Even though he is a villain, can he be saved?

Chapter 40 The Fortress of Solitude

Chapter 40 The Fortress of Solitude
It's not that he thinks these two hounds are unreliable, but it's strange that he has been hanging on the flagpole for a long time, and these two people who are supposed to not deviate have not come yet.

After thinking about it carefully, Chen Fanxin said, could it be that something special happened on the road?

No way, the way I came here was smooth and smooth, so it was relatively uncomfortable to be squeezed around by people.

That old Wei and the others should have arrived a long time ago, and the walkie-talkie should be able to contact them.

Unless... I have already been recruited?

Thinking of this, Chen Fan immediately slapped himself across the face without hesitation.

After the crisp physical impact, Chen Fan continued to swear.

day!It really hurts!
Well, although it hurts, it seems that there is no problem on my side, so it should be that Wei and the others are in trouble.

Want to find them?

After pondering for a long time, Chen Fan looked at the destination in front of him, and decided to go in and see the situation first.

After all, there were two people on Lao Wei's side, and Wu Xiu was not a simple-minded guy, neither of them could handle themselves in the past, and they probably couldn't help much.

Furthermore, the two smoke hounds haven't found where Old Wei and the others are. If there is really something to do, it's more reasonable to go to see the situation of the destination first when the day lily is cold.

Thinking of this, Chen Fan stepped out and walked into the community where the music producer in the data lives.

After pausing for a moment, Chen Fan turned his head and looked around again, reconfirmed that there was no problem, and then continued to move forward.



In the monitoring room, Hu Weijiu saw that the communication she had dialed reached Chen Fan's walkie-talkie and then calmed down after a single ring, her eyeballs were bloodshot.

However, what happened next made the mood of the people in the monitoring room even more ups and downs.

Seeing that Chen Fan took off the walkie-talkie and tossed about for a long time, after searching to no avail, he summoned the Ash Hound to look for Wei Yanwu and Wu Xiu, Hu Weijiu was immediately relieved.

Just wanted to praise this guy for his calmness and brains, but the next moment Hu Weijiu saw Chen Fan pondering, and went straight to the community.

The moment Chen Fan stepped into the community, the cameras on his shoulders and forehead all froze, and the screens in Chen Fan's area in the monitoring room also turned into snowflakes.

The unformed smile froze directly on his face, Hu Weijiu was silent for a long time, and silently dialed Wei Yanwu's communication line:

"Hey, old Wei? Chen Fan has already gone in. What is there in the community that you can't figure out?"

Just after putting down Wu Xiu who finished the emergency treatment, Wei Yanwu was almost suffocated by the sad news delivered by Hu Weijiu:
"What? - Didn't I tell you all to warn Chen Fan not to go in? Why do you say that Chen Fan has already gone in?!"

Hearing Wei Yanwu's feeling that he would die of anger if he couldn't breathe at any time, Hu Weijiu hurriedly explained:
"It's really not our problem! As soon as you, Wei, told us that we couldn't go to the destination, we wanted to contact Chen Fan immediately, but for some reason, the walkie-talkie rang once and then stopped."

Stopping to listen to Wei Yanwu's situation, Hu Weijiu waited until he felt that he seemed to be able to accept the follow-up before continuing to explain:
"Then we have been trying to find a way to contact Chen Fan, but there is no good way. However, Chen Fan is not a fool. First, he released the smoke hound to find the location of you two. After finding that you two are far away, he may have thought that You and Xiao Wu encountered some danger and didn’t come, so I released the hounds to look for you two, and plunged into the community by myself.”

Hearing this, Wei Yanwu was also convinced.

You said Chen Fan was too reckless, he not only checked where he and Wu Xiu were, but also released the hounds to help.

But if you want to say that Chen Fan is cautious, he ran directly into the community with joy, not afraid of any danger when he was alone.

For a while, Wei Yanwu didn't know what to say.

