Even though he is a villain, can he be saved?

Chapter 5 Super Galactic Legend Part 2

Chapter 5 Super Galactic Legend Part [-]

On the silver plaza of the Kingdom of Light, many Ultramen nervously formed a circle, leaving only the most central open space.

This open space just corresponds to the cosmic prison above, so no Ultraman wants to stand there blankly.

None of the Ultraman spoke, they all silently looked up at the cosmic prison above, and the atmosphere on the field became more and more dignified.

Suddenly, a certain Ultraman's exclamation broke the silence: "Here we come! Everyone, look at that fireball!"

Following the Ultraman's words, everyone in the square looked at the bigger and bigger fireball gradually approaching the ground in their field of vision, and finally smashed into the empty space in the center of the square, causing a burst of dust.

When the smoke and dust cleared, Zhong Ao stared dumbfounded at Beria holding the weak Ultraman Taro, the chief instructor of the Space Guard of the Kingdom of Light, and then Beria sneered, throwing Ultraman Taro like trash Throwing it, it hit the ground hard and couldn't move: "Hehe, just give him back to you!"

Seeing the tragic situation of the chief instructor, Zhong Ao not only did not retreat, but was filled with righteous indignation.The newest and last Otto brothers who lead, Mebius and Hikari, rushed forward with a roar, and the other Ottos followed suit.

Seeing this, Beria couldn't help feeling that the Kingdom of Light was still the same as it was in his memory. All Ultra fighters were not cowards who were afraid of death, and immediately jumped back to avoid the lightsaber attacks of Mebius and Hikari.

When Mebius and Hikari saw Beria dodge his lightsaber attack nimbly, they even knocked out several members of the Space Guard, raised their hands after looking at each other, and moved forward Then attack Beria again.

Facing Hikari and Mebius' combined light attack this time, Beria, who had already fallen into the crowd tactics, couldn't dodge it.So he raised the gigabyte fighting instrument to forcibly block the rays of the two Austrians, one in front of the other, and then twisted the arm of Mebius, who was rushing in front, and kicked him on the back knee to force him to kneel down.

The next moment, he raised the giga-fighting device in his other hand and shot a thick blue lightning chain at Hikari, knocking him flying and falling to the ground unable to stand up.


Seeing this, Mebius was extremely sad and indignant, but Beria looked at him with a smile, as if recalling the past: "Oh? Is the friendship between you two comrades so good? How disgusting! If this is the case—"

As he spoke, Beria kicked Mebius away, and before he recovered, he waved the lightning chain released from the top of the Gigabit Fighting Instrument, bound Mebius and threw it into the air, the huge The force threw him into space from which he could not return.

"Just get out of the way for me!"

"Everyone, don't panic! This time is different from Hades' quick attack. We have the advantage of having more people! First control his weapon!" The knowledgeable Ultraman Max learned from Mebius and Hikali Seeing that the weapon in Beria's hand was unusual, he immediately ordered other people to take the weapon away first.

Hearing the information that Max inadvertently revealed, Beria became more interested in this guy named Hades, and swung his stick vigorously to beat up all the Ultraman who came forward to dismantle the Gigabit Fighting Device. Beria jumped forward and hit Max with a stick, trying to finish him first.

Max wanted to use Max Galaxy, but Beria actually charged at him, barely blocked the stick hastily, but was also pressed down on one knee by the huge force attached to the stick.

"Oh? You have some skills. Come on, how about telling me the story of Hades' quick attack? Maybe I will let you go if I am in a good mood? Just like I let go of a Baxter star 2 years ago "Continuing to exert strength with one hand, Beria said with a smile while pushing Max's body down a little more.

"Stop wishful thinking! Beria! I won't tell you any information about the Kingdom of Light!" Sure enough, Beria's teasing words were only exchanged for Max's angry refutation and fierce struggle.

Belia saw that since he could not get any useful information from Max, he kicked him a certain distance first, then raised the front end of the gigabit fighting device to aim at Max who was standing unsteadily, and led him to make a circle of Olympic Terman blasted away.

Then, Beria didn't want to entangle with the Ultraman in the square anymore, and waved the Gigabit Fighting Device continuously to release a scythe-like light, knocking the surrounding Ultraman into the air, and fell to the ground and was seriously injured Sorry.

