The Jianghu of Sword and Dao

Chapter 1 Zhongzhou Wind and Rain

Chapter 1 Zhongzhou Wind and Rain
In Zhongzhou 1024, Xiliang and Dongying became stronger and stronger day by day, and they were full of wolf ambitions for the land of Zhongzhou.Headed by the Xiliang Kingdom, out of dissatisfaction with being under Zhongzhou, they secretly united with Dongying to launch a war against the land of Zhongzhou at the beginning of the spring of that year.

The martial arts people in the Central Plains were in danger of the country, and all factions joined forces to fight back, first killing Xiliang dogs, and then punishing Dongying thieves.

Wang Musheng, head of the Lingxiao faction, ranks first in martial arts in today's Jianghu. Emperor Xuanwu asked him to lead a group of martial arts people to defend against the Japanese thieves. In 1029, Zhongzhou personally awarded him the title of general, and with tiger charms, he led an army of 15. .

At that time, Emperor Xuanwu led 50 forbidden troops out of Tianlong City, the capital of Zhongzhou, to march to the battlefield in order to prevent the Xiliang army from advancing violently.

The whole Jianghu knows that Emperor Xuanwu has a sword, which is the "Tianxia Sword" tempered on the roof of the [-]th floor of the "Tianjian Pavilion".

That day, the elder of Tianjiange said: "The spirit of this sword can keep Zhongzhou peaceful for ten years in the future. It should be the one who cares about Zhongzhou, the most honored person in the world, who can hold this sword!"

In 1029, in May of that year, Emperor Xuanwu and the Xiliang Kingdom fought hard for two months, and both sides ended up losing. However, Emperor Xuanwu was superb in martial arts, and at the critical moment, he used one man and one sword to shuttle among thousands of troops and abducted him. Emperor Chengzhao, king of Xiliang.

Threatening the life of Emperor Cheng Zhao, the two countries finally reached a ten-year non-aggression pact.

In August of that year, Emperor Xuanwu's army rebelled against Tianlong City. On the way, Emperor Xuanwu was seriously injured in the battle and died.

After all the troops returned to Tianlong City and buried Emperor Xuanwu, his younger brother took over the throne in September of that year, named Emperor Xuanping, and took up the "World Sword" that Emperor Xuanwu had been alive.

However, Emperor Xuanping was weak and fearful during his reign, but he was helpless against Dongying during his ten years. Although Xiliang kept his promise and no army invaded, Dongying became more and more prosperous.

People in the Jianghu hated Emperor Xuanping's cowardly act so much that in the past ten years, the entire Jianghu had opposed the imperial court everywhere, trying to take the opportunity to overthrow the Zhongzhou Dynasty.

Although Wang Musheng was originally a man of the Jianghu, he was a great general who was conferred by the late emperor. He made a vow that the national calamity would never be eradicated, and he would not return to the Jianghu for a day. pressure.

One person, but it is difficult to resist the resentment of thousands of people in the rivers and lakes towards the imperial court.Although Wang Musheng also felt grief and indignation at Emperor Xuanping's cowardice, but now that he is under the court, he can only defend against the enemy with peace of mind and defend every piece of land on the land of Zhongzhou.

But how could Emperor Xuanping watch the people in the rivers and lakes go against the court everywhere?This fatuous and incompetent emperor poured all his anger on the people in the rivers and lakes, and used all means to punish them.

In the ten years so far, although the flesh and blood of Emperor Xuanwu was exchanged for peace with Xiliang, there was chaos in the rivers and lakes in Zhongzhou, and Dongying outside was watching.


Zhongzhou 1039, ten years after Emperor Xuanping ascended the throne.

The rivers and lakes, which were already in dire straits, suddenly spread a letter from an unknown person all over the place. The last sentence in it read:

"The one who obtains the "Holy Illumination Heart Sutra" is the most honored in the world!"

Just because of one sentence in the letter, the people in the world are like ants on a hot pot, suddenly found a chance to turn around.

Everyone in the rivers and lakes is convinced that whoever can get the "Holy Illumination Heart Sutra" will be able to control the world. As for the overthrow of the now cowardly and incompetent Emperor Xuanping, it is just around the corner.

But they showed their true nature of greed, various sects robbed each other, and those famous and decent sects were even more insane, even worse than the methods of the evil and crooked sects.

The land of Zhongzhou, which was already on the verge of collapse, is now in another bloody dead end.

After many twists and turns, the only remaining second half of the "Holy Illumination Heart Sutra" is now in the hands of a nineteen-year-old boy from the rivers and lakes.

"Your Shaolin monk is very high-sounding, I, Su Qing, are going to demolish the pagodas all over the floor today, and burn down your Buddhist scripture pavilion!"

On the Songshan Shaolin Temple, a young man in white clothes was standing on top of a Buddhist pagoda holding a slender half-soft sword.

