Descends from Naruto

Chapter 74 Come on, hurt each other!

Chapter 74 Come on, hurt each other!
Sara, Hong and He Hongdou, from strangers, became good friends, and further became good girlfriends who talked about everything... It only took two days.

The three girls put their sleeping bags together next to a firepit at night, and chatted there all night, even Kinoshita Makoto couldn't get in.

The young man can only feel that a woman's friendship comes so damn fast.

But the two little girls are still very immature.

Needless to say, Red Bean's greatest talent lies in eating; Red's talent in illusion is indeed beyond compare to Sarah...

But when it comes to dealing with people and observing words and deeds, the two of them together are no match for Sarah, the young queen.

In the past two years, Sara has traveled far and wide, and she has learned a lot, and she is also transparent and smart.

You can pick up on any topic, dressing up, music, horoscopes, speak nicely and are very generous, and you can give away gemstone necklaces as well.

Occasionally, when Kinoshita wanted to make things difficult for her, and asked about the battlefield situation of the five major powers, she could also pick up the conversation and express some good opinions.

This kind of behavior, of course, also got countless eyes from the other two girls, as if he was bullying Sarah!

Goodness see you!Isn't it the two of you girls, the conversation is over, and he wants to help find the place? !
It can only be said that Sarah, who is only 16 years old, is already so powerful.

After a few years to reach the full level, she will really become a beautiful big fairy with full Gongdou skills.

To be honest, Makoto Kinoshita is not interested in Sara, and even keeps him at arm's length, but he is very interested in Loulan Longmai.

But Sara is very interested in teenagers, and often gets information from Makoto Mushita from Hong.

Her peach-blossom eyes, which seemed to contain a pool of autumn water, made Kinoshita Makoto feel a little overwhelmed.

It always felt like Sarah wanted to eat him.

Pulling each other with Queen Sara is just a flavoring agent for the journey. Everyone meets by chance and plays on the occasion... I am afraid that there will not be many opportunities to meet in the future.

He spends more time learning mixed ninjutsu from Shinnosuke and listening to his bragging.

This is one of the few shortcomings of Shinnosuke. He likes to dig out his glorious record and reminisce over and over again.

In Hong's words... "It's been 3 minutes since I heard the story of Mr. Shinnosuke beheading three Kumogakure Jōnin alone".

Makoto Kinoshita patiently listened to Mr. Shinnosuke's bragging, but in fact he wanted to know about Chiyo, Ebizo, and some sand ninja information.

Mizukage II and Makoto Kinoshita completed two deals, and the third deal involved a string of... death lists.

Sand hidden has several targets, Chiyo, Ebino, and an old guy named Yanmen.

Makoto Kinoshita thought to himself that there were too few targets for him to choose, and the only one with a chance was Iwamon.

He is the younger brother of the second-generation Kazekage Samana, much older than Onoki, and his combat power has declined severely.

It's a pity that Shinnosuke never fought against him at all.It's not as good as Sara, who has been to Sand Hidden many times, and has a lot of information.

The boy had no choice but to go to Sara again with a stern face, and was forced to have some in-depth conversations with the young queen.

Without the harassment of the sandstorm, the whole team was neither too fast nor too slow, and it took four days to arrive at Hidden Sand Village.

Standing on a high slope, looking at the village.

Sand Hidden Village is located in a huge basin valley, surrounded by sandstone walls to protect it.

The entrance is a long and secluded canyon, which is very narrow at the beginning before it can pass through people.Go back dozens of steps, suddenly see the light.

"Cheng, there are many ninjas hidden in the rock walls on both sides." Hong whispered in the boy's ear after perceiving it for a while.

"During the Chunin exam, it's normal for the security to be tighter." Makoto Kinoshita smiled at the girl.

It seems that there are no ninjas on the walls on both sides, but there are actually countless passes and ninjas hidden.

There is no doubt that Shayin Village is heavily fortified, and the fortifications that have been repaired and perfected for half a century constitute a complete military defense system with distinctive features.

Walking out of the canyon, the entire line of sight suddenly becomes empty. In a huge basin, countless yellow sand castles are densely packed, forming a piece.

The whole village is quiet and quiet, like a girl who covers her face and is dozing off.

Although the buildings in the village are made of sand and stone, they appear dry yellow as a whole...

But there is no desolation of ruined city walls and crumbling buildings. On the contrary, it is three points brighter than the photos in Konoha Ninja School textbooks.

These architectural styles are quite romantic, and are treasures recognized by the art master Didara.

"Let's separate here, Queen Sara, we Konoha have too many enemies, and if we follow us, we are easy to be retaliated." Shinnosuke reminded.

Sara also knew about this, they were just here to sell things, and they didn't want to get involved with the ninja.