Just when he was struggling and feeling uncomfortable, Hu Weijiu said silently:

"I said, Old Wei, why on earth are you not allowed to enter the community? What did you and Wu Xiu encounter in it? After all, the camera was broken as soon as you two entered, and we didn't see anything here."

Sighing deeply, Wei Yanwu shook his head, and then explained the previous situation:
"Actually, they were the people who were manipulated. It's just that when they saw Xiao Wu and me, they rushed up like a swarm. We couldn't shoot these innocent people, so we had to run out first."



Strolling into the community, Chen Fan looked at the crowd of people dancing to the rhythm of the music, and felt goosebumps on his body.

Not because of weirdness or fear, but because——

The people in this community are so ugly when they dance.

Especially look at that old lady over there, with a twitching posture, but her face is full of tranquility and leisurely complacency.

Wow, that's really outrageous.

Chen Fan turned his head to marvel at the old lady who was about to collapse with cramps, while strolling into the doorway of the apartment building, and then pressed the button of the elevator going up.

After a soft ding, Chen Fan walked into the elevator.

After a while, Chen Fan came out disheartened.

Outrageous, are the elevators in the community so high-end now?If you don't swipe your card, you won't be able to log in.

There was no other way, Chen Fan had no choice but to bite the bullet and come to the center of the trembling crowd, and began to fumble in the pockets of his clothes one by one, looking for an elevator card of the same building.

After spending a long time, Chen Fan finally got a card from the same building, and pushed through the crowd to return to the elevator room.

As for why you don't use gloves to climb up...a ​​building with dozens of floors, it's better to take the stairs.

Fortunately, this time Chen Fan finally managed to get into the elevator and pressed the floor recorded in the data.

Amidst the buzzing sound of the elevator going up, Chen Fan took out his mobile phone from his pocket and glanced at the house number recorded on it, and then took out a set of small cylindrical semi-solids from his pocket before he reached the corresponding floor.

With a soft ding, the iron doors on both sides of the elevator slowly opened, and Chen Fan came to the floor where the destination was located.

First, he poked his head out cautiously to take a look at the surrounding situation. After confirming that there was no danger, Chen Fan slowly walked out of the elevator, and then tiptoed to the door where the music producer lived.

He raised his hand and knocked lightly on the thick iron door. As expected, Chen Fan did not wait for a response from inside, so he started to install the semi-solid cylinder taken out of the elevator on the outer layer of the iron door.

As soon as the semi-solid was pasted on, Chen Fan was about to press it firmly for the next step. As soon as he put his hands on the door hard, the iron door opened automatically with a click.

Staring dumbfounded at the iron door slowly opening and closing into the room, Chen Fan looked at the plastic explosives for blasting under his feet, and suddenly wanted to reach out and slap himself.



After a while, Chen Fan, who was embarrassed to pack up his things, adjusted the position of his waist bag, then carefully stuck out his mobile phone from behind the door, and used the camera to see if there was any danger in the house.

To Chen Fan's surprise, the inside of this room is quite tidy and beautiful, giving people a feeling of cleanliness.

As for the music producer in the file, Chen Fan didn't see him.

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Fan took back his phone, stood up and walked into the neat but empty room.

While walking on the clean floor with a thin layer of dust, Chen Fan reached out to pick up various equipment placed by the wall, brushed off the dust, and began to observe carefully.

Well, it’s very well preserved. It seems that I usually take good care of my equipment. There are two situations, either because I don’t have money and seem to be in short supply, or because things are expensive so I take care of them.

Turning over the back of the device, looking at the fake label on it, Chen Fan nodded thoughtfully:

"Tsk tsk, it seems to be the former."

Gently putting down the equipment in his hands, Chen Fan came all the way to the somewhat small living room, and began to observe the layout here:
There is no TV set on the wall. Considering the poor situation of the homeowner, it is not difficult to understand. It is estimated that they usually rely on computers and mobile phones to understand external information and entertainment. Because there is no dining room in the house, the coffee table is directly used as a dining table, and there is only one There are no stools, and there are no other small stools in the living room. The owner of the house should not be a person who likes to bring friends to his home.

