library clerk

Chapter 103 The fog is heavy

Chapter 103 The fog is heavy
Meng Zhe saw that Song Jiang couldn't sleep, so he whispered to him, "There is a problem with that Lagon, and there is also a problem with the fog around the camp..."

Song Jiang turned around from his sleeping bag and looked at him as soon as he heard it, "Let's talk about the previous question first. You told me what's wrong with that Lagon before, but I think he is just an ordinary herdsman?!"

Meng Zhe laughed and said, "If he's an ordinary person, I'll grab his head and kick it for you!"

After Song Jiang heard it, he immediately imagined the way he kicked Meng Zhe's head. The picture was so beautiful, so he quickly shook his head and said, "Who wants to kick your head like a ball? Hurry up and tell me how unusual that Lagon is." Already?!"

Meng Zhe smiled slightly and said, "Although he hides it very well...but I can smell that he smells like a dog."

"What?!" Song Jiang suddenly raised his voice, and then realized that his voice was a little louder, so he quickly lowered his voice and said, "Brother, what does it mean that someone smells like a dog? What if someone has a dog at home?" What? Isn’t it human if you smell like a dog?!”

Seeing that Song Jiang didn't believe it, Meng Zhe sighed, "I can't tell right now, anyway, I don't smell human on him."

Song Jiang asked amusedly when he heard it, "Then who do you smell human?"

"The two larks, the sycophant, the dumb trio, and Wu Hui, they all have a human touch..." Meng Zhe said without thinking.

After Song Jiang heard this, he patted Meng Zhe, "Don't just give people nicknames, okay?! Brother, you are the White Tiger King, why is your mouth so bad?!"

Meng Zhe said impatiently, "It's easy to remember a nickname, then let me ask you, what are the names of those seven useless students in Bai Ze?!"

Song Jiang thought for a while and said, "Shen Wenwen, Zhao Jia, uh..."

"Look, you can also remember the names of those two girls!" Meng Zhe said jokingly.

When Song Jiang heard the corners of his mouth twitching slightly, he thought to himself that Meng Zhe must have frequently used his mobile phone to scan those unserious videos recently, otherwise why would his speech become less and less formal? !Thinking of this, he had no choice but to continue to ask, "Then what's the matter with the fog around here?!"

Unexpectedly, Meng Zhe said with a mysterious face this time, "Just wait, there will be an answer soon..."

Seeing that Meng Zhe was still playing tricks, Song Jiang didn't bother to ask any more questions, turned around and ignored him.Unexpectedly, when Song Jiang was about to fall asleep in a daze, he suddenly heard a commotion outside, as if there were many people walking around.

Song Jiang woke up suddenly when he heard the voice. Unexpectedly, when he wanted to speak, Meng Zhe covered his mouth and motioned him to keep quiet and listen carefully... At this time, it sounded very lively outside, as if there was something wrong. Few people are busy talking and laughing about something.

At this time, Meng Zhe slowly opened the curtain of the tent, and the two of them stretched their heads up and down to look out through the gap, only to find that apart from the thick fog, there was no one else. !But at this moment, they saw the little fat man in the dumb trio staggering out of the tent, probably woken up by urination and ready to go out for convenience.

Song Jiang's heart sank when he saw it. Although he didn't know what was going on outside, it was definitely not the right choice to go out rashly, so he quickly looked up at Meng Zhe and said, "What should I do, the dumb trio The little fat man is out."

Meng Zhe said impatiently, "I really know how to join in the stay in the tent first, and I'll go out and have a look."

As soon as Song Jiang heard it, he shook his head desperately and said, "Don't...I want to go out with you to have a look."

Meng Zhe thought for a while, and seemed to think that throwing Song Jiang alone in the tent was really not a good choice, so he said in a deep voice, "Okay, you can go out, but you must always follow me..."

After hearing this, Song Jiang nodded repeatedly and said, "Don't worry... I promise you will never leave."

When Song Jiang and Meng Zhe got out of the tent one after the other, the little fat man had already walked to the edge of the camp. Although it was not yet dawn and there was fog all around, the surrounding snow covered the night It's like daytime, so the opponent's every move is still very clear.

It is reasonable to say that it is late at night, and the surrounding is the wilderness of the desolate world, so the little fat man can just find a convenient place, but it may be because there are girls in the team, he has already walked to the edge of the camp, Still have to keep going.

Song Jiang wanted to go up to stop him when he saw him, but was stopped by Meng Zhe, and at the same time signaled him to keep silent, to follow behind and have a look first... Song Jiang thought to himself, what is there to see when someone pisses?But what happened next made him instantly dumbfounded on the spot.

After the little fat man walked out of the camp, he was not in a hurry to solve his current problems. Instead, he continued to walk towards the deepest part of the fog as if he had been summoned by something. Song Jiang and Meng Zhe, who followed him, had no choice but to push through the layers of fog. followed closely.

But at this moment, more than a dozen tents suddenly appeared in the fog in front of them. It seemed that a large mountaineering team was camping here...

Seeing this, Song Jiang said to Meng Zhe with his lips, "How could other mountaineering teams camp here?!"

Meng Zhe pulled Song Jiang back with a serious face, and signaled him not to go any further. There is something wrong with the tents in front!If it's just the two of them, it's okay to retreat or advance, but the problem is that the little fat man has already passed by, and Song Jiang and the others can't just walk away...

At that time, Song Jiang thought that the other party might be a mountaineering team that entered the mountain without permission. After all, in this snow mountain, except for their group, there is no other legitimate mountaineering team... But entering the restricted area to climb the mountain without permission is still possible. This is the first time Song Jiang has seen such a big fight.

At this moment, Meng Zhe turned his head to look at Song Jiang, and signaled him to wait there. He went to bring the little fat man back first, and then the three of them went back to their camp together. Song Jiang had no objection to this, because he was not The kind of person who likes to be brave, but if Meng Zhe can solve it, he will never take the initiative to join in the fun.

Seeing Meng Zhe quickly walked into the mist, he wanted to bring the little fat man out as quickly as possible, but the strange thing was that as soon as Meng Zhe entered, the surrounding fog instantly intensified, and Song Jiang soon couldn't see Meng Zhe clearly. Where is Zhe now...

Simply because the induction between them is still there, it means that the distance between the two is still within the safe range, otherwise Song Jiang would not be able to stand still at the same place right now... But the thicker and thicker fog It made Song Jiang feel a faint uneasiness in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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