"Well, Sarutobi-sama, this is farewell. After the goods are sold, the task reward will be sent!"

Sarah covered her beautiful face with a veil, and left surrounded by her tribe.

After walking a few steps, she suddenly turned her head, and looked at Kinoshita Makoto with a pair of aura eyes.

He didn't say anything, but he seemed to say everything.

That rare exotic style in Konoha made many teenagers around me fascinated by it.

However, Kinoshita Makoto was indifferent, which inexplicably received a lot of hostile looks.

Hong, who was standing at the side, looked away slightly, narrowed his moist eyes, turned around and asked with a smile, "Does it look good?"

"I don't know, I'm face-blind, and I can't tell if I'm good-looking or not." The young man smiled and made a playful grimace.

Hong was amused, the corners of her mouth curled up, her red eyes narrowed into a pair of crescent moons.

Makoto Kinoshita looked at her and said with a smile, "This time it looks really good."

The girl's ears were red, and she didn't make a sound.

Hongdou on the side couldn't help but rolled her big eyes, and leaned close to Hong's ear, trying to persuade the girl who was return from her lost way.

Don't be fooled by the scumbag!

That's right, this little girl started talking badly about him again. It seems that all the cakes she bribed before were fed to the dog's stomach.

Konoha Ninja walked towards the center of the village along the road.

It's just that someone blocked the way soon.

There was a big dark man who said in a rough voice that could be heard clearly even two streets away:
"Sarutobi Shinnosuke, do you remember me?!"

"Ye Yuesen, you old dog isn't dead yet?" Shinnosuke said, "I thought you died in the Frost Kingdom."

"If you can't die, you buffalo bitch, can I die?"

Ye Yuesen walked out from the corner of the street, followed by a group of Yunyin ninjas.

Among the crowd, there was a dark-skinned teenager with tattoos of the characters for "thunder" and "water" on his left and right shoulders respectively.

With a casual look, he complained: "It's really boring... The captain can only talk about it, and dare not do it?!"

The yellow-haired girl with exquisite facial features and her breasts soaring that she almost tore her clothes said expressionlessly:

"Darui, this is the Hidden Sand Village, not our village..."

Except for Ye Yuesen, many Konoha ninjas have encountered enemies they have encountered on the battlefield.

But no one dared to do anything. This is Sand Hidden Village, and everyone is here to take the Chunin Exam, not to fight.

No Lengtouqing...probably.

Everyone's eyes were fixed, only to see a young man rushing out, holding a sharp bone in his hand.

His figure was swift and fierce, and the bone slanted downward, stabbing Kinoshita Makoto's throat precisely and fiercely.

The movements were crisp and neat, revealing the indomitable madness of the Kaguya clan.

"Makoto Kinoshita, I want to avenge my brother!!"

Makoto Kinoshita didn't move, his right hand suddenly went up, his five fingers hooked, and he grasped the bone precisely so that he couldn't stab down.

Kaguya exerted force rapidly with his right arms, but he still couldn't push down an inch.

"Who is your brother?" Makoto Kinoshita asked in confusion.

Kaguya Youyi was about to answer, but the boy shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'm not interested."

He raised his foot, and under the hydration technique, the thigh in the trouser leg instantly swelled with astonishing strength.

A knee bump hit the opponent's abdomen.

If it weren't for the obstruction of the bone veins, it would definitely be pierced through.But even so, Kaguya Youichi still slid backwards.

Bone spurs appeared in his hands, pierced into the ground, and scratched several meters long before he stopped and retreated.

The boy stood up, with a bit of fear in his eyes.

Makoto Kinoshita played with the bone and said with a smile:
"I remembered, your brother is that idiot Kaguya Sakamoto. It really is a real brother, you are as stupid as your brother..."

Kaguya was furious, and wanted to charge up again, but was stopped by Kirigakure Kamishin.

Makoto Kinoshita secretly thought it was a pity, and said with a smile: "If you kill you during the exam, then no one will save you, you idiot!"

As soon as he said a word, the whole street stared at the boy silently.

Kinoshita Makoto ignored these gazes, but looked towards the street corner.

There was a girl in a blue dress with reddish-brown curly hair sitting there.

She leisurely sips tea.

He has a big smile on his face.

Terumi Mei licked her lips, under the reflection of the setting sun, her face was very coquettish and moving, she looked back and smiled, full of murderous intent.

Makoto Kinoshita raised his middle finger at the girl, "I'll let you drink my bath water sooner or later."

When others heard this sentence, they were a little puzzled, but the girl's face suddenly became stiff.

She remembered a scene again.

The girl put down her teacup, and made a fierce gesture of wiping his neck with a knife at the boy!

Humph, come on, hurt each other! !



(End of this chapter)

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