Chapter 4 Snow
At sunrise in the morning, Li Hanye slowly woke up from his sleep. He was lying on the bed thinking about what was said in the letter all the time.

Since returning to the villa, he hasn't been so entangled in one thing for a long time.Maybe it's because he hasn't been in the rivers and lakes for a while, and the comfort in the villa makes him less decisive than he should have been in the past.

At this moment, Li Hanye couldn't wait any longer.

He came to Wang Musheng's room and knocked on the door eagerly.

"Han Ye, you're here!" Wang Musheng quickly appeared in front of Li Hanye as soon as he heard the sound.

Wang Musheng also seemed to have guessed Li Hanye's temperament. He knew that Li Hanye was still the same Li Hanye back then, the man who yearned for life in the world.

Some people are destined to belong to the rivers and lakes. They don't care about grievances and disputes, and their children love each other. Everything they have in the world is what they need.

Li Hanye used to yearn for those happy days of enmity, the grievances in the world have never been grievances, and the world has never been peaceful.In Li Hanye's eyes, he would rather be a quack in the wind and rain.He has never been the one who is full of effort and lacks the dawn in the market.

Li Hanye looked at Wang Musheng. He looked into Wang Musheng's eyes, as if he had returned to the days of wind and rain.

"Mu Sheng, why not, let's set off today." He just said something lightly, his eyes filled with the light of a quack boy again.

"I know you are impatient, and in that case, let's set off."

"Don't you also guess what I'm thinking?"

"It seems that the "Sword God" is going to go to the rivers and lakes again." After Wang Musheng finished speaking, he raised his hand and put it heavily on Li Hanye's shoulders. They are still legends in the rivers and lakes.

"Take it lightly, because your internal force is deeper than mine, every time you touch me, I see that you wish to use your internal force to crush me to death."

"Okay, okay, I'll just take it down." Wang Musheng laughed and then quickly let go of the hand on his shoulder.

Li Hanye had a complaining and complaining expression on his face, he shrugged lightly, presumably to relieve the muscles and bones that were pressed by him just now.

"Go away."

When the two of them came to the hall, they saw Zhuo Feng sitting in the hall early in the morning looking at the music score.

"Senior brother, is he not up yet?" Li Hanye asked Zhuo Feng.

"Eldest brother, it will take a while. Master Wang, who are you two?" Zhuo Feng slowly closed the piano score, and his slender and well-jointed fingers gradually shrunk into half a fist.

"Junior brother, Mu Sheng and I are going north, we have important matters to deal with, we are leaving in a hurry this time, so I will trouble you to say hello to me, senior brother."

Li Hanye has always been more casual with Zhuo Feng, perhaps because of his younger brother, he can often play with his temper in front of him, if his senior brother Di Qiu is sitting here, then he will be the same as his previous master. Remind Wan to be long-winded.

"By the way, Junior Brother Zhuo, I will trouble you with my apprentice Jing'er's homework these days when I'm not here." Li Hanye has indeed become extremely serious at this moment, but it is really rare.

"Brother, don't worry, that kid told me two days ago that he wanted to learn the piano with me. It just so happens that I have time to teach him more these days when you are gone."

"The child is still young, so don't ask him to practice sword every day. You always have to learn other things. Nuo, don't you know how to play the piano?"

Zhuo Feng talked to Li Hanye with a warm expression on his face, which made Li Hanye unable to refute and refuse, and seemed to be advising him to let Su Jing learn new tricks every day.

"Yes, why is my apprentice now relying on my uncle? I am relieved of your arrangement, but I still have to learn swords every day. You have to teach it well. Junior brother, let me tell you that teaching him is comparable It’s much easier to teach other disciples.” Li Hanye said here with a slight smile, exuding a complacent expression, like the smile of an old man in his 70s or [-]s talking about his grandson outside.

"Yes, yes, I will obey what my brother said, you two can rest assured." Zhuo Feng smiled happily when he heard Li Hanye's ramblings, and then got up to see them off.

"By the way, Junior Brother Zhuo, although Jing'er learns sword moves very quickly every time, she still has a bad habit that he can't get rid of. When you teach him again, you should be more careful and correct me."

Li Hanye is now more serious than before, it seems that it is really not a trivial matter?
"What's wrong with Jing'er learning swords from you? All the swords in the world would like to become brothers with you." Wang Musheng also teased abnormally at this moment.

"You don't know, that kid is good at everything, but this bad habit has been there since the moment he picked up the sword two years ago." Li Hanye replied.

