library clerk

Chapter 111

Chapter 111

After hearing this, Song Jiang looked at the location Meng Zhe had mentioned, and then said in doubt, "Are you sure that's a big snow bag?"

Meng Zhe nodded helplessly and said, "Don't worry, I have traveled more roads than you have eaten... If you don't hurry up, it will be completely dark."

Song Jiang had no choice but to do physical work under the gentle slope under Meng Zhe's command. So Meng Zhe was right, there was indeed a big snow bag blown by the wind, but it was blown out after years. The snow bag was harder than the soil, Song Jiang waved the dagger in his hand, and it took a lot of effort to dig out a "small snow house" that could accommodate two people.

After the completion of the work, Song Jiang first pushed Meng Zhe in, and then climbed in carefully. He was afraid that if he moved too far, he would scrap the "labor results" he had finally dug out.

Meng Zhe watched Song Jiang crawl in from the entrance of the cave, and laughed at him, saying, "Look at your guts, don't worry, come in, the density and hardness of this snow is very high, it just won't collapse."

Song Jiang didn't say a word after hearing this. After all, it was the fruit of his own labor, so it should be cherished, right?After he managed to get in, he sealed the hole with snowballs piled in advance, so as not to be discovered by the "things" outside...

After doing all this, Song Jiang lay down next to Meng Zhe covered in sweat, so tired that he didn't even bother to move his fingers. And dig out an igloo like an Eskimo.

Song Jiang looked at the top of the cave, which was less than [-] centimeters from his face, and said worriedly, "Have you ever thought that...if there is an avalanche outside, we will be dead."

Song Jiang originally thought that after hearing what he said, Meng Zhe would definitely say to him with a relaxed face, "Don't worry, it's absolutely impossible for this kind of thing to happen with my brother around."

Unexpectedly, Meng Zhe said indifferently, "So what, at worst, the two of us will sleep on this Karabog Peak for 1000 years."

Song Jiang was so tired that he was about to fall asleep. Hearing what Meng Zhe said, he quickly opened his eyes and said, "Don't... sleep on your own. I'm greedy for the red dust, and I want to go back and live a good life!"

Meng Zhe smiled after hearing this, and then gently unfolded "Strange Tales from Mountains and Seas". In the next second, he and Song Jiang fell from the snow cave together, and finally fell straight into the heart spring...

Song Jiang finally climbed to the shore, and he wanted to scold his mother in his heart, "Brother, can we stop falling freely every time we come in? Can't we find a way to enter more slowly?"

Meng Zhe, who was still in his heart, smiled and said, "I think it's exciting to come in like this. Don't you humans have a sport called bungee jumping? It's much safer than bungee jumping. I guarantee you won't fall." die."

Song Jiang took off his heavy mountaineering suit, and said with a dry smile, "Thank you, at least there is a safety rope for bungee jumping. You don't have anything, so you have the nerve to say that you will not die if you fall?"

At this time Meng Zhe also came out of the water, and then lay directly on the grass and said, "Don't worry, no one will fall to death in the spring of your heart..."

Song Jiang was so tired, he fell asleep right away after hearing Meng Zhe say the word "rest assured".At this moment, Meng Zhe looked sideways at Song Jiang, wondering how this ordinary mortal could transform into a spring of heart in an ancient book? !
I don't know how much time has passed, Song Jiang felt a little itchy on his face in a daze, and he knew that Meng Zhe was playing tricks on him again, so he waved his hand and said, "Get up...let me sleep more a little while."

Unexpectedly, the harassment still continued, so Song Jiang opened his eyes impatiently, only to see a fiery red chicken flying around his face...

"What is this?!" Startled, Song Jiang immediately sat up and waved away the little red chicken.

At this time, Meng Zhe's voice came from the side saying, "This is Bi Fang's baby bird form..."

"This is that Bi Fang?!" Song Jiang said in disbelief.

Meng Zhe nodded, then stretched out his hand to let the little red chicken fall on his hand and said, "Bi Fang's heart is not evil. It should be that the ancient books gave it a chance to be reborn. It just needs to be cultivated a little bit from a young bird."

Song Jiang asked curiously after hearing this, "Then does it still recognize us?"

Meng Zhe shook his head and said, "I probably don't recognize it. This is the same as restoring the factory settings of the mobile phone. There is no record... Now its state of mind is blank, so it cannot create its own space based on its state of mind."

Song Jiang saw that the little red chicken was quite cute, so he stroked it lightly and said, "Then how long will it take for it to grow to the size it was when we met it?"

"Tens of thousands of years!" Meng Zhe said casually.

"Tens of thousands of years?!" Song Jiang was surprised.

Meng Zhe said a little funny, "He is an ancient monster, do you think it is the same as the little chicken raised in your hometown? He was released in a month and a half?!"

Song Jiang saw that Meng Zhe spoke more confidently than before, so he hurried over to help him check the wound, only to see that there was only a red mark left on the previous hideous cut...

"What a powerful Xinquan..." Song Jiang said with emotion.

After hearing this, Meng Zhe looked at Song Jiang and nodded, "This Xinquan is really amazing..."

Song Jiang thought for a while and said, "No matter how serious the injury is, Xinquan can heal it?! After that, can Lao Xu and Ah Fu be brought in for treatment when they are injured?!"

This question really stumped Meng Zhe. As far as he knew, the spring of the heart was born from the human heart, and this classic book has always kept gods, demons and spirits in it, not ordinary people at all, so Even Meng Zhe was the first to encounter this kind of heart spring born from the "people's heart"... Song Jiang saw that Meng Zhe didn't say anything, so he thought he had acquiesced to his own words, but how did he know that this Wang Xinquan loved everyone except Meng Zhe? There is no therapeutic effect on anyone.

Meng Zhe glanced at his watch at this moment and knew that it was almost dawn in the outside world, so he and Song Jiang put on their dried mountaineering suits, and the next second they appeared in that small snow cave again.

Although both of them were fully dressed, the temperature in the snow cave was still much lower than in the illusion. Song Jiang felt cold from head to toe in an instant... But Meng Zhe stretched out comfortably, and then After putting away the ancient books, he got up and prepared to push Fengmenxue at the entrance of the cave.

Unexpectedly, after a push, it didn't move at all. At the beginning, Song Jiang only used a few snowballs to lightly block the entrance of the cave. Let alone Meng Zhe, who is as powerful as a cow, even Song Jiang could easily push away...

(End of this chapter)

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