Chapter 32
Feeling the trembling from his fingertips after pointing out the fact that the werewolf girl and the big-headed doll had become living skeletons, Chen Fan pressed harder on the werewolf girl's slender neck:

"Originally, I followed you because generally speaking, once a mutant species loses the ability to move, it is not far from being completely reincarnated, and I don't want to see a large-scale revivification event break out in the old city, and then be wiped out by missiles. For flat scenes."

After a pause, Chen Fan shrugged his shoulders indifferently, causing Ye Yi to slap him a few times:
"However, it is also possible that the person you want to bring the medicine to is physically disabled, and is not about to collapse. But in order to avoid the most worrying thing from happening, I still come with you."

Relaxing his strength a little so that the werewolf girl would not be completely strangled to death by him, Chen Fan looked at her confused eyes and grinned:
"Isn't it very strange, how can I tell that the two abnormal species that are acting normally and have not lost their minds are living skeletons?"

However, the werewolf girl didn't care about Chen Fan's method of discovering their real situation, she just looked into Chen Fan's eyes pleadingly, and then looked at the big-headed doll who was so tired that she fell asleep after making a fuss on the bed for a while, trying to make herself weak The endless brother survived.

He clicked his tongue in displeasure, and Chen Fan was a little displeased at the fact that the werewolf girls were not interested in how he could detect their actual situation.

It's as uncomfortable as if you just won the Mao Dun Literature Award, and the only living person next to you is still illiterate.

But having said that, if it wasn't for the big-headed doll's sneak attack on me, instead, a pool of black nosebleeds would come out because of spying on the incomprehensible existence. I really didn't notice the few small wounds oozing from the dirty body of the werewolf girl. It's also black blood.

The two biggest differences between living skeletons and living people are that one will lose their minds and attack indiscriminately, and the other is that after being injured, they will continuously flow out polluted black blood, causing the erosion rate of those who come into contact with them to rise rapidly, and then degenerate into the same body. of living remains.

After judging from the black blood that both of them had become living skeletons, Chen Fan subconsciously scratched the back of his head with the handle of the gun, and began to think about what he would do with the siblings next.

To let the two of them go, it's not that Chen Fan didn't have this idea, but it's basically not good for him to do so, and it's not easy to explain to Wei Yanwu and Wu Xiu what he did for a long time after returning home.

It seems that it is most beneficial to arrest the two of them, and then call reinforcements to take them away for experiments, and study how to make the mutants maintain their sanity after being transformed into living skeletons.

Although it will be hard for the siblings, the researchers of the international joint organization will continue to study and experiment as guinea pigs. After Bao Buqi unfortunately dies, they will be sliced ​​into fine slices to continue the research.

But in this way, not only will I make a great contribution, and then I will flourish in the administration, dedicate my youth and enjoy old age with high-level retirement protection, and I will also be able to use anti-vitalization drugs. After it was successfully developed, it was mentioned on the newspaper page and became an indirect contact person to save the world.

Thinking of this, Chen Fan couldn't help but the corners of his raised mouth suddenly drooped.

save the world?

……save the world……?
So the next moment, Chen Fan's shoulders shrugged slightly, and Ye Wang laughed like a madman in the eyes of Ye Kan who couldn't bear to jump off his shoulders.

Chen Fan laughed so happily that he even lost his strength and rolled off the werewolf girl, rolling around on the dirty ground while laughing and clutching his belly, causing the werewolf girl to push her head to the ground in a panic. Next to the baby, after hugging him and curling up, he shivered under Chen Fan's frenzied performance.

After a long time, Chen Fan, who had already started coughing violently from laughing wildly, had to stop his crazy behavior, lying on the ground rubbing his stomach that ached from laughing and coughing endlessly.

While rubbing his self-inflicted stomach with one hand, Chen Fan's eyes were extremely bright.

Fuck save the world!
How many worlds have I saved?What will happen to you in the end?
——After saving the world, as if sucking out all the value of chewing gum, the world he saved was discarded at will, and thrown back to the body without gratitude.

Chen Fan wanted to ask, why is this all?
Why do you microcosmic existences that you can't even observe in your own eyes have no psychological burden on throwing away the avatar that you have worked so hard to save yourself?

He even drove away from the world when he was the happiest, and when he woke up, he found that he had returned to his original body. If his predecessor, Lao Luo, hadn't worked hard to preserve the consciousness of the past, even this false memory would have been wiped out.