After seeing the layout of the living room, Chen Fan squatted down again and began to look at the piles of books on the aisle.

They are all books on how to use the software, as well as related materials such as tuning and arrangement. Every book and material looks quite old, but it should not be because of the passage of time.

As for why... that is because even if they are stacked together, their corners are crumpled and out of shape, which is obviously the imprint left by long-term flipping.


Looking up at the old books and materials that almost filled the entire aisle, Chen Fan realized for the first time that mere human beings can really acquire so much knowledge in a short life...

What is even more touching is that it seems that the owner not only piled up a pile of books and materials in the corridor, but also piled up a fortress called loneliness.

Carefully raising his feet, Chen Fan tried his best not to step on these books and materials. He tried his best to move between the narrow gaps where he could hardly get a foothold, and slowly approached the door that seemed to be sealed in the deepest part of the corridor.

After tossing and turning, Chen Fan finally came to the mahogany door, and then reached out to its handle.

But before opening the door, Chen Fan couldn't help hesitating.

I don't know what's inside, and I'm alone at the moment, Ye Yi is not around, if I open the door, what should I do?
Even if he has twelve lives after awakening as a Piao Ling, it's not good to squander like this, right?

Before Chen Fan could take it for granted, his toes padded in the narrow gap finally couldn't bear the weight of the box on his back, and suddenly twitched.

It was just such a twitch that caught Chen Fan off guard and subconsciously leaned forward, pressing the doorknob that was already stuck.

So in the next second, Chen Fan rolled and crawled into the last room, and the black suit was covered with fine dust.

When Chen Fan got up from the ground in embarrassment, the first thing he saw was a pair of worn-out black sneakers.

Subconsciously tensing his body, Chen Fan paused for a moment, then stood up abruptly, and at the same time took out the equipped pistol from his waist and aimed it at the man in front of him.

However, the man sitting in front of the computer desk didn't seem to notice Chen Fan at all. He still turned his back to Chen Fan who was pointing his gun at his head, and stared at the bright computer screen in front of him without moving.

Thinking that this elder brother was too immobile in front of him, Chen Fan moved his steps silently and came to his side.

After seeing the man's true face, Chen Fan was silent for a moment, and slowly put down the muzzle of the gun in his hand.

There is no other, because the man has long been a mummy that has stopped corruption.



After finding out the man's true identity, Chen Fan took out the walkie-talkie and said a few words, and then reluctantly put it back after getting a piece of static noise as a recovery.

There seemed to be something wrong with the walkie-talkie, and Lao Wei and Wu Xiu couldn't be contacted no matter what.

Originally, Chen Fan thought that it was because Wei and Wu Xiu were out of communication range and could not be contacted, but after trying to get in touch with the headquarters failed, Chen Fan realized that the sudden sound of the walkie-talkie before entering the community was not the noise he thought.

And the Ash Hound didn't send any information back, Chen Fan didn't know what to do for a while.

After thinking about it, Chen Fan looked at the music producer whose eyes had already shriveled, leaving only two black eye sockets, and then looked at the still bright computer screen. After hesitating for a while, he gently picked up the skinny mummy and held him Put it on the bed next to it.

Chanting Namo Amitabha silently in his heart, no wonder brothers, Chen Fan sat down in front of the computer, and his body froze suddenly.

It wasn't because he saw anything extraordinary, but because Chen Fan suddenly remembered that he had just removed a mummy from the chair and sat down without wiping it.

But looking down at his clothes that were already covered in dust because of the ground gourd, Chen Fan thought for a while and gave up thinking.

Forget it, let's just pretend nothing happened, let's see why the big brothers are all gone, but they still look at the computer screen and don't let go.

So, Chen Fan forced himself to divert his attention from the chair, and looked at the bright display screen.

In the next second, a virtual singer who was [-]% similar to the spirit ghost codenamed Princess came into Chen Fan's eyes.

