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Chapter 114 Harisan

Chapter 114 Harisan

Meng Zhe deliberately smirked and said, "Since they are your old acquaintances, why don't you go down and communicate with them?!"

Meng Zhe quickly waved his hands and said, "You can pull it down, if communication fails, it won't be enough for them to plug their teeth."

While the two were talking, the pack of wolves below suddenly became quiet, and then retreated to both sides with their tails crossed and their ears tucked in, making way for a long path. At the same time, a huge white wolf appeared at the end of the path. end...

Song Jiang patted Meng Zhe's arm excitedly when he saw it and said, "Look, look! That white wolf saved me! I'll just say they belong together!?"

"Are you so excited! You'll only be able to do it if you let it save you again!" Meng Zhe said angrily.

Song Jiang's excited mood was extinguished in an instant, because after seeing the battle, he knew that the wolves were definitely not in the lane to welcome them.

That white wolf is obviously the leader of the wolf pack. As soon as it appeared, the other snow wolves all showed a gesture of submission. At this moment, they saw the white wolf slowly walking towards Song Jiang and Meng Zhe, with a look on their faces. Indescribable majesty...

Meng Zhe snorted softly when he saw it, "It's just a wolf cub... As for such a big show?!"

Song Jiang who was on the side hurriedly covered Meng Zhe's mouth, and then reminded him in a low voice, "Brother, a strong dragon will not overwhelm a snake, and we are still on other people's better speak politely!"

But at this time, the white wolf said, "This is not the place you should come to, go back immediately, let's not die..."

Meng Zhe immediately couldn't hold back his temper and said, "Little wolf boy, while I'm in a good mood now, let's get out of here!"

It is estimated that the leader of the white wolf has not encountered such a crazy person for many years, so he looked at the two curiously and said, "Being able to break the barrier here proves that the two of you are extraordinary, but Karabo Gefeng is a sealed forbidden place, once you step through the barrier and continue forward, I can guarantee that you two will never return from this trip..."

Naturally, Meng Zhe was not afraid of the other party's threat, so he sneered and said, "Sealed? My favorite thing to do is to unseal the seal, but for the sake of saving my little brother before you, I have to say something." Let me be clear first, we are definitely going to go up the mountain...but we are not here to smash the field, we are here to resolve the dispute between the Japanese and Han people thousands of years ago."

Unexpectedly, as soon as the word "Rihan tribe" came out, the whole wolf pack immediately exploded, and even the leader of the white wolf roared extremely angrily, "You are sent by the dog emperor!?"

When Song Jiang heard that it was all the same, he quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no...there is no emperor now! We came here this time because we were entrusted to find the person who was trapped here. Three thousand generals."

The leader of the white wolf snorted coldly after hearing this, "The dog emperor is gone, but people's desires are endless. If those people hadn't been greedy for the sacred objects of the Rihan people, they would not have ended up in the end of eternal life forever .”

Meng Zhe wanted to speak, but Song Jiang was worried that he would offend someone with his mouth, so he hurriedly said, "It is true that they did something wrong back then, but they also had their own difficulties. As a soldier, it is naturally the emperor's order... Besides They have been trapped for thousands of years, so what kind of sin should be redeemed, right?"

Unexpectedly, Song Jiang's words angered the leader of the white wolf, and he saw that he raised his head to the sky and howled, and the wolves followed suit... For a moment, the howling of the wolves was full of sadness and anger, and Song Jiang felt so angry all over his body. His hairs stood on end.

Meng Zhe suddenly asked in a cold voice, "These snow wolves... probably have a deep connection with the Rihan tribe that disappeared back then."

After hearing this, Song Jiang immediately thought of a possibility, so he blurted out, "They won't... just those Rihan people?"

As soon as Song Jiang said this, the wolves quieted down instantly, and the leader of the white wolves jumped up to the boulder, looked fiercely at the two people above and said, "Are you the descendants of the dog emperor?"

Song Jiang quickly explained, "We are not descendants of the emperor..."

"Then why are you speaking for Emperor Dog and his people!!" the leader of the white wolf scolded angrily.

Who would have thought that Meng Zhe's question was not what he answered, "Are you the leader of the Harisan clan?!"

The leader of the white wolf was stunned for a moment, and then said in a deep voice, "It's been many years since anyone called me that..."

Song Jiang asked in surprise when he heard this, "What happened back then, how did you... all become wolves?!"

After hearing this, the leader of the white wolf smiled wryly, " did we become wolves?" He paused, then suddenly looked up at the two of them and said, "Because we wanted to keep the members of the clan. Holy thing, sacrifice your body to the mountain god!!"

It turned out that Harisan was forced to go nowhere, so he had to take the rest of his tribe and the sacred object coveted by the emperor and fled into the deep mountains... Unfortunately, Liu Da and Cai Sheng still led people to chase after him. In desperation, Harisan could only pray to the mountain god of Karabog Peak to keep the sacred objects of the clan at any cost.

 Continue today for an update...

(End of this chapter)

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