library clerk

Chapter 105 White Wolf

Chapter 105 White Wolf
Xia Tao laughed when he heard it, "My daughter is only three years old, what's the use of contacting her, you should contact my wife, her name is Song Xue, and she is a primary school teacher. In fact, I blame her for being sorry for her in the past few years. In order to support her She is the one who worries about my hobby, big and small things at home, and this time I will take care of myself when I go back, and live a good life with their wives."

Xia Tao and Song Jiang were talking, and it seemed that they really saw the hope of living. Although Song Jiang was uneasy, he was unwilling to break the beautiful vision in the other party's heart... But he forgot one thing, that is, the higher the expectation , the greater the disappointment, when Xia Tao realizes that he will never be able to walk out of this snow mountain, he is bound to anger Song Jiang, who is still alive.

Song Jiang originally thought that he would drag Meng Zhe back no matter what, even if Xia Tao knew the truth and went berserk, he didn't have to be afraid of anything, but for some reason, he waited and waited until Meng Zhe didn't come back...

Only then did Song Jiang suddenly realize that it was impossible for Meng Zhe to let himself stay in the mist alone for such a long time, so the only possibility was that the two of them were trapped in different "spaces". The distance is very close, but they can't see each other anyway.

After figuring this out, Song Jiang knew that Xia Tao in front of him was the reason why he was trapped, and Meng Zhe was because of the weird mountaineering team that appeared in the mist before... And since Meng Zhe hasn't shown up until now, then It proves that the dilemma Song Jiang encountered can only be solved by himself.

"Uh...Actually, I admire the courage of mountaineering enthusiasts. After all, for most people, those places where human footprints have never been are full of too many dangers and uncertainties, so how do you do it? So obsessed with this sport...?!" Song Jiang continued to talk to Xia Tao without talking.

Xia Tao smiled and said, "If I have to say a might be that people like us have inherited the genes of humans who love adventure! We always want to conquer one mountain after another to prove ourselves. Yes Now, let’s talk about you, why did you come to Karabog Peak? Look at you, you are thin-skinned and tender, and you don’t look like us rough guys who run around in the wild all the year round?!”

Song Jiang didn't think much about it, and said nonsense, "I... went to the 5123-meter environmental monitoring station with my friends to collect data."

Xia Tao's face obviously changed when he heard this, he frowned slightly, with a puzzled look on his face, it seemed that the warm atmosphere Song Jiang tried hard to create could not last long, at this time the hunger in Xia Tao's belly was again Burning, at the same time it seems to have awakened some memories that he had forgotten...

"Who the hell are you? Why are you here? There is nothing at an altitude of 5123 meters. Where is the environmental monitoring station?!" Xia Tao asked with a bad face.

Only then did Song Jiang realize that he had said something wrong, because when Xia Tao came here, there was indeed no monitoring station at the position of 5123 meters... But since the words have been said, Song Jiang can only continue to make amends.

"It's called a monitoring station, but it's actually just a monitoring point, with only a few shutters, so it's normal if you don't know..." Song Jiang said pretending to be calm.

At this time, Xia Tao's aura changed obviously, and evil spirits visible to the naked eye surrounded him. What was even more strange was that his cheeks began to gradually collapse, and his skin gradually became dry. He looked like a man. Victims who are about to starve to death...

Without Meng Zhe by his side, Song Jiang lost half of his courage in an instant, and he said tremblingly, "Xia...Brother Xia, what's wrong with you?!"

At this time, Xia Tao looked at Song Jiang greedily and said, "Didn't you ask me where Haozi was before? Now I remember where he is. How about I take you there to find him?"

Song Jiang quickly shook his head and said, "No need, it's better...let's wait here for my friend to come over, and then we'll go there together, or you and I won't be able to save him at all."

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Xia Tao sighed heavily and said, "It would be great if I could meet you earlier..."

Song Jiang thought that Xia Tao said this because he would not have to die if he met him sooner, but he then said, "If I met you sooner, I wouldn't have to eat Haozi's thigh!"

Song Jiang's hair stood on end. He looked at Xia Tao in horror, but he still pretended to be calm and said, "Brother really know how to joke."

After hearing this, Xia Tao said with a deep smile, "Anyone who knows me knows that I never joke..."

"But isn't he your friend?" Song Jiang asked in disbelief.

Xia Tao sighed slightly, "Boy, I know what you think. It's true that Haozi is my friend, and we have known each other since junior high school... But do you know what it's like to be hungry? Some things Only if you've experienced it firsthand will you know how crazy it is."

Song Jiang had heard some reports about cannibalism before, but at that time he was watching it out of curiosity, but when this kind of thing happened in reality, he felt a strong sense of discomfort. Sweeping over his little heart...

Seeing that Song Jiang's face was pale and he didn't say a word, Xia Tao walked towards him step by step and said, "Boy, I don't know what you are doing on this Karabog Peak, but there is one thing you may not quite understand. That is, no one who steps into this snow mountain can walk out alive..."

Song Jiang was still shocked at the fact that Xia Tao was able to eat his friend, so he asked loudly, "Can you survive if you eat him? I can't see it!? Do you know? You are already dead It's been ten years!"

Song Jiang's words made Xia Tao's expression even more ferocious, and he saw him approaching quickly, stretching out his sharp withered hands to grab Song Jiang, but Song Jiang had already been mentally prepared, and after seeing him take a few steps back, he wanted to grab Song Jiang. He drew the dagger pinned to his leg to defend himself.

As a result, at this moment, the starved ghost Xia Tao who had already gained the upper hand suddenly stopped, and saw him looking behind Song Jiang in horror, and then backed away bit by bit, and finally retreated directly into the mist disappeared.

When Song Jiang saw it, he thought it was Meng Zhe who had come back, so he immediately turned his head excitedly, only to see a huge white wolf squatting behind him at some point... Song Jiang could no longer use any I can't use words to describe my mood, it's really a starving ghost before and a great white wolf after!

This is the first time that Song Jiang observed a living wolf so closely. Although he knew that the appearance of this wolf saved him, Song Jiang couldn't be happy because he was afraid that if he was not careful, he would be killed by the white wolf again. As today's supper.

 One update today, double update tomorrow...

(End of this chapter)

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