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Chapter 124 Prunes

Chapter 124 Prunes
If it were an ordinary person, the current Meng Zhe would have lost too much blood to die, but it only took him two days to resurrect with full blood, but this was a pain for Song Jiang, serving him like a third grandson Meng Zhe, the old man wants to drink coffee with soy milk for a while, and eat fried dough stick sandwiches for a while, and he tosses and plays with Song Jiang in different ways.

"Brother! Can you tell me everything you want to eat at once? I just bought ice cream for you, why do you want to drink yogurt again?!" Song Jiang said with a broken face.

Meng Zhe moaned and said, "Aren't I anemic? What's wrong with wanting something sweet?! I bled so much for you...can't you run errands for me? !"

When the patients and family members in the same ward heard Meng Zhe's words, their faces immediately became ambiguous, and their smiles were veiled. Seeing this, Song Jiang knew that he couldn't afford to offend Meng Zhe now, so he had no choice but to say, "Can you? ...You old man, take a good rest, little brother, I'm going to buy it now!"

After Song Jiang finished speaking, he turned around and ran away, and he didn't want to stay in the ward any longer...

On the day of discharge from the hospital, Bai Ze personally drove to pick him up, but when the three of them were about to get in the car and leave, they saw a familiar figure in the parking lot...

"Don't you think that person is Lagon?!" Song Jiang said in surprise.

Meng Zhe half-closed his eyes and said, "Why is he here?!"

Before Bai Ze could speak, Song Jiang lowered the car window and greeted enthusiastically, "Brother Lagon!!"

The other party was obviously taken aback when he saw the three of them, but he quickly stepped forward and said, "I heard from Wu Hui that Mr. Meng was hospitalized. I didn't expect to recover and be discharged so soon!"

For some reason, Song Jiang always felt that Meng Zhe was hostile to Lagon, because he was afraid that his words would carry a gun with a stick, so Song Jiang hurriedly said, "He is as strong as a cow, and he will be fine after two days of rest. By the way Brother Lagon, why did you come to the hospital? Are you feeling unwell?!"

After hearing this, Lagon smiled wryly and shook his head, "It's not's my wife. I came to the hospital to pick her up."

Unexpectedly, Meng Zhe, who was at the side, suddenly said in surprise, "How could you have a daughter-in-law?!"

Song Jiang pushed him quickly when he heard it, and then said to Lagon a little embarrassed, "Don't pay attention to him, he has a lack of blood in his brain these days, and he always speaks so incoherently. Sister-in-law... Are you feeling unwell? "

Lagon sighed after hearing this, "My daughter-in-law has nephritis and needs to come to the hospital for dialysis regularly."

Hearing what Lagon said, the three of them were silent for a moment, but Lagon smiled and comforted them and said, "Fortunately, the medical conditions have improved a lot in the past few years. She can be dialyzed in the county hospital... as long as we can wait With a suitable kidney source, recovery should not be a big problem."

Seeing that Lagon was so optimistic, Song Jiang said with a smile, "That's right, now that medicine is so advanced, kidney transplantation is very common... Which ward is sister-in-law in, can't we go and see her?!"

When Lagon heard this, he quickly waved his hands and said, "Don't bother, she's almost finished. I'll pick her up and come back. I thank you for her! You are all busy people, so I won't waste everyone's time Alright, let's go in and pick her up!"

Looking at the back of Lagon leaving in a hurry, Song Jiang sighed, "I didn't expect that the burden on Lagon is so heavy... But fortunately, nephritis is not a terminal illness now, as long as a kidney transplant is performed, the chance of recovery is still very high of."

Unexpectedly, Meng Zhe on the side threw cold water, "How can it be so easy... Do you think anyone is willing to cut off a kidney and give it to others for nothing?!"

"You can't say that, Lagon's daughter-in-law always has relatives, right? What's wrong with donating a kidney between relatives?!" Song Jiang said a little dissatisfied.

Meng Zhe snorted softly after hearing this, "Silly boy, if Lagon's daughter-in-law has relatives who are willing to donate a kidney, would he still say that just waiting for a suitable kidney source?"

Unexpectedly, Song Jiang said a little disappointed after hearing this, "That's right... not everyone is blessed to have relatives by their side."

As soon as Meng Zhe heard it, he knew that Song Jiang must be thinking of himself, so he comforted him, "Don't worry... your heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney are all in good condition, and you don't need donations from relatives."

Song Jiang stared at Meng Zhe speechlessly, then turned his head to look out of the car, not wanting to say a word.

Bai Ze, who was driving in front, saw it and said a little funnyly, "Xiao Song, not everyone is deeply related, and as a human being, who doesn't come naked and leave naked?! The fate of people is very close. It's amazing, you are indeed a weak relative, but you have a deep relationship with immortals?! Otherwise, how could you have met Shenjun and me?!"

Song Jiang laughed dryly when he heard it, "Isn't it? Not only do I have a deep relationship with immortals, but I also have a deeper relationship with ghosts and monsters!!"

"So, how can you know that it's not a blessing if you lose your horse?" Bai Ze said with a deep smile.

When the three of them returned to the hotel, Wu Hui happened to be there too. Seeing him, Song Jiang asked about Lagon's situation curiously, "Angkor, we met Brother Lagon in the hospital just now, what is his lover's body like?" Situation? Is it serious?"

After hearing this, Wu Hui sighed and said, "Meizi's life is hard enough... Oh, Meizi is Lagon's lover Shen Mei. Lagon had a straight temper and a hot temper a few years ago, and then Meizi fell ill. Afterwards, he seemed to be a different person. For example, the job of being a guide, in the past, Lagon would refuse without even thinking about it, but now he needs money to treat Meizi, so he has to ask Life is bowing down. But let me tell you, it’s useless for him to save money, how can he wait for a suitable kidney source so easily?!”

Song Jiang asked in surprise after hearing this, "Is there no relative in Sister Mei's family to donate a kidney to her?"

Wu Hui shook his head helplessly and said, "Meizi has been an orphan since she was a child. Her parents died in an earthquake when she was 10 years old. Now there is only one uncle left among her relatives, but their family is not willing to give Meizi Make a match."

Meng Zhe snorted coldly and said, "It would be better not to have such relatives!"

After Wu Hui heard this, he sighed and said, "How can I say this kind of thing? If you are willing to donate, it is a matter of affection, and if you don't want to donate, it is also a duty. It is difficult for outsiders to say anything... So all these years, Lagon has always hoped to help Meizi found a suitable kidney source. In fact, Lagon and Meizi have not been easy these years. He and Meizi are in the same situation. They both have no father and no mother since they were young. The combination of the two can be regarded as a group for warmth. Meizi fell ill within two days! Although Lagon didn't say anything, our friends all knew that it was not easy for him."

 Today's update...

(End of this chapter)

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