Descends from Naruto

Chapter 38 Ghost Lantern Magic Moon

Chapter 38 Ghost Lantern Magic Moon
In a cave, the four ended their dinner today.

As Hong said, the task needs to be cautious, but there is no need to be harsh on yourself and eat some hard-to-swallow dry food.

The task belongs to the village, but the body belongs to oneself.

In the future, some Jōnin will give the Jōnin a set of Mutun Dabieye as a gift when performing missions.

Look at the quality of life of others? !

Is that to perform a mission?Went on a public trip.

Just two words: decent!

The seventh class is definitely not decent, they are sleeping in the wilderness, and they have to hold a night watch.

Makoto Kinoshita and Hong kept watch on the eve, and Kakashi and Lin kept watch on the last night.

In groups of two, try to keep the bonfire alive to prevent accidental attacks.

Near the hidden base, there happened to be an old crooked neck tree.

Most of the tree leans towards the surface of the stream, like an unfinished arch bridge. Makoto Kinoshita has nothing to do, just hanging on...

Cough, sit on the old crooked neck.

In the dead of night, taking advantage of the short time when Hong went to check the trap, he closed his eyes and came to a unique space.

Still a familiar scene, the tent of the undead floating in the air.

After trading with Uzumaki Ashina three times, the most valuable technique he obtained was the Thunder Fist.

But according to the old man's weird temper, he will definitely not be able to find him again in a short time.

So, which "customer" should I choose to continue the transaction this time?

Fighting against Kirigakure Ninja, Kinoshita Makoto also noticed that his fighting power was already there, but...

The life-saving ability is seriously insufficient!

Once using the Thunderbolt Fist, after losing the combat power of both hands, they don't even have a decent self-protection ability.

You can't always bet that the enemy won't dare to do it by playing empty tricks like facing the full moon with ghost lights every time?
So, what are the techniques with strong life-saving ability?

Makoto Kinoshita's first reaction was the zombie duo... Hidan and Kakuzu.

Especially Fei Duan, whose head has been moved, is still alive.

It's a pity that you have to believe in the so-called "evil gods".Although Jiaodu has lived for a long time, he makes himself look like a ghost.

The appearance of the ghost lamp full moon reminded Makoto Kinoshita that he has a very good ability:

The art of hydration!

The hydration technique of the ghost lamp family can liquefy the body at will, immune to any physical attack, just like the... elementalization of natural fruits!

The most important thing is that the hydration technique of the ghost lamp family is not the blood succession limit, but a secret technique.

The boundary of blood inheritance is based on blood, which is inherited from generation to generation.It is generally impossible to learn simply by learning the day after tomorrow.

But the secret technique is not the case, it can be practiced the day after tomorrow.

For example, the techniques of Zhuludie's three schools are all secret techniques, not blood succession limit!
Outsiders can also learn the shadow imitation technique of the Nara family, as long as they have the cultivation method.

If Kinoshita Makoto masters the technique of hydration, his life-saving ability will naturally be greatly improved.

The ghost lantern water moon of the future, but he was hit by the eight-tailed beast jade head-on, but he didn't die.

This ability to resist no one else.

After making a decision, he muttered silently, and quickly opened the ghost tent.

A middle-aged phantom appeared:

He has long yellow hair and is wearing a high-necked windbreaker, a coquettish autumn coat with a black ribbon around his waist and a green lining.

Most prominently, the man had no eyebrows, a mustache and a moustache.

【Ghost Lantern Magic Moon】

【Affiliation: Land of Water】

[Second Generation Water Shadow of Wuyin Village]

Guideng Huanyue opened his eyes suddenly, and glanced suspiciously at the dark surroundings.

He remembered that he was shot by the second generation of Tsuchikagemu, and most of his body was gone.

Why is it here now?
Is he not dead? !

"Hahaha, bandage man, you trash.

If I really didn't die, I must go to Yanyin Village to throw a steaming and dangerous power and level your village!
And your dwarf Onoki who was raised as a son, I will kill him together..."

