The Jianghu of Sword and Dao

Chapter 18 Unexpectedly

Chapter 18 Unexpectedly
five years ago

"Yu'er, I'll trouble you to make a run for the hidden weapon in the car, so that the people of the Tang Sect know our etiquette." Li Songchuan unhurriedly counted the numbers in the ledger with the abacus in the hand of the provocateur. .

"Father, did you make an appointment to meet them at the West City Gate at noon?"

"That's right, you go with a few senior brothers. This is half of the money that will be handed over to Tang Sect later. You can take it now." He took out a large bag of money and put it in front of Li Yu.

"My child understands." He just responded silently, then picked up the bag of money, and walked straight to the door.

In the compound, several disciples had already packed up, and they took care of the riding horses and waited for Li Yu to show up.

"Eldest brother." Li Yu said.

"Junior brother, you've come, what's the master's order?" It was Lin Qiong, the chief disciple of the Qingyun sect, who spoke.

"He handed over the money to me and didn't say anything."

"Well, it's not too late, let's go there quickly." Lin Qiong estimated the time in his heart, and then called Li Yu and the disciples behind to set off in a hurry.A group of chariots and horses immediately left Pai Nei and walked towards the west gate.

"Junior brother, it's almost time now, why haven't you seen any disciples from the Tang Sect yet?" Lin Qiong asked.

"It's a long journey from central Sichuan to us. Perhaps the disciples escorting the bodyguards were tired and slowed down their journey. It's inevitable that there will be accidents along the way." Li Yu said to Lin Qiong.

"The Tang Sect's dart job is famous for being punctual in the Jianghu. I've never heard anyone say that there will be a time difference. This is puzzling."

"Brother, don't worry, people in the Tang Sect have always done things in an orderly manner, let's wait a little longer." Hearing what Li Yu said, Lin Qiong could only let go of her doubts, and then ordered the disciples who followed to lead the carriage. Resting under the tree to enjoy the shade.

Li Yu was still riding on his horse, looking at the patches of green forest outside the city, but the sun at noon was so vicious that it penetrated through the gaps in the forest, and a few outrageous rays of light Calling back and forth in front of Li Yu at the same time.

"Junior brother, the heat is unbearable today, you still have the mood to look at the scenery outside the city." Lin Qiong joked to him while hanging the horse rope on the tree.

"It's been a long time since I went out of the city to see it. It's just that the vicious sun has spoiled my desire to view the scenery. In the future, I still need to find a sunny day to go out and relax."

Li Yu unconsciously used his sleeve to block the sunlight in front of him while speaking.The members of the Qingyun faction sat leisurely under the tree and waited for the arrival of the Tangmen escort chariot. Only Li Yu had been riding on the horse, and before he knew it, half an hour had passed.

"Junior Brother, this Tang Sect, it seems that something really happened? Could it be that he was robbed by the underworld." Lin Qiong, who was resting, couldn't bear it anymore, and said lazily.

"Could it be that something went wrong? But Tangmen's bodyguards have never been dared to rob, why is there such a difference in time?" Li Yuxin was thinking silently.

At this time, Li Yu couldn't resist the whipping of the sun, and there were hot sweat on his forehead. He half covered his face with his sleeve, looked up, and found that the sun above his head had moved to the side. Not a lot.

He rolled up his sleeves and was about to get off the horse, but just as his feet touched the ground, a noisy carriage came from a distance.

"Junior Brother, the sound of the carriage? Someone from the Tang Sect should be here."

Lin Qiong also heard the voice, and stood up abruptly from the ground after speaking.

Suddenly Li Yu frowned, "No, Senior Brother, why is there still the sound of weapons beating?"

After listening to Li Yu's words, Lin Qiong realized something in an instant, only to hear him shout: "Everyone, be prepared!"

All the disciples instantly changed from a comfortable and unrestrained state to a very dignified expression. Each of them had lit up their weapons, and had already lined up their formations, and they could change their positions in an instant when the crisis came.The Qingyun sect really deserves to be a sect handed down by generals, and all the disciples are well-trained like soldiers.