"Oh, what's wrong with Sword God also having such a headache."

"Mu Sheng, don't make fun of me. I've been thinking about how to get rid of his bad habit day and night." Li Hanye couldn't help sighing when he said this, and then stroked his head with his hand.

"Second senior brother said that Jing'er's way of holding the sword is wrong?" Zhuo Feng said without waiting for Li Hanye to tell him, as if he had already observed it.

"Yeah, that kid likes to push the top of the hilt hard from the very beginning when he held the sword. I didn't pay much attention at first, but now I have such a headache."

"The kid's fingers are long and slender, and the tiger's mouth is on the hilt of the sword. Apart from this, it's hard to use his strength. Sometimes when he swings the tiger's mouth numb, the sword will fall down by itself."

"Additionally, every time he blocks a move, the two longest middle fingers and index fingers reach the tail of the sword body. , was accidentally cut off by the swords on both sides."

When Li Hanye said this, he sighed a few more times. This problem has troubled him for two years, and he still couldn't find any way to correct it.

"Senior brother, you don't need to work so hard. Jing'er is so alert. I think he will slowly correct it later. Besides, he is only seven years old, so there will always be some children's problems." Zhuo Feng walked up to Li Hanye and patted him gently. His shoulders, such as Wang Musheng's one just now, are indeed a match between Mount Tai and a feather.

"Hey, we never learned swords from our master when we were young."

"It's because you forgot what mistake you made every time and hit you the hardest. You are afraid of pain, so naturally you dare not do it again." Zhuo Feng snickered.

"If you don't tell me, I really forgot. I still have the rattan mark on my buttocks where the master whipped me."

"Also, Senior Brother, aren't these days the days of golden autumn? After two days, the weather will be much cooler. When he goes up to practice swordsmanship, he should find some thick robes for him, in case he gets frozen , his parents will come to trouble me, I can't bear it."

Li Hanye put his hands down from his forehead, adding clothes is much easier than changing that bad habit.

"Even if the senior brother doesn't say anything, I, as a senior uncle, can still see if he will succeed?"

"Hey, you are the most reassuring to me." Li Hanye said with a long sigh of relief.

"By the way, Second Senior Brother, if you hadn't reminded me just now, I almost forgot about it. Although Jiangnan is in golden autumn at this time, it is snowing in the north right now, and the weather is extremely cold. The two of you are so plain-clothed." Robes, even if they have deep internal strength, how can they resist the cold winter every day."

"I almost forgot. Fortunately, junior brother, you reminded me. I'll go back to my room to get some thick cotton clothes." After Li Hanye finished speaking, he hurriedly left the hall and ran to his room.

"Senior brother, let's go, but the head of the king came in a hurry. Except for the personal things, I probably didn't bring the rest with me. Why don't I take some money and buy some cotton clothes on the way? If the money is not enough It can also be used for emergencies."

Zhuo Feng deserves to be the head of the daily affairs of the Shen Jian Sect, dealing with the big and small internal affairs of the Shen Jian Sect, doing things like a woman in such a small way.

"Ah, thank you, brother Zhuo, thank you Wang." Wang Musheng said.

"Well, I'll go to the cashier to get some money and give it to you two. In addition, I will also prepare the carriage for you."

After Li Hanye finished packing his luggage, the two of them boarded the carriage and headed to Changbai Mountain.

It has been half a month since Li Hanye and Wang Musheng boarded the carriage. Along the way, Li Hanye met many old friends from the Jianghu. Along the way, he chatted with many people, as if he had found the happy days in the Jianghu. .

Today, they have arrived in Liaodong.

"Han Ye, it seems that this place is not far from Changbai Mountain!" Wang Musheng shouted to Li Hanye in the car.

"The people in that town just said that you can find Changbai Mountain if you go all the way to the outskirts! Mu Sheng, stop for a while, I'll see where I am!"

At this moment, one of them put down the Huadiao wine that was warming in his hand, leaned sideways and slowly poked his head out from the carriage.

"Mu Sheng, they are right. Liaodong is really an extremely cold place. There is no one house in a few miles around. You can see that here there are only mountains connecting mountains, and all the trees are withered. Even insects, beasts and birds are all extinct. , that old senior, can he really retreat here?"

After Li Hanye finished speaking, he quickly stretched his head back. He quickly put his hands on the edge of the wine-warming stove. He just leaned out of the window to take a look at his face, and there were many large and small icicles condensed on his face.

