floating spirit. If it weren't for the support of the nutrient solution, it would take him to lie down until night to recover half of it. Chen Fan, a first-level rookie who has just awakened his soul ability, actually...

Speaking of which, this guy had half of his arm and bones broken, but he turned out to be fine overnight.

It seems that Zhu Jiuyin's upgrade route, except that it is not easy to advance to the fourth level, the other effects are quite enviable... No wonder it is one of the few self-awakening routes.

Shaking her head to dispel the thoughts in her head, Hu Weijiu took out a rolled-up notice from the side pocket of her trousers and handed it to Chen Fan who stood up while leaning on the window sill:

"Here, this is a notice for you. In view of the uncontrollability of your ability and the uniqueness that it only takes effect against floating spirits, the Los Angeles City Administration believes that you can go home and live a normal life, but you need to exercise to control your spiritual power in the future. Then it happens that you are on summer vacation, so starting tomorrow, you will perform patrol missions with the patrol team."

Shaking his arm to keep it from trembling, Chen Fan barely controlled his sore arm and took the order, rolled it up and put it away, then looked up at Hu Weijiu again:
"Then little sister Jiu, where will I report tomorrow? Then what is the task to deal with?"

After grabbing the husky's collar to keep it from running around, Hu Weijiu said a place name that surprised Chen Fan:
"Old City, yes, it is the urban area where mutants gather. Your task is to check for counterfeit medicines."

(End of this chapter)

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