He could only hear the sound of horseshoes and weapons criss-crossing getting closer, and Li Yu jumped on the horse again. Suddenly, he saw a big red flag with Tang characters printed on it not far away. "Brother, it's the people from the Tang Sect who are in trouble, let's go there quickly!"

"It's not too late! Come with me!" Lin Qiong said loudly.

After a while Li Yu and his party met the people from the Tang Sect. In addition, there were two rows of people riding horses, one on the left and one on the right, sandwiching the bodyguard chariot of the Tang Sect. Fiercely snoring.

When Li met those two boxes of escort carts, they must have been hidden weapons he bought from the Tang Sect, so without further ado, he and Lin Qionghe led the disciples to kill the two columns of troops.

I saw four or five bodyguards standing on top of Tangmen's bodyguard chariot, holding short knives and long swords to defend against the attacks of the men and horses on both sides. There are also several pieces of white iron armor on the chest and arms, which are covered with various totem shapes, and a five-inch long dagger and a knife with various hidden weapons are pinned to the waist. The most eye-catching thing about the leather bags is that there are small golden pendants hanging on the belts, which are in the shape of human heads and skulls. During the fight, they kept shaking around their waists and even made tinkling sounds.

Among them were a few disabled bodyguards who were dying on the bodyguard carts, probably severely injured by those killers who didn't know where they came from.

Seeing that Li Yu was about to bump into a group of people head-on, he threw out his bronze gun from behind, and then slapped the horse he was sitting on with the butt of the gun, signaling for the horse to avoid it quickly. However, he used his feet as hard as he stepped on the saddle, and jumped from the horse's back onto the leading escort cart in an instant.

Lin Qiong and his brothers who were traveling with him immediately understood what Li Yu was doing. He wanted to rush into the dangerous place by himself to solve the Tang Sect's difficulties first, and then they could circle around the enemy's outside with peace of mind to form a counter attack.

I saw that Li Yu had already appeared between the two bodyguards, "Brothers of the Tang Sect, Li Yu, a disciple of the Qingyun Sect, came to deliver the goods to you today!" Li Yu shouted loudly.

But the bodyguards of the Tangmen are all on the verge of life and death at the moment. How can they control so much right and wrong? They mistakenly thought that Li Yu was with the gang of thieves and wanted to intercept and kill themselves face to face. One of the older bodyguards Without further ado, the teacher pulled out an iron fan from his waist and waved it at Li Yu.

Fortunately, Li Yu is skilled in martial arts, even a sudden attack at such a short distance, he can easily deal with it, I saw him stepping backwards, bending his body backward like a spirit snake, and avoided the attack The coming of the famous bodyguard.

Just when he was about to get up and explain the situation to them again, he didn't expect that there was another mystery in the iron fan, and several extremely sharp small flying knives were ejected from each blade of the iron fan.

The moment Li Yu stood up, he only heard the sound of the mechanism in the fan turning, and immediately prepared himself for a little bit of preparedness, but the hidden weapon of the flying knife was too fast, and it seemed that there was no time to dodge, so he had to quickly and subconsciously pick up the spear and shoot it in front of him. After waving it half a circle, the hidden weapon flying towards him was shot away by his bronze gun, but those sharp flying knives took advantage of the loopholes on his left arm and waist. It was pierced deeply, and the bright red blood flowed out continuously like a spring.

"Damn it, I forgot that they are members of the Tang Sect." Li Yu said silently in his heart.

Then Li Yu turned over and jumped behind the two bodyguards. He saw that the two were still fighting with the gang of thieves, and the bodyguard who injured him just now seemed to have no time to take care of him at the moment.

He slowly pulled out the two flying knives, but fortunately, he only suffered from flesh and blood, and did not hurt the meridian and other important places.

"Brothers, I'm Li Yu from Qingyun Sect!" At this moment, he roared again.

(End of this chapter)

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