When Wang Musheng saw Li Hanye asking him this, he laughed loudly and said: "Han Ye, you have seen very little of the world. As the saying goes, mountain people have their own tricks. We were born in the Central Plains all year round, so naturally we don't know the people living here. how to live."

Li Hanye shook his head when he heard this, he didn't see anything good about this barren and snowy place, "This place can't compare to the comfort and comfort of Central China, and Jiangnan is even better than this. How many times, if I am allowed to live here, I might as well abolish my martial arts."

Wang Musheng also admired Li Hanye's glib mouth in such a cold environment. "Han Ye, you are very interesting. Look at the snow drifting thousands of miles away. It's so majestic and magnificent. You can't see it anywhere in the south of the Yangtze River."

Li Hanye seemed to have only seen a vast expanse of white snow outside the car, but never paid attention to appreciating such a magnificent scene.

Li Hanye jumped up and flew to the top of the carriage, holding the blue steel and standing on top of the carriage.

"Mu Sheng, you're right. I've never seen such a snow scene, and I've never seen such a magnificent place."

"But it's really too cold, my hair is about to freeze! Can you pass on half of your "Sunshine Magic Art" to me!"

Li Hanye roared loudly, maybe this could also drive him away from the cold.

"If you want to do things like bullying your master and destroying your ancestors now, I won't stop you, but I'm afraid that your master, Senior Su, will implicate me."

"No, stop talking. I don't want to be beaten by the old man with a rattan cane after lying in the coffin. I'd better go back to the car and surround the stove to keep warm."

As soon as he heard the name of his master, Li Hanye, who was already icy all over his body, felt a sudden chill in his heart. He ran back from the roof of the car without thinking too much.

After a while, the sun has gradually set, and the time of dusk is the most beautiful time for this snow field.

The afterglow of the almost extinguished sunlight shone on the faces of Li Hanye and Wang Musheng, mixed with the biting cold wind.Compared with Jiangnan, perhaps only a few reeds on the edge of the pond are missing.

Li Hanye took out the warming wine from the car and handed it to Wang Musheng.

Two people in one car, accompanied by the long dusk and endless cold wind, went to the distant Changbai Mountain.

"Han Ye, do you see a few houses not far ahead?" Wang Musheng suddenly asked loudly.

"There are people living here in this snowy land, Mu Sheng, it seems that we don't need to sleep in the carriage tonight!"

Li Hanye hurriedly climbed out of the car, and looked at the houses and fireworks not far away, showing the excitement he hadn't seen for a long time.

"That's right, let's go up and have a look." After saying that, Wang Musheng drove away.

When they arrived here, the two of them realized that it was a small shop.

There are only two old couples and a young girl running here.It was not only Li Hanye and Wang Musheng who came here, there were also three or five men dressed as scholars drinking wine and composing poems for fun.

"Shopkeeper, do you have a place to live here?" Li Hanye asked after getting off the car.

Upon seeing this, the young woman responded enthusiastically: "Guests, although our place is not large, we have enough wine, meat, side dishes, and rooms. If the two of you want to stay here tonight, you are naturally very welcome." .”

"That would be great, Mu Sheng, let's stay here tonight. Little girl, please bring me two or three catties of beef and mutton, a large jar of good wine, and some side dishes for us. We are getting tired of the dry food along the way."

Li Hanye's enthusiasm, which he hadn't had for a long time, was finally expressed in this icy and snowy place.

"Okay guest officer! Dad! Two more guest officers are here!" The little girl shouted to her parents in the room.

"You two guests, the meat and wine will be ready soon!" The little girl skipped and walked into one of the rooms after she finished speaking.

"Look at the ordinary people who make a living here, all of them are not cold, but you, your internal strength is like a piece of white paper, hiding in the car all day long."

After saying that, Wang Musheng straightened his outfit. Although it was a little messed up by the strong wind, there was no trace of being covered by the heavy rain on his whole body.

"It's so warm in the car, I don't want to sit in it, and I have to spoil myself to go outside to suffer from the wind, blowing and snowing, that's fine, how about I drive the car on the way back?"

As Li Hanye spoke, he began to rub his hands together, waiting for his hands to be warm enough to enjoy the food and drink.

"No, then you'll have to cry and howl outside, it's not as quiet as me driving outside alone."

As soon as Wang Musheng finished speaking, an old man greeted him from the house with warm food and wine.

"Old man, just put it here." Wang Musheng took the food and wine brought by the old man, and placed it on the table.

