Descends from Naruto

Chapter 87 Chapter 87 Cracking the skull with a strong hand!

Chapter 87 No.80 The top seven cracked their heads!

Half of the broken arrow landed on Yuuji Kaguya's forehead, but before it could penetrate, it was blocked by the bone, and the bullet fell to the ground.

Yuuji's forehead left a red mark, he rubbed it, his face was gloomy.

It wasn't that he was angry because he was shot, but that his bone arrow was actually... interrupted.

That is the bone arrow specially made by him with the bone veins. The accumulation of a large amount of bone is stronger than many metals.

It was interrupted with bare hands!
This is intolerable to him! !

Makoto Kinoshita retracted his fist slowly, and said with an extremely arrogant expression:

"Hey, isn't this Kaguya Youichi? It's such a coincidence. There is no Jnin who can protect you this time, right?"

Kaguya Youichi didn't speak, he was still entangled with Yamashiro Aoba and Shiranui Gen.

It was Kaguya Yuuji who shouted loudly: "Makoto Kinoshita, the right one is not your opponent, come and fight me!"

"Rushing to death?" Makoto Kinoshita smiled.

"Then kill you first, and then kill him... Don't worry, the fog ninja in this canyon can't get out."

"Be careful!" Asma, who fell to the ground in the style of falling geese on the flat sand, shouted:

"He has my Feiyan in his hand, it's a chakra knife... very powerful."

Although Asma is not happy with Kinoshita Makoto, she always feels that this kid has robbed her future wife...but she will still remind her when she should.

After all, Makoto Kinoshita just saved his life!
But embarrassingly, Yuuji pulled out the chakra knife from his neck and threw it out casually.

Chakra knife?Heh tui, can it compare to his bones? !
And Makoto Kinoshita walked forward, and when he passed the chakra knife, he didn't even look at it.

Chakra knife?Heh tui, can it compare to his Thunder Stinging Fist? !

Asma was both happy and sad.

Fortunately, his Feiyan was not snatched by Wu Ninja.

What's sad is that the weapon he cherishes so much is just treated as garbage by the two of them!

He could only secretly scold them for being ignorant! !
A swarm of scorpions attacked and surrounded Asma, and he jumped again, ignoring his bleeding butt, and hurriedly stood up.

Asma looked up, and saw Hong, Hongdou, and a big wave girl Sand Shinobi sitting safely on the giant scorpion.

"Red!!" Asma burst into tears. "Are you here to save me?!"

Hong tilted his head, looking bewildered.

Then, she turned to Hong Dou and said, "I'll deal with that Terashima, he wants to run away!"

The girl in red disappeared in place.

"I'll help you!"

Hongdou also stood up, looked at Asma, and confessed:

"Look at this woman, don't be fooled by her rhetoric, if she wants to run away, kill her!"

The two girls left, leaving Asma alone, shivering and climbing up the giant scorpion, holding a kunai in her hand.

"What's wrong with you?" Lilinai looked at Asma, yawned and said, "So much blood?"

"I was on equal footing with Kaguya Yuo for [-] rounds, and I got injured accidentally." Asma coughed and forcefully explained.

Lilinai glanced at his ass, showing disdain, and rolled her eyes.

She wanted to run away, but that stupid girl named Hongdou actually gave her snake venom.


Seeing Lilinai take out the purple flute, Asma began to blow it... also scratched her head.

Where did Squad [-] find this female sand ninja? When they were fighting, they wanted this woman to play the flute for fun?
Really stubborn!
Kaguya Yuuji walked towards Kinoshita Makoto, he suddenly accelerated and ran wildly, jumped up and stepped on the stone, and shot at the young man like an arrow.

Corpse Bones·Tsubaki Dance!

Yuuji drew a bone knife from his left arm as a weapon.

With a sudden swing of the knife, a crack several meters long was cut on the ground.

It was the first time for Makoto Kinoshita to see the art of bone veins in its entirety.

Unlike Kai's fist, Tsubaki's dance is like a snake and thunder... full of artistic sense.

A few bones followed like a shadow, and every time they touched the ground, there would be countless pieces of rock, and even if they were swept into the air, they would make a hunting sound.

Lilinai controlled the giant scorpion and ran towards him, but was also lifted into the air by piercing the carapace with a knife.

Then he waved his arms and stabbed the scorpion that had not yet fallen to the ground through countless holes. When the scorpion finally fell to the ground, he slashed down with a knife, forcefully smashing the scorpion into the ground.

Makoto Kinoshita kept dodging, but his clothes still got a huge cut, and he pulled back to get out of his position.