Ghost Lantern Huanyue cursed, it seemed that he was very angry at being replaced by the second generation of Tuying Limit.

Ghost Lantern Huanyue thought that he was in the second generation of movies, not to mention the only one, but also the top two.

Unexpectedly, he would not be able to take down Wu who was once brutally abused by Uchiha Madara.

Guideng Shuiyue suddenly shut up, his eyes widened because a low whisper sounded in his ears.

"Stop scolding, Second Mizukage, you are indeed dead. You were summoned here from the Pure Land because I wanted you to come!"

Guideng Huanyue became vigilant, he looked around the group and asked, "Who are you? What tricks are you playing?"

The man whispered in a calm and soft voice:
"Relax, Ghost Moon. You're dead, you're just a soul now.

I invite you here for a reason. "

"Invite me? Who are you, you hide-and-seek rat!"

Ghost Lantern Huanyue made seals with both hands and wanted to try it out, but found that ninjutsu could not be used.

He tried to channel his big baby clam, but also failed.

Ghost Lantern Huanyue soon realized that her body was indeed in a special state.

After his death, was his soul summoned by ninjutsu?

It's like the reincarnation of the second generation of hokage? !
"Heh, since you want to know my identity so much, you can call me Death, or..."

The voice paused, full of vicissitudes of life:

"Datsuki Yuyi."

"Datsuki... Yuyi?" Guideng Huanyue repeated in a low voice.

He was startled for a moment, as if remembering the meaning of the name.

"Yes, it seems that you have heard of it... that's right, Sage of the Six Paths!

People used to call me that, I have walked this land for more than three hundred generations of human beings..."

Makoto Kinoshita lowered his voice, trying to imitate the tone and posture of Sage of the Six Paths and Naruto when they first met.

After dealing with these undead many times, he discovered one thing:

Different identities bring different effects.

If you want to say that you are a ninja, this way of communicating with the Pure Land is just a technique.Those dead ninjas...will be on guard.

If they find out later that you are actually weak, they will take advantage of you even more.

Uzumaki Ashina is just like that!

Pulling the banner and putting on a vest are essential skills.

Why even get Uchiha Madara's vest with soil?

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree!

Obito said that he is Madara, whether people believe it or not, you have to carefully consider his words and the meaning behind the name.

If he says he is Obito, at the Five Kages Conference, he will set off the Fourth Ninja World War...

Who is your Dogecoin, who cares about you?

At least the five major powers will not form a ninja coalition!
This is the great deterrent effect of identity!
Makoto Kinoshita simply changed his vest.

It can only be said that he wanted to get along with everyone as an ordinary ninja, but he didn't expect to get alienated in exchange.

Stop pretending, I have a showdown, I am the Sage of the Six Paths!
"Sage of the Six Paths?" Guideng Huanyue naturally didn't believe it, he sneered and said:

"Isn't that a mythical figure?"

"Myths come from legends, and legends come from history..." Makoto Kinoshita sighed in a low voice:

"Those histories passed down by word of mouth, coupled with the passage of time, will always be twisted and exaggerated by human beings and slowly accumulate.

But at the end of the day, something really happened! "

The boy began to enter the play, as if he was really Otsuki Hagoromo.

"If I am not a sage of the Six Paths, how can I communicate with you in the Pure Land?

Have you heard of this ability? "

Makoto Kinoshita laughed and said:
"Ghost Lantern Huanyue, your family also has a long history.

Although it is not my descendant's blood, but there really is not a single word about me left in the ancient books? "

Ghost Lantern Huanyue snorted, he had indeed seen many ancient documents, talking about the Immortal of the Six Paths.

That's why I know the name Otsuki Yuyi.

Even the Huiye clan in the same village often claim to be descendants of the Sage of the Six Paths, saying "Our ancestors..."

"Then, why do you come to me for an existence like yours?" Guideng Huanyue asked.

"Fight against the dark forces!" Kinoshita Makoto said softly.

"There are many powerful forces in this world, which are different from the Chakra system... Have you ever heard of evil spirits?"