"You two gentlemen, you are being polite. You are all guests here, how can I let you do it." Although the man received the guests less lively than the girl, he treated them seriously.

"By the way, old man, this area is covered with snow for hundreds of miles, and insects and birds are extinct. How could your family open a restaurant here?" Li Hanye asked.

"The guest officer laughed. Our family lives here all year round. The vicinity of Changbai Mountain is barren and extinct in the eyes of outsiders, but we locals regard it as a treasure."

"The birds and beasts in this mountain are full of rare and rare treasures. The cattle and sheep raised here are also different from other places. They are raised in the alpine place all the year round, and their meat is more tender. This wine is also brewed with the melted snow water on Changbai Mountain. Yes, if you don’t believe me, you can taste it.”

The old man laughed when he finished speaking.

"We believe the old man's words. As soon as I sat here, I could already smell the smell of wine in the house." Wang Musheng said.

"Guest officer is happy to use it."

"Old man, did you just say that this place is Changbai Mountain?" Li Hanye asked again suddenly.

"Yes, this is already at the foot of Changbai Mountain."

"Mu Sheng, we are finally arriving!"

Li Hanye looked at Wang Musheng excitedly, and after walking for more than a month, he finally arrived at Changbai Mountain.

"You two guests, are you going to visit Changbai Mountain?" Suddenly an old woman stepped forward and said.

"Yes, he and I are going to Changbai Mountain." Li Hanye said.

"The two guest officials have come to the right place. The beautiful scenery on Changbai Mountain is countless. There are many literati who come to visit and write poems all year round. They also spend a lot of money. Our small shop relies on this to make ends meet."

After speaking, the two old people walked back slowly and continued to prepare some meals for them in the kitchen.

"What this old man said is right. Changbai Mountain is a peerless beauty in the contemporary era. It is magnificent in size and straight. From the top of the mountain, you can see the sky at a glance. In addition to the pure white sky full of snow, how can you tell me what is happening in this world?" How can there be such a beautiful scenery?"

At this moment, the two of them suddenly heard a man's words. They looked around and found that it was a man at the next table who spoke.

The man was wearing a thick sable fur, and he looked like a child of a noble family.

"That's right, as the saying goes, "Where the ice stays with the summer, the whiteness meets the blue sky."The stone house road is blocked by clouds, and the peak is bright and rainy. "Changbai Mountain is extremely beautiful. We made a special trip to Liaodong this time just to see the scenery of this mountain!"

At this time, another man at the same table took up his words.

"Several brothers have such a sense of elegance. In order to see the scenery of Changbai Mountain, they trek across mountains and rivers to this extremely cold place. It is admirable to have such courage."

Seeing this, Wang Musheng exchanged pleasantries with them.

"This chivalrous man is full of praise. We are just a group of literati children who like to play around. Compared with your two chivalrous men, we are nothing. Presumably, the two of you have high martial arts skills and extraordinary skills."

The young man in sable fur glanced at the sword beside the two of them and said.

"Oh? Since you are a literati who read books, you probably don't know martial arts. How do you know that we are both good at martial arts?"

At this time, Li Hanye, who was silent at the side, suddenly spoke softly.

"This chivalrous man laughed at me. I'm just looking at the heroic looks of the two of you. You must not be ordinary Jianghu grasslands. Besides, how can such a small Jianghu grassland come to Changbai Mountain with such ambitions? "

"That's right, you have seen the world with the eyes of a scholar, not to mention this small rivers and lakes, even if martial arts masters from various sects come here, they still have to be respectful to us, and you can't be with me. People on a par." After finishing speaking, he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and began to carefully look at the people at the table.

Li Hanye told that person word by word, his temper suddenly became arrogant at this moment
"This chivalrous man speaks very loudly. Although I don't know martial arts, I have made friends with some heroes from various sects in the Jianghu. Dare I ask who this chivalrous man belongs to? Let me know."

The other young master at the same table seemed to be a little bit dissatisfied with Li Hanye's words, so he immediately refuted him.

"Since you are not from the martial arts world, you don't need to know my identity. I only like to make friends with heroes in the martial arts world."

Now that Li Hanye looked at a table of dishes and wine, it seemed that he had seen all those people, and there was nothing that interested him.

The scholar naturally heard the meaning of Li Hanye's words, he also took a sip of wine, and then carefully considered his words, as if he didn't want to retreat.

