library clerk

Chapter 128 1 Year 1 Star

Chapter 128

Bai Ze saw that Song Jiang seemed to be really angry, so he quickly changed the topic and said, "If the matter of heart-digging was really done by those Japanese Han people, then this matter will not be difficult to solve, anyway, those Japanese Han people I have already re-entered reincarnation, I just need to find a way to give the outside world a reasonable explanation."

But Meng Zhe was not optimistic about this matter, "A reasonable explanation? Which reasonable explanation can explain that the fifteen corpses lost their hearts?"

Just when the three of them were at a loss, Bai Ze's mobile phone received documents from his colleagues. In fact, these documents were not really documents about heart-digging and sacrifice, but some news reports about the missing mountaineering team that year... …

Bai Ze then forwarded it to Song Jiang and Meng Zhe, and the three wanted to find some clues that they had missed at the beginning.As a result, Song Jiang looked at it, but suddenly saw a familiar figure in a photo of participating in the rescue at that time.

"Do you think this person looks like Lagon?!" Song Jiang said in surprise.

Meng Zhe tilted his head for a glance, then nodded and said, "Well... it should be him, it seems that he also participated in that rescue activity back then."

After Song Jiang got Meng Zhe's affirmation, he was even more shocked and said, "This is a photo taken more than ten years ago. Why hasn't Lagong changed at all?!"

Meng Zhe and Bai Ze took a closer look at the photo. It should have been taken by several local herdsmen and the rescue team when they went into the snow-capped mountains to search. There is hardly any change in the face compared to now...

"It's impossible. Human skin ages... aging is an inevitable process. Even if some people slow it down, it's impossible for it to remain unchanged." Bai Ze was slightly surprised.

But Meng Zhe said with an expression of "I knew it was like this", "How about it? Let me just say that there is something wrong with that Lagon!"

At this moment, Bai Ze took out his mobile phone and called Wu Hui, "Xiao Wu, how did you and Lagon meet?"

After thinking for a few seconds on the phone, Wu Hui said, "A few years ago, there was a project to help herdsmen settle down, and a group of herdsmen were collectively relocated from the mountains to live in the county. That's when I met Lagon and Meizi... "

After hearing this, Bai Ze continued to ask, "Then were you working in the county when the mountaineering team had an accident?"

Wu Hui laughed as soon as he heard it, "At that time, I hadn't graduated from university yet, so how could I be working in the county?"

"How old is Naragon and you?" Bai Ze asked.

Wu Hui thought for a while and said, "Well... he should be the same age as me. I saw his ID card when I registered him. By the way, Professor Bai, I just received a call from the county forensic doctor, saying that they are in After further autopsy on the fifteen corpses, it was found that although the hearts of these ice corpses were all dug out, they were not dug out at the same time, and one of them was just dug out from the corpse not long ago. The interval is about a year or so.”

After Bai Ze hung up the phone, he told Song Jiang and Meng Zhe what Wu Hui said about the latest situation. The latter's expression darkened and he said, "One year, one heart... It seems that we need to find a chance to meet that Shen Shen alone. It's plum."

Song Jiang was taken aback when he heard that, "What do you mean? You suspect that Shen Mei also has problems?!"

Meng Zhe snorted softly and said, "Then let's see how she survived to this day! Lao Bai, try to find a way to bypass Wu Hui and check Shen Mei's details, especially her uncle...Of course, If there is such a person."

"Can this still be faked? Besides, Wu Hui was the one who said about Uncle Shen Mei, so he can't be the one to blame, right?" Song Jiang questioned.

As soon as Meng Zhe heard it, he tapped Song Jiang's forehead and said, "You are not convinced if you say you are stupid, Wu Hui is a mortal, but any spirit with a little knowledge can confuse Wu Hui's words are not acceptable. letter."

When Bai Ze heard this, he said worriedly, "If these lost hearts are really related to Lagon, what will he do when he runs out of fifteen hearts?!"

"He will find living people to continue attacking..." Meng Zhe said in a deep voice.

In the end, the three of them discussed and decided to find a chance to meet Shen Mei when Lagon was not at home, and then it would be clear at a glance whether the other party was a human or a ghost.So Bai Ze used the excuse of helping Shen Mei contact the hospital, and asked from Wu Hui when Lagon went out to graze every day.

That afternoon, when Lagon was out grazing, the three of them knocked on the door of his house again. When Shen Mei saw the three people outside the door, her expressions were obviously different, "Bai...Professor Bai? Gong said, didn’t you guys already leave?”

After hearing this, Bai Ze smiled and said, "We were going to leave, but Wu Hui needed our help when something happened, so we stayed for a few more days, and took this time to help you contact a specialized hospital in Beidu. I came here later because I want to take a photo of your case and send it to the experts in that hospital for a look."

Bai Ze made it clear, "We are here to help you!", so even if Shen Mei was unwilling, she couldn't keep the three of them out...

"Uh...thank you so much, please come in and sit down!" After Shen Mei let the three of them into the room, she quickly took out her mobile phone to call Lagon, but at the moment he was On the mountain, there is no signal at all.

When Bai Ze saw him, he said very kindly, "Xiao Shen, you don't need to contact Lagon anymore. He has no mobile phone signal on the mountain. We have something to do in a while, so we won't wait for him. We will take pictures of your case. gone."

As soon as Shen Mei heard this, she said in embarrassment, "Okay... those few sit down first, I will look through my medical records, which are usually kept by Lagon, so I really don't know why he asked me all of a sudden. Where did you put it?"

Seeing that Shen Mei was about to go into the back room to find a case, Meng Zhe turned to look at the woman in black who had been standing next to her, and motioned for her to stay and chat?The woman in black looked shocked when she saw it, she probably didn't expect Meng Zhe and the others to be able to see her!

"Don't be nervous, we'll just ask you a few words..." Meng Zhe said as pleasantly as possible.

Unexpectedly, before he could ask a question, the woman in black said to him anxiously, "You can see that I am naturally not a mortal, help me... I am trapped in this room."

The three of Meng Zhe and the others were all taken aback when they heard this, thinking that this Lagon is really not easy, they can actually trap a errand at home!The other party obviously did this because he didn't want Shen Mei's ghost to be taken away by accident, and he was also afraid that she would report to the Yin Division because she couldn't leave.

"How long has Shen Mei been dead?" Meng Zhe asked in a deep voice while being surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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