(注解:霍华德·菲利普·洛夫克拉夫特(Howard Phillips Lovecraft,1890年8月20日—1937年3月15日),美国恐怖、科幻与奇幻小说作家,尤以其怪奇小说著称。其代表作品有《克苏鲁的呼唤》《星之彩》《疯狂山脉》《印斯茅斯之影》等。

Born in Providence, Rhode Island in 1890, he was gifted and bright but sickly. Lovecraft began literary creation in 1914 and became a formal professional writer in 1924. In 1926, he created "The Call of Cthulhu", creating the concept of the universe that later known as "Cthulhu Myth".Subsequent novels such as "The Color of the Stars", "The Dunwich Horror", "Whispering in the Dark Night" and "Mountains of Madness" have further improved the various settings under the Cthulhu mythology. In 1936, Lovecraft was diagnosed with bowel cancer. Died on March 1937, 3 at the age of 15. )
Ah, to save the world, what a dull and ridiculous idea.

After heaving a long sigh, Chen Fan snapped the pistol back to his waist, then stood up abruptly.

Lowering his head and glancing at the werewolf girl who was watching him vigilantly, Chen Fan clicked his tongue in displeasure again, then took out his stolen wallet from his arms, flicked his wrist and threw it onto the pitifully small bed:
"Use this money to buy more medicine, and if the cloak is not enough, get some Band-Aids to cover your wounds... Forget it, I don't think you know what a Band-Aid is, do you? Tsk."

Twisting his neck, Chen Fan was just about to turn around and leave when he suddenly remembered something, and turned his head to stare at the dazed werewolf girl with cross-shaped pupils:
"If you are arrested in the future, remember not to have anything to do with me..."

After speaking, Chen Fan suddenly realized that the pair of mutant siblings in front of him couldn't speak, and couldn't help feeling annoyed:

"Stupid, it's useless to tell you this. Anyway, a dumb person and a fool. Why do I worry so much?"

After saying this, Chen Fan turned around and walked out of the small paper house, bent down at the door to let Ye Yi climb back to his shoulder along his arm, and left here without looking back.



Seeing that more than half an hour passed, Chen Fan still didn't come back. He wanted to contact him, but the network in the old city was too bad. Even though Wu Xiu pressed the send button countless times, his message was still stuck at sending This state remains unchanged.

Just as he was in a hurry, Wei Yanwu, who started to smoke again after counting the boxes, suddenly raised his hand and patted Wu Xiu on the shoulder, signaling him to stop looking at the phone and look up to the front.

After being reminded by Wei Yanwu, Wu Xiu raised his head, and at a glance, he saw that Chen Fan's clothes were covered in dried mud, and he was staggering out of the corner of the alley.

Seeing Chen Fan like this, Wu Xiu almost guessed it.

Sure enough, before Wu Xiu could speak, Chen Fan glanced at him and snorted unhappily:
"Hmph! Don't look, I didn't catch up with anyone, and then I fell and rubbed myself in the mud at the corner. By the time I got up, the kid had long since disappeared, and I didn't know the way, so I wobbled for a long time return."

Looking at the deflated Chen Fan gloatingly, Wu Xiu was so happy:

"Hey, my doctor Chen, your fall seems to be not light, why don't you go to your hospital for a check-up? See if there's anything wrong?"

Seeing Chen Fan coming back, Wei Yanwu breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to send Wang Yanwei and Husky to his car.

But... boy?It seems that I have lost my eyes.

Taking a casual glance at Wu Xiu, who was ecstatic, Chen Fan reached out and touched the inner pocket of his jacket, while thinking:
"Well... If you put it this way, I think Wu Yan will be very happy to know that you almost revealed the content of the task in public today, which caused problems almost before it even started?"

When Wu Xiu saw that Chen Fan was going to take out his phone, his face turned green all of a sudden:
"Chen Fan! I'm telling you, you are a man, don't sue my sister! I won't continue to work in the administration, and I'm still the eldest son in the family, don't do this to me!"

Hearing Wu Xiu's stern protest, Chen Fan sneered and continued to touch his pocket. He was about to retort a few words, but his expression froze.

Noticing Chen Fan's expression, Wei Yanwu, who had just pushed Wang Yanwei and Husky into the special car of the Administration, asked worriedly from a distance:
"Xiao Chen, are you okay? Did you lose something important? Do you want Uncle Wei to drive back with you?"

Shaking his head lightly, Chen Fan said with a loud voice that it was nothing serious:
"No need, Uncle Wei! I just lost my phone. I guess it fell when it first slipped, and then my wallet probably fell off at that time... But it's not a big problem. I left all my documents at home and didn't bring them with me." Go!"