"Since your Excellency doesn't want to reveal your identity, I don't need to ask any more questions, but what you said is so brazen, is it because we don't know martial arts, and you are talking nonsense?"

"Bastard, I never give out big words. If you don't believe me, I won't waste my words with you." Li Hanye said sharply at this time.

"Brother Zhu, everyone went to Changbai Mountain to see the scenery. Since this chivalrous man doesn't want to talk about it, that's fine."

The young man in sable fur suddenly spoke, the meaning in his words was to let him stop worrying about these trivial matters.

"I don't want to argue with him anymore, but what he said is too pretentious. Judging from his tone, it seems that no one in the martial arts can match."

After the scholar finished speaking, he thumped the table vigorously, and the sudden sound seemed to exacerbate the turbulence of the matter.

"What I said is indeed true. The eyes of the little bird have never seen the sky where the eagle is."

Li Hanye saw that the man was in such a hurry, so he shook his head, thinking that if he continued to argue with an unknown person, wouldn't he be belittling himself?
He just kept silent, drinking wine happily and eating the beef and mutton raised in Changbai Mountain by himself.

"Hmph, in today's martial arts world, when it comes to being unmatched, I only know that Li Hanye and Wang Musheng are the number one in the current martial arts world.

"One of the two of them is the No.1 swordsman in Shenjian Villa for a hundred years, the sword god in the world. The other is the head of the Lingxiao Sect on Mount Jiuhua, and the martial arts in his body have reached perfection. And Both belong to the two most powerful sects in Jianghu, your Excellency is not one of Wang Musheng and Li Hanye, is it?"

The scholar even refused to let go and said that he was dead about the Jianghu martial arts.

"Oh? As a scholar, you also know Li Hanye? He is number one in martial arts today. Is his martial arts very powerful?"

After Li Hanye said this, he stopped the wooden chopsticks in his hand, stretched himself, and glanced at Wang Musheng beside him.

He was a little angry just now, but now that he heard that unknown scholar say that, it seemed that he couldn't hide the uncontrollable laughter in his eyes, and then he continued to drink his wine.

"Hmph, you are really boastful. Is there anyone in the world who doesn't know the names of Li Hanye and Wang Musheng? Li Hanye was born in the Shenjian School and is a master of martial arts swordsmanship. When he was young, he used a green steel soft sword to make He is so superb that he defeated all the heroes in the world!"

"Hahaha, you know a lot as a scholar." As soon as Li Hanye finished speaking, he immediately put down the wine glass in his hand.

He suddenly pointed to luck, and saw that he suddenly slashed the air, and the green steel soft sword placed on the table came out of the scabbard and hovered in the air with a bang.

Qi came out together with the sword, and the fierce sword air accompanied by the unsheathing of the sword made the surrounding wind and snow surrender to Li Hanye's aura.

Li Hanye dropped his finger again, and the soft sword was planted straight on the snow-covered ground. His kung fu of controlling the sword through the air is already perfect.This kind of kung fu is extremely difficult to master, and it must be learned by someone with a high level of swordsmanship.

The sword had already landed, and the four big characters "Qinggang soft sword" appeared on the sword body, facing the literati and scholars at the table.

"Ah? This is... Qinggang soft sword? This"

The scholar surnamed Zhu saw these four big characters, and he just piled up rhetorical words, but now he couldn't utter half of the other characters.

"Could it be that he is?" Everyone at the table said without surprise, and they were all surprised. They were just a class of literati and scholars, and the name Li Hanye was more like a legend from another world to them.

Even if he is a person in the Jianghu, if he can really meet Li Hanye, he can be regarded as having a chance with a master of martial arts.

Everyone in the Jianghu would like to see the elegant demeanor, and if they can get some martial arts guidance from it, it is even more eager and unattainable.

"Mu Sheng, it seems that our name is not only known by people in the world."

After speaking, Li Hanye stood up, stretched his stiff waist from the wind and snow, stretched out his hand lazily and pulled out the sword on the ground.

With just a blink of an eye, he inserted the sword into the sheath in an unusual way. The skill was so fast that those scholars only felt that a silver light flashed across their eyes.

"Han Ye, you are too flamboyant."

"Are you really Li Hanye? Then you are talking about Mu Sheng?"

"This man is offended. Next is Wang Musheng. He is my close friend Li Hanye. He has caused trouble to everyone."

 As an absolute master in the world, Li Hanye is really perverse and unusual!Such a style is as ridiculous as a newly born boy.

(End of this chapter)

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