"When you meet me, you have met your nemesis." Yuji Kaguya smiled triumphantly:
"My whole body is full of bones, and you can't beat it! Even if you use the second-generation Mizukage's clams, it's useless.

This is my absolute defense! "

Kinoshita rubbed his arms, and he showed a strange smile:
"Absolute defense... The last time I heard this word, Kaguya Sakamoto said it, and then... he died!"

Kaguya Yuuji seemed to have been greatly insulted, he said grimly:

"I don't know what method you used to kill Sakamoto, but you certainly can't crack mine..."

Before he finished speaking, Makoto Kinoshita exerted his strength suddenly, the sand under his feet creaked, and his whole body was like an arrow, and he came to Kaguya Yuji in an instant.

"Is the corpse bone vein... very powerful? It's not like I haven't killed it before!"

Shadow Dance Leaf! !

Kinoshita Makoto's chakra exploded under his feet, his figure suddenly accelerated, and he kicked out.

Xiong Er remained calm in the face of danger, he slashed at the boy's thigh with the bone knife in his hand.

He has bone veins, he is not afraid of being kicked, he does not believe that the other party will not hide.

But Kinoshita Makoto didn't hide, and was slashed in the thigh with a knife.

Kaguya Yuji opened his eyes wide, he saw the boy's legs turned into liquid, and the bone knife pierced through.

Makoto Kinoshita kicked Yuuji who opened the middle door wide.

There was a heavy pounding on his chest, and Kaguya Yuuji flew upside down.

Makoto Kinoshita's body speed did not decrease but increased, and he had already come to the side of Yuuji who had not yet fallen to the ground, and punched the latter's head.

Water escape, powerful water wrist, strong hand splitting the skull! !

With one punch, Yuuji's body was hit straight to the ground, and because of the huge momentum of the fall, he even rebounded slightly on the ground once.

Under that punch, Yuuji's skull was cracked, but the bone veins were quickly repaired.

He was grabbed by Kinoshita Makoto's neck, and bone spurs grew out of his neck immediately, stabbing at the boy's arm, but...

Still piercing!
Yuuji flew out, drew a beautiful arc, and finally slammed into the cliff, splashing huge gravel.

The boy rushed over again and kicked him in the head.

Also penetrated!
No matter what physical technique Yuuji used, all the bones penetrated Kinoshita Makoto's body.

"The technique of hydration? How could you know the technique of hydration?!" Yuuji Kaguya roared.

But what ushered in was just a torrential physical blow.

Everyone was stunned, and they saw Yuuji Kaguya, who was originally extremely arrogant, beaten by Makoto Kinoshita,

There is no fighting back!

Asma was stunned. He really wanted to slap himself to see if it was a dream, but he didn't make up his mind.

Kaguya was also extremely aggrieved, his attack was only physical skills, but physical skills had no effect on the hydration technique at all, and he was restrained to death.

At the end of the fight, Yuuji didn't even resist, he grinned and said:

"You can't break my bones!"

Kinoshita Makoto didn't know where he learned the technique of hydration, and he restrained his bone veins extremely, but the opponent couldn't break his defense.

When the young man is exhausted, he will fight back!

Makoto Kinoshita stopped his figure, sighed, and said helplessly:

"I wanted to see if I could break your tortoise shell with physical skills alone, but it seems that I'm still too weak.

If Kai is here, his physical skills should be good, right? "

As a professional boaster, Makoto Kinoshita unilaterally boasted about business, which made Yuuji furious.

Where did Kay jump out of the trash?
Since physical skills can't be broken, let's change to... Lei Dun.

After killing Yanmen, his arm, which had just recovered, seemed to be injured again!
Kinoshita Makoto raised his arm, raised it high, and spread from his fist to his entire arm, and then to his shoulder, covered with thunder and lightning.

"Stinging Lightning Fist - Speed!"

Yuuji yelled, telling Makoto Kinoshita to punch a few more times, and he saw the young man rushing towards him in the form of a purple awn.

Makoto Kinoshita went forward without hesitation, and punched Yuuji in the chest.

Yuuji was horrified to find that the chest covered with thick bones shattered like porcelain.

He wanted to step back, but suddenly he froze.

He lowered his head slowly.

I saw an arm full of lightning, piercing through the entire chest.

Makoto Kinoshita threw Kaguya Yuuji on the ground, like a piece of porcelain that fell heavily on the ground, his whole body was shattered.

The young man wiped the blood from his arm, looked at the astonished Kaguya right one expressionlessly, hooked his hands and said:

"it's your turn."



(End of this chapter)

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