And under the singer, there is an audio and video export program that has been running for an unknown amount of time.

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Fan silently picked up the earphones and wiped them to make sure they were clean before putting them on slowly.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Fan turned on the play button of the program.


(if I'm talking about love)

"How about その相には, image る?"

(And what a scene is reflected in those eyes)
"Ci は有り余るばかり"

(Words are superfluous)

(The innocent tone flows away)


(before you're covered in love)

(That scenery is just an illusion)


(A person alone is swallowed by music)

"Happy rasa for the whole world"

(This is the common happiness of the whole world)
"つまらない at a loss に drowning れる 暗らし"

(living in a daze of boredom)

"Who も が を な ぞ る"

(Everyone imitates him like this)

(Songs that can be switched at will in a loop)

(plug ears again)


(if you were to talk about love)

(just let that be the answer)

(If you close your eyes and pretend not to see)


(Just wake me up in this song)

"Who knows らぬ Story"

(a story no one knows)

(just thinking)


(It's about to break down)

(hugged and cried and danced)
"Seeing the situation without emotion theory Xu されるのならば"

(If the indistinguishable sensibility theory is allowed)

(Just keep it like you can't even cry)


(swallow it all)

(Things with a heart that is about to shatter)
"It's called ばせて!"

(let me yell out)


(Even if the world rejects me, at least for now)


(Can I sing the song of love?)


(one more time)
"Who knows らないその想い"

(Missing that no one knows)


(Is it okay to try to rely on this voice)

(can you see me in your eyes)

(can you see me in your eyes)
"Garakta ば か り throw げ け ら れ て き た そ の back"

(The back that is always being thrown with useless debris)

(Even so, I can say what I like)

(Even so, if you want to like it)
"ああ, あたしのAllに"

"その means はあると――"

(Ah, then everything about me makes sense)
Finally, the thousands of people gathered together hummed in unison:


Listening to the familiar melody and singing, Chen Fan subconsciously turned his head to look at the skinny mummy on the bed.

So, it seems that the music producer worked so hard to make the song sung by the princess, and died suddenly for some reason while waiting for the export, and his life was frozen at this moment.

After an unknown period of time, the music was successfully exported, but the person who made it could no longer publish it, and the world could no longer hear his last posthumous work.

Then, probably because of unwillingness and regret, the man's dead soul attached to the computer, and appeared outside through the image of a virtual singer, which triggered this singing crisis.

Sighing lightly, Chen Fan had mixed feelings about his deduction.

It's beyond Chen Fan's comprehension for a poor man with an underappreciated talent to cause such a big mess after his death.

But thinking about it from another angle, this can be regarded as making my work a successful name, right?

After thinking about it for a long time, Chen Fan caught a glimpse of a button to export the program out of the corner of his eye:

Seeing this button, Chen Fan turned his head to look at the emaciated corpse on the bed behind him again.

After a long silence, the white fingers pressed the mouse button, and clicked down lightly and forcefully.

"Well, although the entire district is currently disconnected from the Internet, I still help you achieve this last wish."

After doing this, Chen Fan slowly got up from the chair, put a stack of sticky notes and a pen into his pocket, turned around and left the room.

The door was gently closed with a click, and inside that Chen Fan couldn't see, the emaciated corpse that had stopped decaying suddenly trembled.

Afterwards, the entire corpse was directly reduced to ashes, and slowly floated out of the room with the breeze coming from nowhere.

After floating out of the window, the tiny ashes continued to move forward with the breeze, flying all the way over the gorgeous garden villas, dilapidated poor paper houses, and the sea of ​​people who couldn't stop dancing.

In the end, only the last tiny ashes were left, slowly falling into the hands of a girl with blue-green long hair under the warmth of the breeze.

As if feeling the emotions carried above, the girl's face was so beautiful that it slowly showed pity and relief.

The next moment, she held the last embers in her chest and sang loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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