Guideng Huanyue narrowed his eyes, thought seriously, then nodded and said:

"I saw a few people like this back then, who came to the Kingdom of Water to preach."

He was impressed because these people actually wanted him to convert!
These believers are extremely fanatical and immortal.

It's a pity that even if he was immortal, he would be blown to pieces.

"This organization is now very large and can compete with the five major ninja nations."

Kinoshita Makoto ran the train with his mouth full, and what he said was true.

"Their purpose is to kill everyone, and those who join the religion can obtain immortality."

A kind of rhetoric to make others believe, it is best to create something out of nothing, nine truths and one false.

The Immortals of the Six Paths really exist, and the Cult of the Evil Gods also exists... It's just that everything is "slightly" exaggerated.

Guideng Huanyue frowned, and he believed it three points, but he still doubted:
"What does this have to do with you looking for me?"

"The evil god is very powerful, so powerful that even I fear it. I have fought against him for thousands of years to protect this ninja world from harm."

Makoto Kinoshita sighed, as if he were Doctor Strange.

"But behind the evil god, there is a nether universe... He can draw dark power from it, and he is getting stronger and stronger now."

"Those believers will also become his nourishment."

It turned out to be a battle between power systems and beliefs!
Ghost Lantern Huanyue understood somewhat, as if a samurai and a ninja were fighting for the right to speak.

"You want me to fight against the evil god?" Guideng Huanyue raised eyebrows that didn't exist.

"Of course not!" Makoto Kinoshita said bluntly: "Your strength is too weak, compared with the evil god, it is not worth mentioning."


"But..." He changed the subject and exclaimed softly:
"I only passed down Chakra, but you have developed endless techniques over the years.

His rich imagination and wisdom amazed me. "

"You want ninjutsu?" Guideng Huanyue had a strange expression on his face.

"Wrong again!" Makoto Kinoshita said coldly:
"I don't want art, I just want to understand these things, gather the strengths of hundreds of schools, and create more powerful art."

The young man said sharply:
"Actually, if I want your technique, I can just take it from your mind. But I'm not an evil god, and I won't take it without warning..."

Makoto Kinoshita laughed and said:
"I can tell you some news about the ninja world, such as Wuyin Village and the Ghost Lamp Clan.

Or help you fulfill some small wishes, and I will take away your technique.

Fair enough? "

Ghost Lantern Huanyue stroked his chin, thinking it was very interesting.

He originally thought that if this mysterious person wanted him to hand over his cultivation method... then it was definitely a scam.

But the other party actually didn't need his dictation, and could get the spell directly from his mind.

"Then what do you want?" Guideng Huanyue asked.

"I want the technique of hydration!"

"No!" Ghost Lantern Huanyue flatly refused: "This is a secret technique of the Ghost Lantern Clan, and it cannot be handed over to anyone."

"Heh~ Wu that guy, but Lian Chendun gave it to me, and your courage is far away from him." Makoto Kinoshita sarcastically said:
"I've already said that what I want can be obtained directly from your mind, without your consent at all.

But I will help you fulfill a wish, and I don't want to force it.

I'm not talking to you, understand? "


Guideng Huanyue rubbed the center of his brows, his eyes rolled, revealing a touch of cunning.

"Leaving aside the technique of hydration, I can trade other things first."

"There are not many things that can make my heart move." Makoto Kinoshita smiled playfully.

"You will definitely be moved."

Ghost Lantern Huanyue grinned and said:

"My psychic beast is a clam, and the illusion it releases is very powerful, enough for you to comprehend carefully and inspire inspiration.

I can tell you where it is, and there's a deed on it, and you can get it. "

Kinoshita was silent for a moment, if it was the psychic beast, he would really be moved!
"what do you want?"

Seeing that the mysterious person agreed, a strange smile appeared on the corner of Guideng Huanyue's mouth.

Sin of greed!
His smile quickly subsided, and he said seriously: "I want to know...after my death, did our Wuyin Village win the war?"

"Hmm... which war are you asking about?"

Ghost Lantern Moon: "..."



(End of this chapter)

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