"The death of benefactor Su's parents, I, Shaolin, is also deeply saddened. I just hope that benefactor Su can put down the butcher knife in his hand now, and don't want to kill again."

Seeing the old monk clasping his hands between his brows, he gave a heavy dissuasion.

"Reckless killing? Hahaha, isn't everyone in Jianghu concerned about the safety of Zhongzhou? The oath made by Emperor Xuanwu with Xiliang Kingdom has now reached ten years. People in Jianghu don't kill those Xiliang dogs, but they search all over the place. Tianya is chasing me, what can you Shaolin say?!"

"They are backed by you Shaolin, and now they all regard me as a martial arts demon. They want to kill me. Where is your compassion, old monk?"

"Where were you Shaolin when they forced my parents to death! I look at the sky where the sun rises and the moon sinks, and now I am no longer homeless." The young man continued to speak with grief The words, a few tears in the eyes can not help but fall.

He swung a sword vertically and horizontally with his left hand, and a sorrowful and inexplicable sword energy shot out quickly, completely destroying the top of a Buddhist pagoda.

Seeing this scene, the old monk has nothing to do. The death of the teenager's parents has already put on the hat of a villain in his heart.

"Hmph! Su Qing, it's not up to you, a murderer, to worry about the crisis in Zhongzhou!" A monk saw that he couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted at him.

"You are monk Huijue. You were also present when my parents were killed that day!"

"Okay, today I will kill you first as a sacrifice to my parents!"

After saying that, the young man in white turned his sword around, and with a vigorous movement of his feet, he used the lightness skill "Quick Sand Flying Swallow", and rushed straight towards Huijue from the stupa.

Seeing that he was going to attack him, Huijue used the "Shaolin Vajra Palm" to deal with the sword in the white boy's hand.

Although the young man saw that he was on guard, he still attacked him directly. He was sure that with his sword now, he could wipe out all those who betrayed him one by one.

The cold light of the sword energy hit Huijue's eyes, and when he took a closer look, the young man had shot his fierce eyes at his extremely nervous eyes.

The two swords and palms collided, and Huijue realized at this moment that no matter how hard his vajra palm was exerting, it could not resist his vengeful sword.

He was about to switch to a "Dharma Buddha Fist", but the young man suddenly intensified his sword aura, and then he slashed towards Huijue with the move of "Extreme Sword No Return".

Huijue couldn't change his moves, and couldn't stop the sword energy.In the blink of an eye, the flesh and blood on the shoulders and chest were separated by the soft sword and its sword energy.

Huijue fell to the ground immediately, and the old monk and other Shaolin disciples wanted to stop him immediately when they saw this, but a man who was walking with the boy rushed forward in an instant.

Seeing him, he gave out a heavy palm, which shocked everyone including the old monk back a few steps.

The young man glanced at Huijue who was lying on the ground in agony, "You have finally tasted this pain, but it is still not comparable to the pain my parents suffered before they died, and it is not as good as my pain now."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned the soft sword back and pointed the tip of the sword at Huijue who was on the ground.

He fell down hard, and the sword pierced Huijue's entire chest.

"Revenge, this is just the beginning." The young man said to himself.

"Ah? Brother Huijue! You!" It turned out that the old monk was the current abbot of Shanglin.

"Brother Su!!"

A shout from not far away reached the tower at this moment.

"Brother Su, I finally found you. You are indeed in Shaolin." A young Taoist priest who was about the same age as that boy came to him, followed by a younger woman.

But he saw Monk Huijue lying on the ground, with the soft sword called "Qinggang" stuck in his chest.

He immediately recognized the sword, and he was stunned for a long time, "Brother Su, you...? Did you kill him?"


"He forced my parents to death together with those people who claimed to be famous and decent. Shouldn't I kill him? Shaolin Buddhism said that they care about the world, and now they don't care about the safety of their family and country, but they want to endanger me everywhere. They are one by one. They are all high-sounding people!"

The boy still didn't change his anger just now, and his sharp and ruthless words pierced into the heart of the Taoist leader like a sword.

"You?...Why are you doing this?! Shaolin people have nothing to do with this matter!" the Taoist said loudly.

"Have you forgotten that the sects that wanted to kill me once asked Shaolin to uphold justice? Want to tear me into pieces, Su Qing? To blame, you can only blame them for their self-importance, and want to support those villains with the so-called justice in the world."

"But if you do this now, won't the people in the Jianghu regard you as an evil heretic?" The woman who was traveling with her suddenly said.

The young man ignored it, picked up the sword stuck in Huijue's chest, and then went towards the abbot again.

Seeing that Huijue was dead, the abbot knew that the catastrophe was approaching, so he suppressed the grief for Huijue in his heart.

"Benefactor Su, if you continue to make mistakes step by step like this and cannot turn back, I can only eradicate your evil."

