library clerk

Chapter 116 Seven Mountain Gods

Chapter 116 Seven Mountain Gods
These pictures that the snow wolves had never seen had such an impact on them. Even though Meng Zhe had already collected the "holographic image", they were still looking at the mid-air with fascination. calm……

When White Wolf Harisang saw it, he scolded Meng Zhe angrily and said, "What kind of magic tricks do you have?!"

Meng Zhe was completely enraged when he heard it. In fact, he had never paid attention to these snow wolves before... Firstly, they are too low-level compared to himself. If you spread the word with them, someone will definitely say yes God Lord White Tiger bullied the children; moreover, he somewhat sympathized with what happened to these guys. After all, he was also sealed before, so he knew the pain.

But this white wolf, Harisang, would not die to call Meng Zhe a monster. This is really unbearable for uncles and aunts. Seeing that Meng Zhe raised his hand and waved it into a strong wind, he directly smashed the snow wolves standing in the front. Overturned to the ground, even Harisan, the biggest white wolf, had to take several steps back...

Seeing Meng Zhe's sudden attack, the wolves were all eager to try and attack at any time. Although Song Jiang and Meng Zhe barely had the advantage of the terrain, it shouldn't be difficult for Harisan to jump up this huge boulder.

Thinking of this, Song Jiang hurriedly spoke out to stop the situation from deteriorating, and saw him pretending to say, "Patriarch Harisan! You... what you said just now was very rude, do you know who this person next to me is?! Don't say it's you With your clansmen, even the mountain gods of Karabog Peak will give my brother some face!"

"How thin are the noodles?!" Meng Zhe was a little dissatisfied.

Song Jiang quickly changed his words when he heard this, "It's a big face! My brother...he is the ancient god beast Baihu Shenjun, go and call your tiger out, you are not his opponent, and it will be of no benefit to anyone, you know?! "

"White Tiger Lord? Which White Tiger Lord?!" White Wolf Harisang asked in a deep voice.

When Meng Zhe heard that he was about to explode again, Song Jiang stopped him and said, "Which one else could it be? Of course it is the White Tiger God, one of the four great beasts in ancient times! I can tell you have never been to school!" Looking at Meng Zhe, he winked and said, "You must not be as knowledgeable as this uneducated coyote, otherwise it will appear that you are too inferior."

When Meng Zhe saw Song Jiang winking, he got angry and said, "What's the point of talking to them?! Since the tigers here don't dare to show up, I'll just hit them and count the ball. Why waste time here ?!"

The white wolf Harisang also leaned down and made a posture ready to attack. Song Jiang saw that the anger on both sides was a little bit overwhelmed, and suddenly felt a little helpless. Unexpectedly, at this moment, the ground trembled suddenly, and Song Jiang One didn't stand firm, and fell directly from the boulder...

This boulder is more than ten meters high from the ground. If you fall directly, you will lose half your life if you don't die... Although Meng Zhe had reached out to grab it at the first time, but the earthquake made his figure somewhat smaller It was unsteady, and it caught an empty space at once.

Simply at the critical moment, White Wolf Harisang jumped up to catch Song Jiang, took his mountaineering suit and gently put him on the ground, which saved Song Jiang from falling face down to his death...

This is already the second time that White Wolf has saved him. Song Jiang immediately thanked him after getting up from the ground, "Thank you, thank you, if it weren't for you, I would have fallen to my death on the spot. Don't worry, I will definitely help you to persuade Baihu Lord Shen, if we don’t do it, try not to do it!”

Meng Zhe had also jumped off the boulder at this time. Seeing that Song Jiang was not injured, he breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately cursed a little angrily, "Are you a pig? You can even fall down?!"

If there were no outsiders present, Song Jiang would have scolded him back, but he knew that Meng Zhe had a good face, so he could only suppress his anger and say, "Who would have thought that an earthquake would suddenly occur here!"

Meng Zhe was also concerned and confused. Seeing that Song Jiang was not injured, he didn't say anything anymore, but turned his head to look not far away, his eyes were a little more fearful than before...

As the ground continued to tremble, a tunnel made of ice blocks appeared in front of him. Harisan's face changed when he saw it, and he immediately ordered the wolves to disperse quickly, so as not to be smashed down by the ice tunnel .

"This is... the mountain god is coming?!" Song Jiang asked in a daze.

At this time, I heard Harisan say in a deep voice, "To be honest, there are seven tigers on Karabog Peak, all of them have perverted personalities. I won't let the two of you go up because I don't want you to die..."

Meng Zhe laughed when he heard this, "How come there are so many mountain gods on this Karabog Peak? There is only one mountain god in other mountain families, but your family has as many as seven!! It's been a long time to see you..."

Song Jiang said with a headache when he heard it, "Don't worry about Sheng Sheng or not, don't you understand? The current situation has changed from 'one-to-one' to 'one-to-seven'!"

But Meng Zhe said disapprovingly, "So what? I've done everything that counts for a hundred, one pair of seven is nothing!"

Unexpectedly, just as Meng Zhe was speaking boldly, a pleasant female voice suddenly came out from that strange icy corridor, "Shenjun Baihu, please come here and be safe!"

Hearing the tone of the other party as if he knew him, Meng Zhe felt slightly surprised, so he said in surprise, "Your Excellency is..."

The woman giggled first, and then said sweetly, "It's the little god who hasn't entertained you well..." Then she suddenly said in a cold tone, "Ha Risang! Hurry up and make amends to the White Tiger God!"

The white wolf Harisan trembled immediately after hearing this, and then quickly crawled to the ground. The wolves all followed suit when they saw this, and Harisan said in a deep voice, "It is Harisan who has eyes but no eyes and does not know the true god. Please ask the White Tiger Lord A lot of Haihan..."

After all, the other party saved Song Jiang twice, Meng Zhe naturally didn't care about anything with him, so Meng Zhe waved his hand and said, "Forget it... don't blame those who don't know, you also have your own mission."

"Thank you Lord White Tiger for your understanding..." After the white wolf Harisan finished speaking, he was still prostrate on the ground, not daring to get up easily.

At this time, the woman's voice sounded again, "The God Lord has come from a long way, and the little God has lost his way to meet him, how about going up the mountain to get together?"

Meng Zhe originally wanted to go up the mountain, but the white wolf Harisang blocked him in every possible way. Now that he invited them to go up, he naturally had nothing to shirk, but Song Jiang felt a little uneasy. Hurrying is not business”!
In the end, before Song Jiang could express his doubts, Meng Zhe had already walked into the icy tunnel. Song Jiang had no choice but to follow in quickly...

(End of this chapter)

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