"Sure enough, the Ultramans in the Kingdom of Light are much weaker than those in the war years." Seeing the Ultramans around him who were defeated by him, Beria couldn't help expressing emotion.

Suddenly, out of the corner of Beria's eyes, he caught a glimpse of a silver spinning flash flying towards him. He quickly raised the Gigabit Fighting Instrument to deflect the attack, and then turned to look at the place where the attack came from.

"Oh?" Turning his head, Beria saw three Ultraman exuding the aura of a strong man, one of whom was his old acquaintance: "Zoffie, you are promising, you have a star on your chest." Medal?"

As for the enemy who once killed her in an instant (see Beria's Rebellion for details), Zuofi didn't mean to say a few words to him politely: "Beria, it's not too late to get back to the cosmic prison now!"

(Speaking of which, Zuo Fei seems to be beaten every time she meets Beria...)
Beria sneered when he heard the words, and came forward waving the gigabit fighting device: "Hmph! You brazen fellow, let me see how much you have grown!"

Stretching out her hand to catch Beria's attack, Zuofi used soft strength to defuse part of the force, twisted her hands, and forcibly controlled the Gigabit fighting device: "Severn, Ultraman, now is the time!"

Seven and the first generation had already attacked Beria from left to right when Sophie spoke, but Beria unexpectedly exerted force, and the huge force made the gigabit fighting device in Sophie's hand uncontrollably released.

Afterwards, Beria swept left and right twice vigorously, knocking Seven and the first generation out of control, hit the building and fell to the ground, temporarily losing the ability to fight.

Before Zofi, whose hands were numb, could recover, Beria kicked Zoffi, kicking Zoffi, who had just been knocked off balance by his majestic force, into the building, creating a big hole Then he fell to the ground and rolled away.

"Hehehe, you haven't become much stronger, Sophie!" Belia stepped viciously on the chest of Sophie who was about to struggle to get up, and then stepped on her foot hard, directly stepping Sophie out of the red light and losing Consciousness, then lifted his foot and let him go.

Raising his head, Beria noticed a new wave of Ultraman coming from afar, and immediately became a little impatient: "Ah, these guys are really annoying, if only my hundred monsters were still there."

Complaining, Beria held up the giga-fighting instrument, released several thunderbolts and destroyed the top floors of several buildings, using the wreckage of the collapsed buildings to temporarily delay the newly arrived Ultramans.

Next, Beria looked at the only glowing grid on the surface of the Gigabit Fighting Instrument, and released the monster in it with a sigh: "I originally thought to use this guy that I took from Di Jiama 2 years ago to temporarily Holding back that old thing, the King of Ultra, I never thought that he would be the first to blow the Gigabit Fighting Device away...In this case, let you have a good taste of this guy's power!"

After releasing the trump card to prevent other Ultraman from obstructing him, Beria turned around and walked into the plasma spark tower.

When the supporting Ultraman rushed out of the smoke and dust, their whole bodies were covered by metal armor, with countless lights flickering on their abdomens, and King Gurant, who was also constantly flashing during activities, stood in front of them impressively, blocking them. the only entrance.


Listening to the roar of King Gurante outside the Plasma Spark Tower, Beria walked into the interior of the Spark Tower, recalling how he and the Lebrondo star who possessed him felt when he obtained King Gurante from Digama. The astonishment received.

"Di Jiama is really hiding his secrets. He has been serving the overlord of the universe as a scientist since the time of the Ancient A Legion, and later experienced the dominance of the Lebrondos, Ambellas and me. I don't know. What are you doing now?"

Speaking of the Lebrondo star who once possessed him, Beria found that since he was sealed by the King of Ultra into the cosmic prison, the spirit body of the Lebrondo star no longer harassed him, and even now he has successfully escaped from the cosmic prison. I have escaped from prison, but I don't see that it has the meaning of recovery.

But this is also good, even if you have gained enough power, you don't have to worry about being bewitched by the Lebrando Stars and then being dominated consciousness.

Thinking of this, Beria now feels more comfortable than ever.

Then his good mood came to an abrupt end when he met the three Ultraman who had been guarding inside the plasma spark tower for a long time.