"Old monk, you said day and night that you should live the world with compassion, but now, your mouth is full of killing intent. You Shaolin Buddhism is really ridiculous."

Just now, the man who shook the monks away said humanely.

"Heavenly Almighty Lord, didn't you also take the idea of ​​Buddhism as your purpose when you created the Heavenly Buddhism? Why don't you help him go astray now, instead let him make mistakes again and again!" the abbot blamed the man.

"It's only the Buddhas in the world who do these meaningless dissuasions, but I am the Buddha of the world! Do you really think that these high-sounding things can win people's hearts and bring peace to the world?" The man said disdainfully again.

"How can you be compared with Shaolin?" An incomparably thick voice came from the crowd. That person was the current General of the East Guard, Wang Musheng, and a man named Zhuo Feng appeared with him.

When the boy saw them coming, his expression seemed calmer than before.

"Qing'er, this... is really what you did?" Zhuo Feng looked at Huijue's body, and it was hard to imagine that this was what his Shen Jian Sect disciple did.

"That's right, Senior Zhuo, everything here is done by me, Su Qing." He replied calmly. "

"Qing'er, he is your uncle, why do you call him like that?" Wang Musheng also asked when he saw this.

"Master Wang. Senior Zhuo is the head of the Shen Jian Sect. Although I was a disciple of the Shen Jian Sect before, I am no longer qualified to be in the Shen Jian Sect."

"I'll call him Master Uncle again, for fear that people from Jianghu will cause trouble to Senior Zhuo and Shen Jianpai."

After the boy finished speaking, he slowly closed the sheath of the soft sword in his hand.

Hearing the young man's answer, Wang Musheng felt overwhelmed and couldn't calm down, "He is not your uncle, what about Han Ye? He is not your teacher anymore?"

Just as the young man put away his sword, when he heard Li Hanye's name, his heart suddenly trembled. He tightly held the green steel soft sword in his hand, which was the only thing Li Hanye left him before his death.

He slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened them, two lines of tears were already rolling in his pupils.

"Master, I have never wavered in my heart. This is the only thought he left me." He raised the green steel soft sword in his hand.

"Uncle Wang, you were the only friend of the master during his lifetime. I respect you as much as I did him. Now that you are a general of the imperial court, you have been protecting the land of Zhongzhou from the Dongying people day and night for more than ten years. I admire you for what you have done." If all these Jianghu people were like you, Uncle Wang, I wouldn't be in such pain now."

"I'm a scum of the rivers and lakes. Everyone punishes me for gaining me. How can I have the face to return to the Shenjian sect? How dare I call Master Zhuo?"

Having said this, the tears in the boy's eyes were already falling, and I put down the sword again.

"But if Han Ye is alive, he will never want you to do this." Wang Musheng said.

"But he also told me that he only hopes that I can live a safe and stable life in the Jianghu in the future. If someone wants to kill me, then I will take up the sword and fight them to the end."

Everyone was speechless when they heard the boy's words, and they seemed to sympathize with him now.

"Shaolin, someone came to help you today, and I, Su Qing, will let Shaolin let you live in peace for a few days, but the enmity between parents is irreconcilable!"

The young man finally spoke out these words word by word.

"Su Qing, let's go." The head of the Buddhist sect said to him that day.

What is it that makes a young man who should be in his prime experience everything that he shouldn't have experienced in the rivers and lakes?Who is the master he was talking about, that person named Li Hanye?

"If Han Ye hadn't met for a fight 15 years ago, Han Ye wouldn't have died." Wang Musheng sighed, looking at the boy who was drifting away.

This story between the rivers and lakes and the country is full of mysteries.


In Zhongzhou 1029, the war between Zhongzhou, Xiliang, and Dongying has lasted for five years.

That day the wind on the top of the mountain was howling fiercely, and they were scrambling to blow it to the north, but they were in a hurry.

In the peaks in the dark night, there are always a few wisps of mist contending among them, but it looks like a few fluffs, hazy and clear, starting from the top of the peak, and then seeping into the woods, making it hard to see where the trees are. No matter how high it is, only a few inches of dark red in the mist can be seen.

"The little hero goes home, and the white jade and silver hairpins are given to the concubine. Who knows, it's too late, and I still regret that I won't return it that day."

The man was leaning against a big pine, and he was humming a jingle that was sung by little children in the south of the Yangtze River.

Many children in the south of the Yangtze River were born in big and small martial arts families. They have been accompanied by swords since childhood, and their parents are also wandering around in the "entertainment" of swordsmen all day long, thinking that one day they will become famous in the world. Man of the hour.

"Four years ago, you and I made an appointment to meet at Tiantai Peak today. You are in a good mood, and you even started to recite the ditty. Could it be that you are reminded of the misty rain in the south?"