Seeing that although Chen Fan's face was distressed, but he didn't want to go back and look for it again, Wei Yanwu nodded to show that he knew, and then patted the car door with his hand:
"Okay, Xiao Chen and Xiao Wu, you two, get in the car! Our patrol mission is over, it's time to go back!"

Looking at the relieved Wu Xiu, Chen Fan shook his head and walked towards Wei Yanwu's car.

Seeing this, Wu Xiu also followed Chen Fan, and asked casually:
"I said Chen Fan, how much stuff did you stuff in that wallet? Why does your face hurt."

Angrily glaring at Wu Xiu, Chen Fan turned his face away not wanting to talk to him.

Wu Xiu, who was making fun of herself, rubbed her nose and followed Chen Fan into the car.

It wasn't until Wei Yanwu drove out of the old city that Chen Fan opened the car door and was about to get out of the car to drive his own car. Then he said dully without looking back:
"There are a total of five thousand yuan bills in it, all of which are my father's consolation for me when I came home yesterday."

The next moment, the car was filled with Wu Xiu's wanton ridicule.

It didn't take long for the laughter to turn into screams and body collisions.



In the evening, after swiping his card and leaving get off work, Chen Fan drove back to his villa in a small white car. After greeting his parents, he fell headlong into the familiar and reassuring bed after entering the room.

Stretching out his hands, he hooked Ye Yi who had jumped onto the bed as soon as he entered the room. Chen Fan ignored Ye Yi's desperate resistance, and buried his face in her soft and warm belly as usual.

Ye Yi, who had already exposed his true identity, didn't bite or bite Chen Fan's blatant harassment, and probably scolding him wouldn't work, so he could only keep patting Chen Fan's head, letting this guy do whatever he wanted to him.

After tossing and tossing for a while, Chen Fan finally replenished Ye Yi's energy, and then he released Ye Yi contentedly, stretched his waist comfortably, let out a long sigh, turned over and lay down, and was almost crushed by Ye Yi's lunch Spit it out.

Trembling and pointing at Ye Yi who had transformed back into a human form, Chen Fan was rubbing his stomach so that he wouldn't really vomit on the bed, while looking at the short platinum hair and provocative eyes, he was very angry.

Didn't I just do what I have been doing for the past ten years?Why did you press on me and almost spit me out? !

Just about to say something, Ye Yi suddenly jumped onto the bed and stepped on Chen Fan's chest with his bare feet:
"Hey, let me tell you, why did you let go of those two mutant children today?"

Trying to restrain his desire to raise his head, Chen Fan pouted:
"'s really nothing. I just let it go if I want to. It's just my momentary thought. Thinking about it carefully, it might be the hint given to me by that big-headed doll."

Ye Yi was dissatisfied with Chen Fan's answer and increased the strength on his feet:

"Are you fooling around? I have lived with you for ten years. If nothing else, judging from the situation when you first awakened, you are not the kind of guy who can be easily dealt with."

Scratching his head in annoyance, Chen Fan had a sudden illness and grabbed Ye Yi's ankle that was stepping on his chest, trying to make her lose her balance and fall on the bed.

In the end, the ankle was caught, and Chen Fan used all his energy to feed on this side, but Ye Yi on the other side was still motionless, looking at Chen Fan whose face was flushed under him, he couldn't stop laughing badly.

After Chen Fan realized that Ye Yi was completely teasing him and gave up on his own, Ye Yi suddenly lifted his foot that was stepping on Chen Fan's chest, and sat down on Chen Fan's stomach:

"Okay, if you don't want to say it, I won't force it, but it's beyond my expectation that you can let go of those siblings today."

Being played by Ye Yi, Chen Fan rolled his eyes in dissatisfaction, then looked at the ceiling of his room and suddenly sighed, as if talking to himself:
"Actually... I just don't want to save the world anymore, it's just a simple selfish desire."

Hearing Chen Fan's words, the smirking Ye Yi suddenly froze.

Under Chen Fan's puzzled gaze, Ye Yi quickly turned his face away, not wanting to be seen the expression on his face at this moment.

Chen Fan didn't insist on this, and let Ye Yi ride on him, waiting for her reaction.

After a long silence, Ye Yi suddenly turned his head to look at Chen Fan, his golden cat eyes shining in the setting sun.

Leaning down without warning, Ye Yi whispered affectionately in Chen Fan's ear:
"That's a good answer, I forgive you."

Sighing softly and hugging Yeyi, Chen Fan's pupils were completely dark facing the setting sun outside the window.

It was like an abyss where even the light was swallowed up.

(End of this chapter)

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