"Belia! You actually broke in here?!" Ace, who rushed to guard the plasma spark tower after receiving Zoffy's message, looked at Beria in surprise. He had never experienced the chaos of Beria 2 years ago. He obviously doesn't know enough about Beria's strength.

This can't be blamed on him, after all, the oldest Jack Altman present is only 3000 years old, and Jack Ultraman was born [-] years after the Beria Rebellion.

"Haha, that guy Zoffy can have a star medal, it seems that it has been a long time." Beria laughed and stretched out his claws, waving at the three Ultraman as a provocation: "Come on, Let me see how strong Ultraman can be guarding inside the plasma spark tower?"

"I'll let you see it!" Altman Ace couldn't bear it any longer. He clasped his hands together and spread them out, and a light blade with powerful energy shot out towards Beria.

"Huh?" Recognizing that it was the forbidden technique of the Kingdom of Light, Beria hurriedly jumped back to avoid it, and then looked at Ace in surprise: "You guy, you actually learned the forbidden technique of the Kingdom of Light ? It seems that some have played."

Hearing Beria's words, Eddie Altman, who also mastered a lot of light skills, waved his hands, each condensing a arrow-shaped light blade, and flew towards Beria.

"Ultra double light arrow."

After blocking one of the light blades with a Gigabit fighting instrument, Beria, who did not want to consume too much energy, chose to jump up to avoid the remaining light blades, and was subsequently attacked by Jack Ott, who turned the Otto bracelet into a spear. Man fought at close quarters, but soon Beria sent the spear flying, forcing Jack Altman back.

Ace and Eddie in the rear hurried forward to catch Jack who flew back upside down. The powerful force also led them to keep retreating, which made Ace clearly realize that he had completely misestimated Beria's strength before.

In desperation, Ace had no choice but to suggest to Eddie Jack: "Belia's strength is far superior to the three of us, brothers, let's use the combined light!"

Eddie and Jack looked at each other and nodded in agreement, and then the three of them put on their classic postures, and shot a killer light at Beria, who was watching Sanao with great interest from a distance.

"Shakusum Ray!"

"Metalime Rays!"

"Spexium Rays!"

Immediately, three powerful rays converged together, forming a multicolored light beam and attacking Belia.

"Hmm..." Seeing the multicolored ray rushing towards him, Beria estimated its power, then waved the giga-fighting instrument in his hand, turning it around to block Sanao's fusion ray, while he He also took this opportunity to rush to their side: "It's still not strong enough, just lie down obediently!"

After finishing speaking, Beria vigorously picked up the Gigabit fighting instrument that was shining with electric lights, and beat Ace and the others to the inner wall and fell to the ground. They were directly seriously injured by Beria's move.

"Hahahahaha!" Seeing the beautiful radiant plasma sparks above his head, Beria stomped on the ground with both feet, then jumped to the highest point of the plasma spark tower, and slowly walked towards the treasure he dreamed of.

Just like this, he strolled to the plasma spark, and Belia slowly stretched out his claws to it, preparing to take off the core energy source of the Kingdom of Light that had stood for 27 years.

However, at this moment, a big hand grabbed Beria's wrist.

Then, a familiar voice sounded in Beria's ear: "Beria, stop, don't make mistakes again and again!"

Turning his head slowly, Beria looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar Ultraman in front of him, for a moment he didn't know what to say, and after a moment of silence, he could only say a word without emotion: "Jian, long time no see. "

Otto's father looked at his former best friend, and felt mixed feelings in his heart: "Yes, Beria...I hope...you can turn back now."

Beria opened his mouth to speak, but out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the worried and complicated mother of Ultra, who finally sneered and broke away from Father of Ultra's hand: "It's late, Jian, everything depends on you. Once I was expelled from the Kingdom of Light, there was no turning back."

"Beria..." Ultra's father knew his old friend's stubbornness well, so he had no choice but to put on a fighting posture after dissuading him to no avail: "I only hope that you still remember that you are an Ultraman."

In any case, he can't repeat the scene 2 years ago when he was defeated without even opening his true power because he still had hope for Beria in his heart.

Beria didn't comment on this, but just raised the gigabit fighting instrument in his hand: "It's useless to talk, let's fight, Jian!"

Afterwards, the former best friends fought together, fisting and kicking mercilessly.

(End of this chapter)

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