The tone of the other person was not as relaxed as the little song in his mouth, but it was just normal.

"Yes, I invited you here today. After today, tomorrow you will accept the appointment of the emperor's son and become some kind of general. It just so happens that the "Holy Illumination Heart Sutra" will be given to you this time." I'll take care of it."

He flicked the shuriken casually, and his casual tone was a bit frivolous compared to that person.

"I thought you could go and kill those Dongying dogs with me, but what did you me behind my back, are you so reluctant to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy?"

The man couldn't help laughing as he spoke, and many things between the two of them emerged between the lines, but those things seemed less important today.

"It's not that I'm unwilling. Look at how many Xiliang dogs I've killed in the past few months. They want to invade Zhongzhou. How can I, Li Hanye, sit idly by?"

"However, I really can't do the job of leading troops to fight, and I haven't learned from the Qingyun faction. I just want to be a quack who protects my family and the country."

Li Hanye said two words in succession, but it wasn't what Wang Musheng wanted to hear. What he wanted was that the man in front of him went into battle with him to kill the enemy, just like they used to be in Jianghu, the two were always inseparable.

They are friends in the arena for many years, and they are the most dazzling stars in the arena.

The strong wind kept beating against the cliff, and the leaves on the trees were constantly being blown off, but the two of them were firmly stuck to the ground like a nail.

Tonight's night sky at Tiantai Peak is less starry than in the past, and there are a lot more clouds and fog, which is much thicker than before, and even the moonlight can't stand out.Chongniao also calmed down, but there were two more men on the top of Tiantai Peak.

Li Hanye looked at the cliff at his feet, and couldn't help sighing, "If you accidentally fall down, you won't be able to come back! Can't you find a brighter place?"

He retracted his feet and took a few steps back to the edge of the cliff, but his whole body was still lazily leaning against the big pine.

From the top of Tiantai Peak, you can see the entire Jiuhua Mountain in the distance, and you can have a panoramic view of the superb scenery in the southeast, northwest and north.

This dangerous terrain can't resist the scenery of this colorful front mountain at all.A few patches of thick fog tonight make it more beautiful. The whole mountain is hidden in the mist, and the mountains and forests are like green steel, opposing the sky.

"The mountain is hidden in the fog, and the mountain is practiced. This is a good place, and no one disturbs you." Wang Musheng looked at the thick fog ahead, and then turned his attention to Li Hanye.

"You talk about your own land so nicely. Next time, I'll take you to Jiangnan for a stroll? I don't think you know how many times you have come here for the scenery on the top of the mountain."

After hearing this, Wang Musheng couldn't help laughing and said, "The things you said are still so light. Could it be that you forgot the trick you lost to me last time, and want to win something verbally this time?"

"I didn't lose!"

He groaned and said.

"If I hadn't abandoned the sword halfway to meet your palm, you would have been defeated long ago."

When Li Hanye heard the loss, his lazy body immediately bounced off the big pine tree, and the energy between the lines was as vivid as a boy of eighteen or nineteen years old.

It's hard to imagine that such a perverse and frivolous person is the sword god in this arena.

But the only person who knows this side of him well is Wang Musheng.

"You're still like this." After speaking, Wang Musheng couldn't help but raised his mouth again, and smiled softly.

"During the competition last time, you were thrown into disarray by what they said was a dispute between sects?" At this moment, he stopped the smile on his face and said calmly.

"Tch, sect, sect is just a cover to restrain people in the Jianghu, a reputation."

Those duplicity and supercilious words hurt the hearts of many Jianghu people, but Li Hanye's words were always true.

"Between you and me, it's a duel between pure Jianghu masters. But when I thought about it that day when I was discussing with you, I always had the word "Sect" in my mind, that's all, it was something a few years ago, today But there is nothing else to interfere with us, let's go out with the sword."

Li Hanye slightly raised the sword in his hand, and took a deep breath, but for some reason, he was usually agile at this moment, and he would never drag his sword.

Today he was waiting for Wang Musheng's sword to come out of its sheath.

"Has your heart calmed down now?" Wang Musheng's shallow words had already seen Li Hanye's abnormality at the moment, and it seemed to poke his heart.

"Over the years, I miss those days so much."

What was the result of this duel?
And why the duel?What kind of situation will Li Hanye's death bring to Zhongzhou?
All of this starts with the fact that they obtained a book of martial arts called "Holy Illumination Heart Sutra" more than ten years ago.

The fate of the boy and the Taoist leader changed in this war-ridden home country and rivers and lakes.

 One is the sword god who cuts through the air three hundred miles with one sword, and the other is the head of the Lingxiao sect who is invincible in the inner family's kung fu.What kind of paths did the two martial arts legends of the previous generation lead the young man and the little Taoist leader on?Everything started from the "Holy Illumination Heart Sutra".

(End of this chapter)

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