library clerk

Chapter 131

Chapter 131
After Shen Mei was sent to the hospital, the doctor did a detailed physical examination on her body and found that the girl had acute nephritis. Although her life was saved now, she had to be admitted to the hospital for treatment, otherwise her life would be in danger.

But Lagon, who had just transformed into a human form at that time, had no money on him, so he had to go back to the mountain to take some utensils from the clan back then and sell them in the county town. Although these bottles and jars were not worth much in their time, they are now It is called an antique by humans, and it is very valuable.

It's a pity that Shen Mei's disease cannot be cured with money. Apart from needing long-term dialysis to maintain her life, the ultimate treatment is kidney transplantation.But to people of that era, a kidney transplant sounds like a fantasy...

The most critical issue in kidney transplantation is not whether there is money for the operation, but whether a donor can be found that matches Shen Mei... The kidney is a very important organ of the human body. Although everyone has two kidneys, no one can. It is impossible to cut off one for no reason and give it to others.

Let alone 30 years ago, even now... donating organs is a very difficult thing, so it is usually done between relatives.But Shen Mei's situation is very special. Both of her parents died in the early years, and now there is only one uncle left who can be regarded as relative to her. He was able to donate a kidney to his niece.

Lagon, who has seen through the ugliness of human nature, understands that since Uncle Shen Mei cannot agree to donate a kidney through family affection, he can just buy it with money!So Lagon returned to the snow mountain again, almost emptied all the "antiques" he could find, and after getting the money from the mountain, he got together and Uncle Shen Mei offered 30 yuan.

At that time, Lagon was in a really good mood every day, because in his opinion, Shen Mei was finally saved, and Shen Mei also had an inexplicable sense of familiarity with this Uncle Lagon who suddenly appeared, especially his name. It turned out to be exactly the same as a snow wolf he had rescued!
Whenever the two of them talked about this matter, Lagon always smiled knowingly and didn't say much, because he was really afraid that Shen Mei would be frightened when she knew the truth... But what Lagon never expected was that , Uncle Shen Mei failed the matching, so he couldn't donate a kidney to Shen Mei.

Even though the matching failed, Uncle Shen Mei still took the 300,000, because Lagon proposed to take Shen Mei to some cities with better medical conditions for treatment, so her uncle immediately proposed that taking Shen Mei away could be done. , but must give their family 300,000 alimony.

Shen Mei was very sad when she found out about this. Although she always knew that her uncle didn't like her niece very much, she never thought that one day he would ask her for maintenance money.

Because of this, Shen Mei felt very frustrated. She once hoped that Lagon would stop meddling with her own affairs, because she never ate food from her uncle's house for free since she was a child, and she did all the heavy and tiring work at home, so she It's not worth 30 at all.

Besides, if she gave the money to her uncle, Lagon would have to pay for her own medical treatment. She really didn't want to drag anyone down anymore, so it's better to let her fend for herself...

Lagon saw Shen Mei's thoughts, and in order to encourage her to live, Lagon told Shen Mei the secret in his heart, telling Shen Mei that he was the big white wolf she had rescued on the snow mountain, so he is now loved by her. All the efforts I made were to repay her kindness, and I promised her that I would find a way to cure her disease!

Although Shen Mei couldn't believe it, no one other than herself and the white wolf knew about this matter, and she had never mentioned the name Lagon to anyone... Maybe it was this fantasy Shen Mei rekindled her hope of living, and at the same time she fell in love with this big white wolf who was desperate to save herself.

It's a pity that Lagon soon discovered that although he could walk out of the Karabog Snow Mountain, he couldn't go too far away. In desperation, Lagon had to find another way, but Shen Mei's body was getting worse day by day, and in the end it was even worse. Missing the best opportunity for kidney transplantation, he can only undergo regular dialysis, barely maintaining his life in this world.

Until one day, a group of disobedient people walked into the Karabog Peak and were punished by the mountain god. Only then did Lagon think of a way to keep Shen Mei in the status quo...that is to use human heart to continue her life.

It was precisely because of this method that Lagon forcibly kept Shen Mei's soul in her body, and tried every means to help her escape the evil... But Lagon knew that it would not be the way to go in the long run, so in the end He just used another identity to build a beverage factory in the suburbs of Gatang, with the purpose of trapping the ghosts who came to arrest the soul.

The beverage factory was not built for profit, so the business would not go well, and it closed down within two years, so Lagon turned into a "watchman" to guard the old factory day and night to prevent Outsiders came in and found Shen Mei living inside.

But as time went by, Shen Mei's memory gradually became problematic. She was sometimes confused and sometimes understood, and she couldn't see the evil around her with naked eyes, and her last memory only stayed in the old factory building. In the first year.

At this point, Lagon swears to God, saying that he has never used a living person's heart to renew Shen Mei's life, otherwise Shen Mei would not be in this state at all, and she still has to go to the hospital for dialysis to maintain her body's normal functioning... …

After hearing so much from Lagon, Song Jiang sighed, "But now you have used up all the ice corpses on the snow mountain, what are you going to do next?"

But Lagon said excitedly, "Once the seven gods die, I am free now, and I can go wherever I want. Then I will take Shen Mei to other snow mountains to have a look. I believe There must be many ice corpses that I can use on the snowy mountains in other places."

When Song Jiang heard this, he felt that this was a solution, but when he thought that Shen Mei would live in such a muddle forever, he tentatively asked, "Didn't you ever think about bringing Mrs. Mei back into reincarnation?"

Unexpectedly, Lagon changed his face and said, "I never thought about it! Because we will be separated after re-entering reincarnation. At that time, she will be her and I will be me, and we will never see each other again." gone."

Song Jiang sighed after hearing this, "Then how do you want me to help you? Meng Zhe is a majestic white tiger god. If he doesn't want to let you's useless for me to say anything."

(End of this chapter)

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